@ 6dcd6a84322a
Branch filter:
Location: light9/static/QueryString.js - annotation
3.5 KiB
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Ignore-this: 9e3505fd2065425373a4b8d704127df4
Ignore-this: 9e3505fd2065425373a4b8d704127df4
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// for free at
// Query String Parser
// qs= new QueryString()
// qs= new QueryString(string)
// Create a query string object based on the given query string. If
// no string is given, we use the one from the current page by default.
// qs.value(key)
// Return a value for the named key. If the key was not defined,
// it will return undefined. If the key was multiply defined it will
// return the last value set. If it was defined without a value, it
// will return an empty string.
// qs.values(key)
// Return an array of values for the named key. If the key was not
// defined, an empty array will be returned. If the key was multiply
// defined, the values will be given in the order they appeared on
// in the query string.
// qs.keys()
// Return an array of unique keys in the query string. The order will
// not necessarily be the same as in the original query, and repeated
// keys will only be listed once.
// QueryString.decode(string)
// This static method is an error tolerant version of the builtin
// function decodeURIComponent(), modified to also change pluses into
// spaces, so that it is suitable for query string decoding. You
// shouldn't usually need to call this yourself as the value(),
// values(), and keys() methods already decode everything they return.
// Note: W3C recommends that ; be accepted as an alternative to & for
// separating query string fields. To support that, simply insert a semicolon
// immediately after each ampersand in the regular expression in the first
// function below.
function QueryString(qs)
this.dict= {};
// If no query string was passed in use the one from the current page
if (!qs) qs=;
// Delete leading question mark, if there is one
if (qs.charAt(0) == '?') qs= qs.substring(1);
// Parse it
var re= /([^=&]+)(=([^&]*))?/g;
while (match= re.exec(qs))
var key= decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g,' '));
var value= match[3] ? QueryString.decode(match[3]) : '';
if (this.dict[key])
this.dict[key]= [value];
QueryString.decode= function(s)
s= s.replace(/\+/g,' ');
s= s.replace(/%([EF][0-9A-F])%([89AB][0-9A-F])%([89AB][0-9A-F])/gi,
var n1= parseInt(hex1,16)-0xE0;
var n2= parseInt(hex2,16)-0x80;
if (n1 == 0 && n2 < 32) return code;
var n3= parseInt(hex3,16)-0x80;
var n= (n1<<12) + (n2<<6) + n3;
if (n > 0xFFFF) return code;
return String.fromCharCode(n);
s= s.replace(/%([CD][0-9A-F])%([89AB][0-9A-F])/gi,
var n1= parseInt(hex1,16)-0xC0;
if (n1 < 2) return code;
var n2= parseInt(hex2,16)-0x80;
return String.fromCharCode((n1<<6)+n2);
s= s.replace(/%([0-7][0-9A-F])/gi,
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex,16));
return s;
QueryString.prototype.value= function (key)
var a= this.dict[key];
return a ? a[a.length-1] : undefined;
QueryString.prototype.values= function (key)
var a= this.dict[key];
return a ? a : [];
QueryString.prototype.keys= function ()
var a= [];
for (var key in this.dict)
return a;