@ a362b892cb43
Branch filter:
Location: light9/show/dance2017/networking.n3 - annotation
1.5 KiB
more makefile hacks to turn debug.js into an ES6 module
Ignore-this: 79b9757e462e9007ae4c2c5eaaf9d917
(can't wait for the js build fairy to come clean all this up)
Ignore-this: 79b9757e462e9007ae4c2c5eaaf9d917
(can't wait for the js build fairy to come clean all this up)
15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 2adbc27f77d3 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 49a2a18abe8b 15f296550447 fc5675f5b756 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 15f296550447 0802069ff063 | @prefix : <> .
@prefix show: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
show:dance2017 :networking sh:netHome .
:webServer <http://localhost:8200/>;
:patchReceiverUpdateHost "localhost";
:captureDevice <http://localhost:8215/>;
:curveCalc <http://localhost:8201/>;
:collector <http://localhost:8202/>;
:collectorZmq <http://localhost:8203/>;
:effectEval <http://localhost:8204/>;
:effectSequencer <http://localhost:8213/>;
:keyboardComposer <http://localhost:8205/>;
:musicPlayer <http://localhost:8206/>;
:oscDmxServer <udp://localhost:8207/>;
:paintServer <http://localhost:8214/>;
:picamserve <>;
:rdfdb <http://localhost:8209/>;
:subComposer <http://localhost:8210/>;
:subServer <http://localhost:8211/>;
:vidref <http://localhost:8212/> .
:captureDevice :urlPath "captureDevice" .
:curveCalc :urlPath "curveCalc" .
:dmxServer :urlPath "dmxServer" .
:effectEval :urlPath "effectEval" .
:keyboardComposer :urlPath "keyboardComposer" .
:musicPlayer :urlPath "ascoltami" .
:picamserve :urlPath "picamserve" .
:paintServer :urlPath "paintServer" .
:rdfdb :urlPath "rdfdb" .
:subComposer :urlPath "subComposer" .
:subServer :urlPath "subServer" .
:vidref :urlPath "vidref" .
:collector :urlPath "collector" .
:effectSequencer :urlPath "effectSequencer" .