@ a6045f11198d
Branch filter:
Location: light9/show/dance2019/networking.n3 - annotation
1.4 KiB
don't show a misleading TL cursor when we're viewing a song that's not the playing one
Ignore-this: 33928b4331aa09f2191b6d45e4e163a
Ignore-this: 33928b4331aa09f2191b6d45e4e163a
16af5a343e00 16af5a343e00 16af5a343e00 16af5a343e00 b0691e922fa1 b0691e922fa1 b0691e922fa1 b0691e922fa1 16af5a343e00 16af5a343e00 71eac274c98f 71eac274c98f 71eac274c98f 71eac274c98f 71eac274c98f 71eac274c98f 71eac274c98f 71eac274c98f 71eac274c98f 71eac274c98f 71eac274c98f 71eac274c98f 71eac274c98f 16af5a343e00 16af5a343e00 71eac274c98f 16af5a343e00 16af5a343e00 71eac274c98f 16af5a343e00 16af5a343e00 16af5a343e00 16af5a343e00 16af5a343e00 16af5a343e00 | @prefix : <> .
@prefix show: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
# Use ip addrs in here to avoid an issue where nginx returns 502
# errors for ~10sec after a service (re)starts. I haven't found a fix
# for that in the nginx config.
show:dance2019 :networking sh:netHome .
:captureDevice <>;
:effectEval <>;
:effectSequencer <>;
:keyboardComposer <>;
:musicPlayer <>;
:paintServer <>;
:rdfdb <>;
:subServer <>;
:vidref <>;
:webServer <>;
:collector <>;
:collectorZmq <> .
:captureDevice :urlPath "captureDevice" .
:collector :urlPath "collector" .
:dmxServer :urlPath "dmxServer" .
:effectEval :urlPath "effectEval" .
:effectSequencer :urlPath "effectSequencer" .
:keyboardComposer :urlPath "keyboardComposer" .
:musicPlayer :urlPath "ascoltami" .
:paintServer :urlPath "paintServer" .
:rdfdb :urlPath "rdfdb" .
:subServer :urlPath "subServer" .
:vidref :urlPath "vidref" .