@ 5e905ff44e84
Branch filter:
Location: light9/dmx_usb_module/.git/hooks/pre-commit - annotation
1.7 KiB
CC now suports statprof profiling, and every other profile() call is now broken
Ignore-this: bc7c31af6598e7c132d2f847afe8de68
Ignore-this: bc7c31af6598e7c132d2f847afe8de68
4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 4e60444605f6 | #!/bin/sh
# An example hook script to verify what is about to be committed.
# Called by git-commit with no arguments. The hook should
# exit with non-zero status after issuing an appropriate message if
# it wants to stop the commit.
# To enable this hook, make this file executable.
# This is slightly modified from Andrew Morton's Perfect Patch.
# Lines you introduce should not have trailing whitespace.
# Also check for an indentation that has SP before a TAB.
if git-rev-parse --verify HEAD 2>/dev/null
git-diff-index -p -M --cached HEAD
# NEEDSWORK: we should produce a diff with an empty tree here
# if we want to do the same verification for the initial import.
fi |
perl -e '
my $found_bad = 0;
my $filename;
my $reported_filename = "";
my $lineno;
sub bad_line {
my ($why, $line) = @_;
if (!$found_bad) {
print STDERR "*\n";
print STDERR "* You have some suspicious patch lines:\n";
print STDERR "*\n";
$found_bad = 1;
if ($reported_filename ne $filename) {
print STDERR "* In $filename\n";
$reported_filename = $filename;
print STDERR "* $why (line $lineno)\n";
print STDERR "$filename:$lineno:$line\n";
while (<>) {
if (m|^diff --git a/(.*) b/\1$|) {
$filename = $1;
if (/^@@ -\S+ \+(\d+)/) {
$lineno = $1 - 1;
if (/^ /) {
if (s/^\+//) {
if (/\s$/) {
bad_line("trailing whitespace", $_);
if (/^\s* /) {
bad_line("indent SP followed by a TAB", $_);
if (/^(?:[<>=]){7}/) {
bad_line("unresolved merge conflict", $_);