@ 0c54bd6e1630
Branch filter:
Location: light9/show/dance2018/song4.n3 - annotation
1.3 KiB
color picker no longer opens on hover, and no longer shows a rainbow in small mode.
Ignore-this: 637e296da9b59d81acf03eff16a4e193
you can also drag outside the large rainbow while picking and it'll snap to the closest
Ignore-this: 637e296da9b59d81acf03eff16a4e193
you can also drag outside the large rainbow while picking and it'll snap to the closest
59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c a04310da3896 a04310da3896 59941120394c 59941120394c 59941120394c 6c6083fedd56 59941120394c 59941120394c a04310da3896 a04310da3896 59941120394c 59941120394c | @prefix : <> .
@prefix dev: <> .
@prefix effect: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix show: <> .
@prefix song: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
show:song4 :note song:n0, song:n1 .
song:n0 a :Note; :curve song:n0c0; :effectClass effect:qfill; :originTime 4.1842e+01 .
song:n0c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n0c0p0, song:n0c0p1, song:n0c0p2, song:n0c0p3 .
song:n0c0p0 :time -3.7532e+01; :value 0e+00 .
song:n0c0p1 :time -3.3462e+01; :value 1e+00 .
song:n0c0p2 :time 1.80525e+02; :value 1e+00 .
song:n0c0p3 :time 1.83606e+02; :value 0e+00 .
song:n1 a :Note; :curve song:n1c1; :effectClass effect:song04b; :originTime 1.530205e+02 .
song:n1c1 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n1c1p1, song:n1c1p2, song:n1c1p3, song:n1c1p4 .
song:n1c1p1 :time -1.48638e+02; :value 0e+00 .
song:n1c1p2 :time -1.45257e+02; :value 1e+00 .
song:n1c1p3 :time 6.9357e+01; :value 1e+00 .
song:n1c1p4 :time 7.2406e+01; :value 0e+00 .