Files @ 06da5db2fafe
Branch filter:

Location: light9/show/dance2019/networking.n3 - annotation
rewrite ascoltami to use the graph for more playback data
@prefix : <> .
@prefix show: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .

# Use ip addrs in here to avoid an issue where nginx returns 502
# errors for ~10sec after a service (re)starts. I haven't found a fix
# for that in the nginx config.

show:dance2019 :networking sh:netHome .
  :captureDevice    <http://localhost:8215/>;
  :effectEval       <http://localhost:8204/>;
  :effectSequencer  <http://localhost:8213/>;
  :keyboardComposer <http://localhost:8205/>;
  :musicPlayer      <http://localhost:8206/>;
  :paintServer      <http://localhost:8214/>;
  :rdfdb            <http://localhost:8209/>;
  :subServer        <http://localhost:8211/>;
  :vidref           <http://localhost:8212/>;
  :webServer        <http://localhost:8200/>;
  :timeline         <http://localhost:8216/>;
  :live             <http://localhost:8217/>;
  :effectListing    <http://localhost:8218/>;
  :fade             <http://localhost:8219/>;
  :collector        <http://localhost:8202/>;
  :collectorZmq     <http://localhost:8203/> .

:captureDevice    :urlPath "captureDevice" .
:collector        :urlPath "collector" .
:dmxServer        :urlPath "dmxServer" .
:effectEval       :urlPath "effectEval" .
:effectSequencer  :urlPath "effectSequencer" .
:keyboardComposer :urlPath "keyboardComposer" .
:musicPlayer      :urlPath "ascoltami" .
:paintServer      :urlPath "paintServer" .
:rdfdb            :urlPath "rdfdb" .
:subServer        :urlPath "subServer" .
:vidref           :urlPath "vidref" .
:timeline         :urlPath "timeline" .
:live             :urlPath "live" .
:effectListing    :urlPath "effectListing" .
:fade             :urlPath "fade" .