@ 904913de4599
Branch filter:
Location: light9/bin/rdfdb - annotation
8.7 KiB
deletes are now quads. refactor files. named clients. auto client port
Ignore-this: 44f83643c28cbb0f961e2c8c1267d398
Ignore-this: 44f83643c28cbb0f961e2c8c1267d398
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 | 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 904913de4599 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 904913de4599 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 37d05bd17b10 | #!bin/python
other tools POST themselves to here as subscribers to the graph. They
are providing a URL we can PUT to with graphs updates.
we immediately PUT them back all the contents of the graph as a bunch
of adds.
later we PUT them back with updates (add/del lists) when there are
If we fail to reach a registered caller, we forget about it for future
calls. We can PUT empty diffs as a heartbeat to notice disappearing
callers faster.
A caller can submit add/del changes that should be persisted and
Global data undo should probably happen within this service.
Maybe some subgraphs are for transient data (e.g. current timecode,
mouse position in curvecalc) that only some listeners want to hear about.
Deletes are graph-specific, so callers may be surprised to delete a
stmt from one graph but then find that statement is still true.
Alternate plan: would it help to insist that every patch is within
only one subgraph? I think it's ok for them to span multiple ones.
Inserts can be made on any subgraphs, and each subgraph is saved in
its own file. The file might not be in a format that can express
graphs, so I'm just going to not store the subgraph URI in any file.
I don't support wildcard deletes, and there are race conditions where a
s-p could end up with unexpected multiple objects. Every client needs
to be ready for this.
We watch the files and push their own changes back to the clients.
Persist our client list, to survive restarts. In another rdf file? A
random json one? memcache? Also hold the recent changes. We're not
logging everything forever, though, since the output files and a VCS
shall be used for that
Bnodes: this rdfdb graph might be able to track bnodes correctly, and
they make for more compact n3 files. I'm not sure if it's going to be
hard to keep the client bnodes in sync though. File rereads would be
hard,if ever a bnode was used across graphs, so that probably should
not be allowed.
Our API:
GET / ui
GET /graph the whole graph (needed? just for ui browsing?)
PUT /patches clients submit changes
GET /patches (recent) patches from clients
POST /graphClients clientUpdate={uri} to subscribe
GET /graphClients current clients
json {"adds" : [[quads]...],
"deletes": [[quads]],
"from" : tooluri,
maybe use some in there.
Our web ui:
registered clients
recent edits, each one says what client it came from. You can reverse
them here.
from twisted.internet import reactor
import twisted.internet.error
import sys, optparse, logging, json, os
import cyclone.web, cyclone.httpclient, cyclone.websocket
from light9 import networking, showconfig
from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, URIRef, Graph
from light9.rdfdb.graphfile import GraphFile
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch, ALLSTMTS
from light9.rdfdb import syncedgraph
from twisted.internet.inotify import INotify
log = logging.getLogger()
import sys
from cycloneerr import PrettyErrorHandler
except ImportError:
class PrettyErrorHandler(object):
class Client(object):
one of our syncedgraph clients
def __init__(self, updateUri, label, db):
self.db = db
self.label = label
self.updateUri = updateUri
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s client at %s>" % (self.label, self.updateUri)
def sendAll(self):
"""send the client the whole graph contents""""sending all graphs to %s at %s" %
(self.label, self.updateUri))
def sendPatch(self, p):
return syncedgraph.sendPatch(self.updateUri, p)
class Db(object):
def __init__(self):
self.clients = []
self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph()
notifier = INotify()
for inFile in ["show/dance2012/config.n3", "demo.n3"]:
self.g = GraphFile(notifier,
URIRef("" %
def patch(self, p):
apply this patch to the master graph then notify everyone about it
""""patching graph with %s adds %s dels" %
(len(p.addQuads), len(p.delQuads)))
for spoc in p.delQuads:
# probably need to insist that these existed, or else cull
# the ones that didn't exist, to make the patch invert right
addQuads = p.addQuads[:2] # test
for c in self.clients:
d = c.sendPatch(Patch(addQuads=addQuads, delQuads=p.delQuads))
d.addErrback(self.clientErrored, c)
def clientErrored(self, err, c):
err.trap(twisted.internet.error.ConnectError)"connection error- dropping client %r" % c)
def summarizeToLog(self):"contexts in graph %s:" % len(self.graph))
for c in self.graph.contexts():" %s: %s statements" %
(c.identifier, len(self.getSubgraph(c.identifier))))
def getSubgraph(self, uri):
# this is returning an empty Graph :(
#return self.graph.get_context(uri)
g = Graph()
for s in self.graph.triples(ALLSTMTS, uri):
return g
def addClient(self, updateUri, label):
for c in self.clients if c.updateUri == updateUri]"new client %s at %s" % (label, updateUri))
self.clients.append(Client(updateUri, label, self))
def sendClientsToAllLivePages(self):
dict(updateUri=c.updateUri, label=c.label)
for c in self.clients]})
class Index(PrettyErrorHandler, cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/xhtml+xml")
class GraphResource(PrettyErrorHandler, cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
class Patches(PrettyErrorHandler, cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
cyclone.web.RequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
p = syncedgraph.makePatchEndpointPutMethod(self.settings.db.patch)
self.put = lambda: p(self)
def get(self):
class GraphClients(PrettyErrorHandler, cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
def post(self):
upd = self.get_argument("clientUpdate")
self.settings.db.addClient(upd, self.get_argument("label"))
import traceback
liveClients = set()
def sendToLiveClients(d=None, asJson=None):
j = asJson or json.dumps(d)
for c in liveClients:
class Live(cyclone.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
def connectionMade(self, *args, **kwargs):"ws opened")
def connectionLost(self, reason):"ws closed")
def messageReceived(self, message):"got message %s" % message)
if __name__ == "__main__":
log = logging.getLogger()
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
help='show URI, like',
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if options.verbose else logging.INFO)
if not
raise ValueError("missing --show http://...")
db = Db()
port = 8051
reactor.listenTCP(port, cyclone.web.Application(handlers=[
(r'/', Index),
(r'/live', Live),
(r'/graph', GraphResource),
(r'/patches', Patches),
(r'/graphClients', GraphClients),
(r"/(jquery-1\.7\.2\.min\.js)", cyclone.web.StaticFileHandler,
], db=db))"serving on %s" % port)