@ 5e4321405f54
Branch filter:
Location: light9/show/dance2022/playlist.n3 - annotation
2.0 KiB
redo services url structure and homepage config. (pages aren't updated this layout yet)
0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0745923e912f 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0745923e912f 0cc39aa3baf8 0745923e912f 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0745923e912f 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 0cc39aa3baf8 | @prefix : <> .
@prefix show: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
show:dance2022 :musicRoot "show/dance2022/music";
:spectrogramUrlRoot "/show/dance2022/spectrogram" .
show:dance2022 :playList (
sh:song1 sh:song2 sh:song3 sh:song4 sh:song5
sh:song6 sh:song7 sh:song8 sh:song9 sh:song10
sh:song11 sh:song12 sh:song13 sh:song14 sh:song15
) .
sh:song1 a :Song; rdfs:label "01 olympics"; :songFilename "01-olympics-unpad.wav" .
sh:song2 a :Song; rdfs:label "02 st louis blues (tap specialty)"; :songFilename "02-stlouis.ogg" .
sh:song3 a :Song; rdfs:label "03 lullaby of broadway"; :songFilename "03-lullaby.ogg" .
sh:song4 a :Song; rdfs:label "04 grand ole opry"; :songFilename "04-nashville.ogg" .
sh:song5 a :Song; rdfs:label "05 hawaiian"; :songFilename "05-hawaii-unpad.wav" .
sh:song6 a :Song; rdfs:label "06 fly me to the moon"; :songFilename "06-tap.wav" .
sh:song7 a :Song; rdfs:label "07 disney (renum)"; :songFilename "09-disney-unpad.wav" .
sh:song8 a :Song; rdfs:label "08 radio city"; :songFilename "08-xmas.wav" .
sh:song9 a :Song; rdfs:label "09 oz (renum)"; :songFilename "07-wiz.wav" .
sh:song10 a :Song; rdfs:label "10 new york"; :songFilename "10-newyork-unpad.wav" .
sh:song11 a :Song; rdfs:label "11 istanbul"; :songFilename "11-istanbul.wav" .
sh:song12 a :Song; rdfs:label "12 sisters"; :songFilename "12-sisters.wav" .
sh:song13 a :Song; rdfs:label "13 star wars"; :songFilename "13-starwars.wav" .
sh:song14 a :Song; rdfs:label "14 hip hop"; :songFilename "14-club.wav" .
sh:song15 a :Song; rdfs:label "15 finale"; :songFilename "15-streets.ogg" .