@ cc69faa87c27
Branch filter:
Location: light9/web/drawing.ts - annotation
1.7 KiB
tear up and rewrite ascoltami to emit player state into the graph. web ui works but displays nothing but songs
4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 4556eebe5d73 |
export function svgPathFromPoints(pts: { forEach: (arg0: (p: any) => void) => void }) {
let out = "";
pts.forEach(function (p: Number[] | { elements: Number[] }) {
let x, y;
if ((p as any).elements) {
// for vec2
[x, y] = (p as any).elements;
} else {
[x, y] = p as Number[];
if (out.length === 0) {
out = "M ";
} else {
out += "L ";
out += "" + x + "," + y + " ";
return out;
export function line(
ctx: { moveTo: (arg0: any, arg1: any) => void; lineTo: (arg0: any, arg1: any) => any },
p1: { e: (arg0: number) => any },
p2: { e: (arg0: number) => any }
) {
ctx.moveTo(p1.e(1), p1.e(2));
return ctx.lineTo(p2.e(1), p2.e(2));
export function roundRect(
ctx: {
beginPath: () => void;
moveTo: (arg0: any, arg1: any) => void;
lineTo: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => void;
arc: (arg0: number, arg1: number, arg2: any, arg3: number, arg4: number, arg5: boolean) => void;
closePath: () => any;
sx: number,
sy: number,
ex: number,
ey: number,
r: number
) {
const d2r = Math.PI / 180;
if (ex - sx - 2 * r < 0) {
r = (ex - sx) / 2;
} // ensure that the radius isn't too large for x
if (ey - sy - 2 * r < 0) {
r = (ey - sy) / 2;
} // ensure that the radius isn't too large for y
ctx.moveTo(sx + r, sy);
ctx.lineTo(ex - r, sy);
ctx.arc(ex - r, sy + r, r, d2r * 270, d2r * 360, false);
ctx.lineTo(ex, ey - r);
ctx.arc(ex - r, ey - r, r, d2r * 0, d2r * 90, false);
ctx.lineTo(sx + r, ey);
ctx.arc(sx + r, ey - r, r, d2r * 90, d2r * 180, false);
ctx.lineTo(sx, sy + r);
ctx.arc(sx + r, sy + r, r, d2r * 180, d2r * 270, false);
return ctx.closePath();