@ 9fc653ee7fff
Branch filter:
Location: light9/stubs/PIL/ImageDraw.pyi - annotation
2.2 KiB
WIP redoing how Note works. The new Note outputs EffectSettings only,
and callers have to effect_eval them. Still not sure what SimpleOutputs does.
and callers have to effect_eval them. Still not sure what SimpleOutputs does.
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# NOTE: This dynamically typed stub was automatically generated by stubgen.
from typing import Any, Optional
class ImageDraw:
palette: Any = ...
im: Any = ...
draw: Any = ...
mode: Any = ...
ink: Any = ...
fontmode: str = ...
fill: int = ...
font: Any = ...
def __init__(self, im: Any, mode: Optional[Any] = ...) -> None: ...
def setink(self, ink: Any) -> None: ...
def setfill(self, onoff: Any) -> None: ...
def setfont(self, font: Any) -> None: ...
def getfont(self): ...
def arc(self, xy: Any, start: Any, end: Any, fill: Optional[Any] = ...) -> None: ...
def bitmap(self, xy: Any, bitmap: Any, fill: Optional[Any] = ...) -> None: ...
def chord(self, xy: Any, start: Any, end: Any, fill: Optional[Any] = ..., outline: Optional[Any] = ...) -> None: ...
def ellipse(self, xy: Any, fill: Optional[Any] = ..., outline: Optional[Any] = ...) -> None: ...
def line(self, xy: Any, fill: Optional[Any] = ..., width: int = ...) -> None: ...
def shape(self, shape: Any, fill: Optional[Any] = ..., outline: Optional[Any] = ...) -> None: ...
def pieslice(self, xy: Any, start: Any, end: Any, fill: Optional[Any] = ..., outline: Optional[Any] = ...) -> None: ...
def point(self, xy: Any, fill: Optional[Any] = ...) -> None: ...
def polygon(self, xy: Any, fill: Optional[Any] = ..., outline: Optional[Any] = ...) -> None: ...
def rectangle(self, xy: Any, fill: Optional[Any] = ..., outline: Optional[Any] = ...) -> None: ...
def text(self, xy: Any, text: Any, fill: Optional[Any] = ..., font: Optional[Any] = ..., anchor: Optional[Any] = ..., *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): ...
def multiline_text(self, xy: Any, text: Any, fill: Optional[Any] = ..., font: Optional[Any] = ..., anchor: Optional[Any] = ..., spacing: int = ..., align: str = ...) -> None: ...
def textsize(self, text: Any, font: Optional[Any] = ..., *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): ...
def multiline_textsize(self, text: Any, font: Optional[Any] = ..., spacing: int = ...): ...
def Draw(im: Any, mode: Optional[Any] = ...): ...
Outline: Any
def getdraw(im: Optional[Any] = ..., hints: Optional[Any] = ...): ...
def floodfill(image: Any, xy: Any, value: Any, border: Optional[Any] = ...) -> None: ...