@ 1382cb43a3ca
Branch filter:
Location: light9/show/dance2015/effectClass.n3 - annotation
3.7 KiB
dmxserver -d udmx to talk to the first udmx usb adapter found
Ignore-this: 9495a02620509bbd03271b47f9ab3282
Ignore-this: 9495a02620509bbd03271b47f9ab3282
e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 9da76bb54c80 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 e644d8f10c04 | @prefix : <> .
@prefix effect: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix ch: <> .
@prefix chase: <> .
# when these are inserted, a curve called 'env' will be added to this
# code, so multiply by that. Also if you mention 'music' anywhere, an
# output 'music' will be set to the current song.
effect:cycFlash a :EffectClass;
rdfs:label "cycFlash";
:code "out = <> * nsin(t*2) * env" .
# Notes for quneo pads:
# 48 49 50 51
# 44 45 46 47
# 40 41 42 43
# 36 37 38 39
effect:cycToMusic a :EffectClass; rdfs:label "cyc to music";
:quneoNote 36;
:code "out = <> * music * env" .
effect:fullToMusic a :EffectClass; rdfs:label "full to music";
:quneoNote 38;
:code "out = <> * music * env" .
effect:blacklight a :EffectClass;
rdfs:label "blacklight";
:quneoNote 37;
"out = [env * p1, env * p2, env * p4]",
"p1 = <> * .3",
"p2 = Strip.solid('LR', (0,0,1))",
"p4 = Blacklight(1)"
effect:whiteLed a :EffectClass;
rdfs:label "whiteLed";
:code "out = Strip.solid('LR', (1,1,1)) * env" .
effect:slowColor a :EffectClass;
rdfs:label "slow color chase";
:quneoNote 37;
"period = 5",
"r = <> * nsin(t / period)",
"y = <> * nsin((t+.3) / period)",
"b = <> * nsin((t+.6) / period)",
"out = [r*env,y*env,b*env]"
chase:backchase a :Chase; :channels (
) .
effect:backChase a :EffectClass;
rdfs:label "back chase";
:code "out = chase(t, names=backchase, ontime=.3, offset=-.11) * env" .
effect:backChaseSlower a :EffectClass;
rdfs:label "back chase slower";
:code "out = chase(t, names=backchase, ontime=.7, offset=-.11) * env" .
chase:frontrand a :Chase; :channels (
) .
effect:frontrandChase a :EffectClass;
rdfs:label "frontrand chase";
:code "out = chase(t, names=frontrand, ontime=.3, offset=-.11) * env" .