@ 626aa2179630
Branch filter:
Location: light9/Widgets/ - annotation
4.3 KiB
some naming and defaults tweaks
some naming and defaults tweaks
interrupted fades now go to the new destination at the same rate they were traveling.
not very cool
some naming and defaults tweaks
interrupted fades now go to the new destination at the same rate they were traveling.
not very cool
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 | 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 626aa2179630 c76b62eccdec 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 626aa2179630 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 c76b62eccdec c76b62eccdec c76b62eccdec 626aa2179630 342f7d1c7561 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 6eafd86930b5 45b12307c695 342f7d1c7561 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 c65119b66b00 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 342f7d1c7561 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 626aa2179630 342f7d1c7561 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 342f7d1c7561 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 626aa2179630 45b12307c695 342f7d1c7561 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 c65119b66b00 626aa2179630 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 053889940418 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 342f7d1c7561 45b12307c695 c65119b66b00 c65119b66b00 45b12307c695 c65119b66b00 c65119b66b00 c65119b66b00 c65119b66b00 c65119b66b00 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 c65119b66b00 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 45b12307c695 | from Tkinter import *
from time import time
class FlyingFader(Frame):
def __init__(self, master, variable, label, fadedur=1.5, font=('Arial', 8),
Frame.__init__(self, master) = label
self.variable = variable
self.fadedur = fadedur
self.curfade = None
self.fadetimes = 0, 0
self.config({'bd':1, 'relief':'raised'})
scaleopts = {'variable' : variable, 'showvalue' : 0, 'from' : 1.0,
'to' : 0, 'res' : 0.001, 'width' : 20, 'length' : 200}
self.scale = Scale(self, scaleopts)
self.vlabel = Label(self, text="0.0", width=6, font=font)
self.label = Label(self, text=label, wraplength=40, font=font)
self.oldtrough = self.scale['troughcolor']
self.scale.pack(side=TOP, expand=1, fill=BOTH, anchor='c')
self.vlabel.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=0, fill=X)
self.label.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=0, fill=X)
for k in range(1, 10):
self.scale.bind("<Key-%d>" % k,
lambda evt, k=k: self.newfade(k / 10.0, evt))
self.scale.bind("<Key-0>", lambda evt: self.newfade(100, evt))
self.scale.bind("<grave>", lambda evt: self.newfade(0, evt))
self.scale.bind("<1>", self.cancelfade)
self.scale.bind("<2>", self.cancelfade)
self.scale.bind("<3>", self.mousefade)
self.variable.trace('w', self.updatelabel)
def cancelfade(self, evt):
self.fadetimes = 0, 0
self.curfade = 0, self.variable.get()
self.scale['troughcolor'] = self.oldtrough
def mousefade(self, evt):
target = float(, 'get', evt.x, evt.y))
self.newfade(target, evt)
def isfading(self):
return self.fadetimes[0] or self.fadetimes[1]
def newfade(self, newlevel, evt=None, length=None):
if length is None:
length = self.fadedur
mult = 1
if evt.state & 8 and evt.state & 4: mult = 0.25 # both
elif evt.state & 8: mult = 0.5 # alt
elif evt.state & 4: mult = 2 # control
now = time()
if not self.isfading():
self.fadetimes = (now, now + (mult * length))
self.curfade = (self.variable.get(), newlevel)
# already fading
rate = abs((v2-v1)/(t2-t1))
self.fadetimes = (now,now+newdur)
self.scale['troughcolor'] = 'red'
def gofade(self):
now = time()
start, end = self.fadetimes
lstart, lend = self.curfade
if now > end:
self.fadetimes = 0, 0
self.scale['troughcolor'] = self.oldtrough
percent = (now - start) / (end - start)
newvalue = (percent * (lend - lstart)) + lstart
colorfade(self.scale, percent)
self.after(30, self.gofade)
def updatelabel(self, *args):
self.vlabel['text'] = "%.3f" % self.variable.get()
if self.fadetimes[1] == 0: # no fade
self.vlabel['fg'] = 'black'
elif self.curfade[1] > self.curfade[0]:
self.vlabel['fg'] = 'red'
self.vlabel['fg'] = 'blue'
def get(self):
return self.scale.get()
def set(self, val):
def colorfade(scale, lev):
low = (255, 255, 255)
high = (0, 0, 0)
out = [int(l+lev*(h-l)) for h, l in zip(high,low)]
col="#%02X%02X%02X" % tuple(out)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
FlyingFader(root, variable=DoubleVar(), label="suck").pack(side=LEFT,
expand=1, fill=BOTH)
FlyingFader(root, variable=DoubleVar(), label="moof").pack(side=LEFT,
expand=1, fill=BOTH)
FlyingFader(root, variable=DoubleVar(), label="zarf").pack(side=LEFT,
expand=1, fill=BOTH)
FlyingFader(root, variable=DoubleVar(),
label="long name goes here. got it?").pack(side=LEFT, expand=1,