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Location: light9/show/dance2008/readme - annotation
add 2008 songs

test sliders on plus

copy past PHS lighting config to dance2008

make up/bow/down curves for all songs

make music curves

test camera on plus for taking stage pics; do a program to turn on
each channel and sub and get a picture. mix the order and do it fast,
so the camera doesn't get to readjust between them? 

setup patched mpd on plus and score

test mouse on plus

ext monitor on plus. score too?

buy LCDs

test lightsim running at the same time as curvecalc

test dmx output on 64-bit plus

OK fix to search .mpdconf then /etc/mpd

normalize levels

apparently in 2007 we played music on the laptop 'score', and it was a
little bit messed up. Preloading into memory may have helped.

rename :showPath to something about mpd

right amount of connection logging on asco

port togl to pyglet, perhaps?

map some buttons to the worklights, etc. Maybe midi board buttons? keypad? wii?

rename :showPath to something about mpd

packing list:
  power strips
  computers, bcf, dmx
  dmx cables
  external mouses, keyboards
  wrench, tape
  blank CDs

issues to note during the show:

 who ran dmx:
 who ran music:
 who ran curvecalc:

 music stutters?

 light flickers?