@ d193689223fb
Branch filter:
Location: light9/readme - annotation
712 B
clean up vitejs warnings for fade. this is now the model vite.config.ts
8169d88d4eb4 8169d88d4eb4 83f9fbc0a003 8169d88d4eb4 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 8169d88d4eb4 83f9fbc0a003 8169d88d4eb4 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 a6662d61ebcd 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 8169d88d4eb4 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 8169d88d4eb4 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 8169d88d4eb4 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 83f9fbc0a003 8169d88d4eb4 a6662d61ebcd a6662d61ebcd 83f9fbc0a003 | Mini instructions:
# Prep
## System
% `make setup`
% `export LIGHT9_SHOW=path/to/light9/show/dance2011`
Set `$LIGHT9_SHOW/URI` and `networking.n3` and `playlist.n3`
to set :musicRoot and the values under sh:netHome
## Music
Put music in `$LIGHT9_SHOW/music`
Consider normalizing levels across songs:
cd $LIGHT9_SHOW/music
mkdir norm
for x (*.wav) { cp $x norm }
for x (*.ogg) { ffmpeg -i $x norm/$x:r.wav }
cd norm
normalize-audio -v --mix *
% `bin/make_spectrograms`
to fill $LIGHT9_SHOW/spectogram
# Run
% `bin/homepage`
(leave all these running)
% `bin/rdfdb`
% `bin/ascoltami`
(now you can play music)
% `bin/collector`
Browse to http://localhost:8200/ to see the index of tools.