@ b4633fb9bccf
Branch filter:
Location: light9/show/dance2014/demo.n3 - annotation
1.3 KiB
extract Project class with the larger graph-only methods
Ignore-this: e0d79e45fb053d8b7e228b6eb5687eba
Ignore-this: e0d79e45fb053d8b7e228b6eb5687eba
ca37e8fe9a1b a38414bd3929 ca37e8fe9a1b a38414bd3929 a38414bd3929 a38414bd3929 a38414bd3929 a38414bd3929 a38414bd3929 a38414bd3929 ca37e8fe9a1b 5939fce98fad ca37e8fe9a1b ca37e8fe9a1b a38414bd3929 ca37e8fe9a1b ca37e8fe9a1b ca37e8fe9a1b ca37e8fe9a1b 3335de84e3fe ca37e8fe9a1b ca37e8fe9a1b ca37e8fe9a1b ca37e8fe9a1b b5ee7aa9341a b5ee7aa9341a b5ee7aa9341a b5ee7aa9341a b5ee7aa9341a b5ee7aa9341a b5ee7aa9341a 3335de84e3fe ca37e8fe9a1b | @prefix : <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix ch: <> .
@prefix dmx: <> .
# curvedb writes these. point data might be in separate files
<http://ex/effect/song1/opening> a :Curve;
rdfs:label "opening";
:points "0.0 .2 183.695203336 .6" .
# :Effect replaces :Subterm
<http://ex/effect/song1/openingLook> a :Effect;
:code "out = sub(sub:s2, intensity=song1:opening)";
# save the code as an AST also, to get all the links? web page was
# going to parse it anyway. but, sometimes it will have a syntax
# error. Can code with errors just parse to a bogus AST that saves
# the string with errors (and also the uri links found inside)?
# Another option- separate just the uri chunks:
# :code ("out = sub(" sub:stageleft ", intensity=" song1:opening ")")
# so at least the links are visible in this file.
# Still missing: multiple lines of code with multiple outputs. What's
# an output?
:dep <http://ex/effect/song1/opening>, <>