# song1
cyc 70,60,45
tree 80
full f
# song2
cyc 50,0,40
down f
center f
full 40
# song3
cyc 35,0,0,15
rainbow f
up f
center 60
tree 25
# song4
@0 nashville
@100 sweet home alabama
cyc 90,50,50
whitebow 47
center 40
tree f
@209 devil
boost volume
cyc f,0,0
warmbow f
tree 45
# song5
cyc 100,30,40
up 50
center f
down f
tree 50
# song6
cyc 0,5,20
center f
down f
tree 30
# song7
cyc 70,20,20
up f
down f
full f
# song8
(loud for tap)
cyc 40,0,0
down f
tree 15
# song9
volume up
cyc 0,40,25
up 65
whitebow f
center 30
down f
@80 ease on down the road
to cyc 40,30,0
final V
strobe only, then...
bright ending
# song10
cyc 60,0,60
down f
full 60
spot 50
@110 full up
# song11
cyc 0,20,50
up f
dnblue 40
down f
tree 40
full 50
# song12
cyc 20,20,0
up f
center f
tree 50
full 25
# song13
add 'down'
dim for...
@94 cantina +rainbow
@137-153 strobe
@168-180 alt strobe time
@209 +down
# song14
@0 big start
cyc 0,70,f
soon +rainbow
@64 runs
pulse 'down'
@96 new song
just warmbow
@145-162 on the floor
add dnblue
?? @158 1 meas break
bump dnblue
@198 new song
cyc 0,0,75
tree 50
@260 "oh". pop to center only
mix rainbow/warmbow until...
@315 "pock full of 100 bills"
cyc green
# song15
cyc 55,35,45
full 65
add patio @120ish