@ 0cc39aa3baf8
Branch filter:
Location: light9/show/dance2011/patch-source.n3 - annotation
2.9 KiB
start new show with music paths and some light chan notes
ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c 4787d81686f9 ef09899cd92c 4787d81686f9 ef09899cd92c aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 aa98c1a44326 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 ef09899cd92c 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 ef09899cd92c aa98c1a44326 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 4787d81686f9 ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c ef09899cd92c | @prefix : <> .
@prefix dmx: <> .
# build with:
# python2.5 =cwm patch-source.n3 --filter=patch-rules.n3 --n3=/ > patch.n3
# python2.5 =cwm show/dance2009/patch-source.n3 --filter=show/dance2009/patch-rules.n3 --n3=/ > show/dance2009/patch.n3
[ :name "oran1"; :output dmx:c21 ] .
[ :name "oran2"; :output dmx:c25 ] .
[ :name "oran3"; :output dmx:c29 ] .
[ :name "oran4"; :output dmx:c33 ] .
[ :name "gree1"; :output dmx:c22 ] .
[ :name "gree2"; :output dmx:c26 ] .
[ :name "gree3"; :output dmx:c30 ] .
[ :name "gree4"; :output dmx:c34 ] .
[ :name "blue1"; :output dmx:c23 ] .
[ :name "blue2"; :output dmx:c27 ] .
[ :name "blue3"; :output dmx:c31 ] .
[ :name "blue4"; :output dmx:c35 ] .
[ :name "red1"; :output dmx:c24 ] .
[ :name "red2"; :output dmx:c28 ] .
[ :name "red3"; :output dmx:c32 ] .
[ :name "red4"; :output dmx:c36 ] .
[ :name "upright"; :output dmx:c37 ] .
[ :name "upleft"; :output dmx:c38 ] .
# 35 blue has a white in it too
# nice rhyme, drew
[ :name "strobespeed"; :output dmx:c47 ] .
[ :name "strobebright"; :output dmx:c48 ] .
[ :name "b11-#-c"; :output dmx:c54 ] .
[ :name "b12-p-r"; :output dmx:c53 ] .
[ :name "b13-fos-l"; :output dmx:c52 ] .
[ :name "b14-b-c"; :output dmx:c51 ] .
[ :name "b15-c-r"; :output dmx:c50 ] .
[ :name "b16-r-r"; :output dmx:c49 ] .
[ :name "b21-c-l"; :output dmx:c55 ] .
[ :name "b22-fos-c"; :output dmx:c56 ] .
[ :name "b23x"; :output dmx:c57 ] .
[ :name "b24-w-l"; :output dmx:c58 ] .
[ :name "b25-w-r"; :output dmx:c59 ] .
[ :name "b26-c-r"; :output dmx:c60 ] .
[ :name "b31-r-l"; :output dmx:c61 ] .
[ :name "b32-c-l"; :output dmx:c62 ] .
[ :name "b33-b-c"; :output dmx:c63 ] .
[ :name "b34-fos-r"; :output dmx:c64 ] .
[ :name "b35-p-l"; :output dmx:c65 ] .
[ :name "b36-#-c"; :output dmx:c66 ] .
[ :name "post-l"; :output dmx:c45 ] .
[ :name "post-r"; :output dmx:c46 ] .
[ :name "s40x"; :output dmx:c40 ] .
[ :name "front1-l"; :output dmx:c1 ] .
[ :name "front2-l"; :output dmx:c2 ] .
[ :name "front3-l3"; :output dmx:c3 ] .
[ :name "front4-r"; :output dmx:c4 ] .
[ :name "front5-l"; :output dmx:c5 ] .
[ :name "front6-pool"; :output dmx:c6 ] .
[ :name "sharlyn"; :output dmx:c7 ] .
[ :name "front8-r"; :output dmx:c8 ] .
[ :name "front9-l"; :output dmx:c9 ] .
[ :name "front10-r3"; :output dmx:c10 ] .
[ :name "front11-c"; :output dmx:c11 ] .
[ :name "front12-crap"; :output dmx:c12 ] .
[ :name "blacklight"; :output dmx:c14 ] .
[ :name "down-l"; :output dmx:c16 ] .
[ :name "down-l-P"; :output dmx:c17 ] .
[ :name "down-c"; :output dmx:c18 ] .
[ :name "down-r-P"; :output dmx:c19 ] .
[ :name "down-r"; :output dmx:c20 ] .
[ :name "cyc-right"; :output dmx:c41 ] .
[ :name "cyc-mid"; :output dmx:c43 ] .
[ :name "cyc-left"; :output dmx:c44 ] .
[ :name "house-side"; :output dmx:c68 ] .
[ :name "house1"; :output dmx:c69 ] .
[ :name "house4"; :output dmx:c70 ] .
[ :name "house3"; :output dmx:c71 ] .
[ :name "house2"; :output dmx:c72 ] .