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usb light
other lights
video camera
camera supports
500W bulbs
white tape for labels
mouses and keyboards
usb audio
mix all songs to mono?
norm audio
song7 last 1/3 has a rolling standup by the cyc that should be timed with them
song10 add blacklight with other colors
song14 light up the 4 pools at the very start
song15 @34sec jump brighter
song13 pools in wrong order
strike the gels
remember to rmmod ftdi_sio so dmx_usb gets to see the device
new plus crashed in nvidia_drv.o so it got switched to the secondary
box running only vidref with usb HD camera. everything else move to
host 'amp'.
i didn't set the cpu to 'performance' scaling because i didn't want
unusual overheating. ondemand has worked fine.
NetworkManager respawns, so i froze it with SIGSTOP and set my net
with ifconfig. The problem was that if NM stops seeing the other
machine on the link, it drops my own ip address which I'm using for
same-host service requests, so they all froze.
for audio, I only need the cable with 1/8" headphone to split 1/4" plugs
gnome keyboard shortcuts, i made the Pause key run
video guy took 'monitor out' for his sound
radio is on 146.01
music player was fine
some points got lost over save/load. I think it was because they were
scaled to be at the same time or in backwards time order
some pools of dancers went in a different order than they did in
rehearsal. Sunday they were right, so apparently that's who rehearsed
when we set the pools
a few opening fade-ins looked late. not enough rehearsals to catch them.
we didn't tie the hanging stars together to keep them all audience-facing
for next year
edit a subterm and we make sure that its dependent curves are all
visible and expanded
clicking a song that's paused in post doesn't start it over
web page of things to put in the current song, including
sub-with-curve, premade subterm (chase, other effects) with various
vidref should include its very last recording in the replays if you're
hovering (though not usually)
vidref should be able to replay any song that you hover on, even not
the one the music player is playing. Or maybe that was the point of
putting the hover replay in the CC window, so it could also work
during music playback
CC's expanders are pointless; they should just be frames
when music's not playing, maybe the time cursor should float with the
mouse and apply 1..5/marker keys at mouse. But it needs to be clear
during playback that this is not what's happening.
smoothing in chases. /~\ shape instead of |~|
in CC, one horiz drag should take a curve from its current level to 0,
which i do all the time. maybe use a modifier key.
get a usb keyboard with all its pgup/pgdon/ins/del keys in the right places
we happened to shine a light though some strips to make a fan-shaped
series of shadows. Looked cool. Can we do that more on purpose?
curvecalc --startup-only currently takes 7sec+ on amp; 2.7sec on
plus. A lot of it is n3 parsing. Move toward the single shared graph
across all processes, and maybe most of the code can use that directly
for sub levels and such, maintaining other copies only when
necessary. Everything can listen for a 'graph changed' signal to do
refreshes. Even the hover position and other input like that could go
into the graph to get transmitted between tools, which would cut out
vidref's polling and perhaps others too. See what anzo is doing for
their graph update protocol.
bring 2-plug headphone+mic to go in the ICOM IC-V82 radio
ascoltami might be making a new thread per request and that's why it
takes 20% cpu. Can it use twisted for the web server?
when vidref is following mouse hover, it's very important that it
shows viewers where it is seeking. right now only the person holding
the mouse has a clue how time is moving, so other people watching the
vidref screen don't know if we're going forwards or backwards