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Cuisine CVS and Hiss's"""
from __future__ import generators
import sys
__author__ = "David McClosky <>, " + \
"Drew Perttula <>"
__cvsid__ = "$Id:,v 1.1 2003/05/25 08:25:35 dmcc Exp $"
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.1 $"[11:-2]
def make_attributes_from_args(*argnames):
This function simulates the effect of running
for each of the given argument names ('foo' in the example just
now). Now you can write:
def __init__(self,foo,bar,baz):
instead of:
def __init__(self,foo,bar,baz):
for a in argnames:
except KeyError:
raise KeyError, "Function has no argument '%s'" % a
def enumerate(*collections):
"""Generates an indexed series: (0,coll[0]), (1,coll[1]) ...
this is a multi-list version of the code from the PEP:
enumerate(a,b) gives (0,a[0],b[0]), (1,a[1],b[1]) ...
i = 0
iters = [iter(collection) for collection in collections]
while 1:
yield [i,] + [ for iterator in iters]
i += 1
def dumpobj(o):
"""Prints all the object's non-callable attributes"""
print repr(o)
for a in [x for x in dir(o) if not callable(getattr(o, x))]:
print " %20s: %s " % (a, getattr(o, a))
print ""
def dict_filter_update(d, **newitems):
"""Adds a set of new keys and values to dictionary 'd' if the values are
>>> some_dict = {}
>>> dict_filter_update(some_dict, a=None, b=0, c=1, e={}, s='hello')
>>> some_dict
{'c': 1, 's': 'hello'}
for k, v in newitems.items():
if v: d[k] = v
def try_get_logger(channel):
"""Tries to get a logger with the channel 'channel'. Will return a
silent DummyClass if logging is not available."""
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(channel)
except ImportError:
log = DummyClass()
return log
class DummyClass:
"""A class that can be instantiated but never used. It is intended to
be replaced when information is available.
>>> d = DummyClass(1, 2, x="xyzzy")
>>> d.someattr
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "", line 33, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError, "Attempted usage of a DummyClass: %s" % key
AttributeError: Attempted usage of a DummyClass: someattr
>>> d.somefunction()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "", line 33, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError, "Attempted usage of a DummyClass: %s" % key
AttributeError: Attempted usage of a DummyClass: somefunction"""
def __init__(self, use_warnings=1, raise_exceptions=0, **kw):
"""Constructs a DummyClass"""
make_attributes_from_args('use_warnings', 'raise_exceptions')
def __getattr__(self, key):
"""Raises an exception to warn the user that a Dummy is not being
replaced in time."""
if key == "__del__":
msg = "Attempted usage of '%s' on a DummyClass" % key
if self.use_warnings:
import warnings
if self.raise_exceptions:
raise AttributeError, msg
return lambda *args, **kw: self.bogus_function()
def bogus_function(self):
class ClassyDict(dict):
"""A dict that accepts attribute-style access as well (for keys
that are legal names, obviously). I used to call this Struct, but
chose the more colorful name to avoid confusion with the struct
def __getattr__(self, a):
return self[a]
def __setattr__(self, a, v):
self[a] = v
def __delattr__(self, a):
del self[a]
def trace(func):
"""Good old fashioned Lisp-style tracing. Example usage:
>>> def f(a, b, c=3):
>>> print a, b, c
>>> return a + b
>>> f = trace(f)
>>> f(1, 2)
|>> f called args: [1, 2]
1 2 3
<<| f returned 3
TODO: print out default keywords (maybe)
indent for recursive call like the lisp version (possible use of
name = func.func_name
def tracer(*args, **kw):
s = '|>> %s called' % name
if args:
s += ' args: %r' % list(args)
if kw:
s += ' kw: %r' % kw
print s
ret = func(*args, **kw)
print '<<| %s returned %s' % (name, ret)
return ret
return tracer
# these functions taken from old light8 code
def dict_max(*dicts):
({'a' : 5, 'b' : 9}, {'a' : 10, 'b' : 4})
returns ==> {'a' : 10, 'b' : 9}
newdict = {}
for d in dicts:
for k,v in d.items():
newdict[k] = max(v, newdict.get(k, 0))
return newdict
def dict_scale(d,scl):
"""scales all values in dict and returns a new dict"""
return dict([(k,v*scl) for k,v in d.items()])
def dict_subset(d, dkeys, default=0):
"""Subset of dictionary d: only the keys in dkeys. If you plan on omitting
keys, make sure you like the default."""
newd = {} # dirty variables!
for k in dkeys:
newd[k] = d.get(k, default)
return newd
# functions specific to Timeline
def last_less_than(array, x):
"""array must be sorted"""
best = None
for elt in array:
if elt <= x:
best = elt
elif best is not None:
return best
return best
def first_greater_than(array, x):
"""array must be sorted"""
array_rev = array[:]
best = None
for elt in array_rev:
if elt >= x:
best = elt
elif best is not None:
return best
return best