@ 8a618476e2fa
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Location: light9/show/dance2019/todo.txt - annotation
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Ignore-this: f0937fc9e197b9009800bd5625e3957e
Ignore-this: f0937fc9e197b9009800bd5625e3957e
8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8b887918c008 47ef9c9efe38 8b887918c008 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8b887918c008 8b887918c008 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 47ef9c9efe38 8b887918c008 47ef9c9efe38 8b887918c008 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8b887918c008 8a618476e2fa 47ef9c9efe38 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 47ef9c9efe38 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 47ef9c9efe38 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 47ef9c9efe38 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 8a618476e2fa 47ef9c9efe38 47ef9c9efe38 47ef9c9efe38 47ef9c9efe38 47ef9c9efe38 47ef9c9efe38 47ef9c9efe38 47ef9c9efe38 47ef9c9efe38 47ef9c9efe38 47ef9c9efe38 47ef9c9efe38 47ef9c9efe38 | song01: real-ish timing
need to add cyc
song02: small tap special? maybe mostly center?
real-ish timing but with dummy look
red on cyc
start with 12 and make it red
song03: real-ish timing but with dummy look
also red, maybe red cyc
~154 change to new song, more upbeat
song04: real-ish timing, real look
song05: real-ish timing but with dummy look
add cyc rainbow effect
t=130 jump up to rainbows
but not full-red.
***song06: real-ish timing but with dummy look
song07: real-ish timing for song07 and bow
basic look
maybe should have blacklight or equivalent?
cyc could fade purple -> red -> orange
SM: low lights. purple and pinks. start in sill.
flute at 155- different look for this music
line down the center- focus on that
song08: real-ish timing but 2 dummy looks
song09: real-ish timing but dummy look
song10: real-ish timing, real looks
song10busy could add something animated during bass things
song11: real-ish timing, 2 dummy looks
first one is snowy, blue
second one could have a slow chase
song12: real-ish timing, real look
started a small look, but might have moats we don't want
song13: real look (?), real-ish timing
song15: front should come on around ~177? out ~225
could have a different look after that goes out
bow timing is rough
song16: add cyc around ~90
~336 strobe on
366 song change
~410 center pool
440 bigger, eventually pulsing
red cyc, fronts, down c
song17: start less colorful and build?