@ 30c79f1dc4f8
Branch filter:
Location: light9/bin/homepageConfig - annotation
1.4 KiB
fix suggestPrefixes to send suggestions to rdfdb
Ignore-this: 637142dcc1de97c9046d75d1396a9446
Ignore-this: 637142dcc1de97c9046d75d1396a9446
0d295af23c4b 0d295af23c4b 0d295af23c4b 0d295af23c4b 0d295af23c4b 70f42f9d6e04 70f42f9d6e04 0d295af23c4b 0d295af23c4b 0d295af23c4b 0d295af23c4b 70f42f9d6e04 0d295af23c4b 70f42f9d6e04 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 e703b3434dbd cec677a84142 70f42f9d6e04 44558087d3f6 e703b3434dbd 70f42f9d6e04 70f42f9d6e04 70f42f9d6e04 70f42f9d6e04 70f42f9d6e04 0d295af23c4b 70f42f9d6e04 c8cffe82b537 70f42f9d6e04 70f42f9d6e04 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 cec677a84142 | #!bin/python
from run_local import log
from rdflib import RDF, URIRef
from light9 import networking, showconfig
from light9.namespaces import L9
from urlparse import urlparse
from urllib import splitport
from light9.rdfdb.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph
from twisted.internet import reactor
graph = showconfig.getGraph()
netHome = graph.value(showconfig.showUri(), L9['networking'])
webServer = graph.value(netHome, L9['webServer'])
if not webServer:
raise ValueError('no %r :webServer' % netHome)
print "listen %s;" % splitport(urlparse(webServer).netloc)[1]
def location(path, server):
print """
location /%(path)s/ {
# for websocket
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass %(server)s;
proxy_buffering off;
rewrite /[^/]+/(.*) /$1 break;
}""" % vars()
for role, server in sorted(graph.predicate_objects(netHome)):
if not server.startswith('http') or role == L9['webServer']:
path = graph.value(role, L9['urlPath'])
if not path:
server = server.rstrip('/')
location(path, server)
showPath = showconfig.showUri().split('/', 3)[-1]
print """
location /%(path)s {
root %(root)s;
}""" % {'path': showPath,
'root': showconfig.root()[:-len(showPath)]}