@ a38414bd3929
Branch filter:
Location: light9/bin/effecteval - annotation
6.1 KiB
hacking on effecteval
Ignore-this: 5f1fcae731ba2bf51ce586f48cba578
Ignore-this: 5f1fcae731ba2bf51ce586f48cba578
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from run_local import log
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
import cyclone.web, cyclone.websocket, cyclone.httpclient
import sys, optparse, logging, subprocess, json, re
from rdflib import URIRef, RDF
from light9 import networking, showconfig, Submaster
from light9.rdfdb.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph
from light9.curvecalc.curve import Curve
from light9.namespaces import L9, DCTERMS
from cycloneerr import PrettyErrorHandler
class EffectEdit(cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
class EffectData(cyclone.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
stays alive for the life of the effect page
def connectionMade(self, *args, **kwargs):"websocket opened")
self.uri = URIRef(self.get_argument('uri'))
self.sendMessage({'hello': repr(self)})
self.graph = self.settings.graph
def updateClient(self):
# todo: if client has dropped, abort and don't get any more
# graph updates
self.sendMessage({'code': self.graph.value(self.uri, L9['code'])})
def connectionLost(self, reason):"websocket closed")
def messageReceived(self, message):"got message %s" % message)
# write a patch back to the graph
def uriFromCode(s):
# i thought this was something a graph could do with its namespace manager
if s.startswith('sub:'):
return URIRef('' + s[4:])
if s.startswith('song1:'):
return URIRef('http://ex/effect/song1/' + s[6:])
raise NotImplementedError
class EffectNode(object):
def __init__(self, graph, uri):
self.graph, self.uri = graph, uri
def eval(self, songTime):
with self.graph.currentState(tripleFilter=(self.uri, L9['code'], None)) as g:
code = g.value(self.uri, L9['code'])
# consider for a parser that can be used in py and js
m = re.match(r'^out = sub\((.*?), intensity=(.*?)\)', code)
if not m:
raise NotImplementedError
sub = uriFromCurie(
intensityCurve = uriFromCurie(
print vars()
def effectDmxDict(graph, effect, songTime):
subs = Submaster.get_global_submasters(graph)
curve = URIRef("http://ex/effect/song1/opening")
c = Curve()
with graph.currentState(tripleFilter=(curve, None, None)) as g:
c.set_from_string(g.value(curve, L9['points']))
with graph.currentState(tripleFilter=(effect, None, None)) as g:
print 'got code', g.value(effect, L9['code'])
en = EffectNode(graph, effect)
sub = subs.get_sub_by_uri(URIRef(""))
level = c.eval(songTime)
scaledSubs = [sub * level]
out = Submaster.sub_maxes(*scaledSubs)
levels_dict = out.get_levels()
dmx = out.get_dmx_list()
return json.dumps(dmx)
class EffectEval(PrettyErrorHandler, cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
# return dmx dict for that effect
uri = URIRef(self.get_argument('uri'))
response = yield cyclone.httpclient.fetch(
songTime = json.loads(response.body)['t']
self.write(effectDmxDict(self.settings.graph, uri, songTime))
class SongEffectsEval(PrettyErrorHandler, cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
song = URIRef(self.get_argument('song'))
effects = effectsForSong(self.settings.graph, song)
self.write(maxDict(effectDmxDict(e) for e in effects))
# return dmx dict for all effects in the song, already combined
class App(object):
def __init__(self, show): = show
self.graph = SyncedGraph("effectEval")
SFH = cyclone.web.StaticFileHandler
self.cycloneApp = cyclone.web.Application(handlers=[
(r'/()', SFH,
{'path': 'light9/effecteval', 'default_filename': 'index.html'}),
(r'/effect', EffectEdit),
(r'/(websocket\.js)', SFH, {'path': 'light9/rdfdb/web/'}),
(r'/(knockout-2\.2\.1\.js)', SFH, {'path': 'light9/subserver/'}),
(r'/effect\.js', StaticCoffee, {'src': 'light9/effecteval/'}),
(r'/effectData', EffectData),
(r'/static/(.*)', SFH, {'path': 'static/'}),
(r'/effect/eval', EffectEval),
(r'/songEffects/eval', SongEffectsEval),
], debug=True, graph=self.graph)
# see bin/subserver
class StaticCoffee(PrettyErrorHandler, cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
def initialize(self, src):
super(StaticCoffee, self).initialize()
self.src = src
def get(self):
self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/javascript')
'/usr/bin/coffee', '--compile', '--print', self.src]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
help='show URI, like',
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
parser.add_option("--twistedlog", action="store_true",
help="twisted logging")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if options.verbose else logging.INFO)
if not
raise ValueError("missing --show http://...")
app = App(URIRef(
if options.twistedlog:
from twisted.python import log as twlog
reactor.listenTCP(networking.effectEval.port, app.cycloneApp)"listening on %s" % networking.effectEval.port)