@ eeadad4a998e
Branch filter:
Location: light9/bin/captureDevice - annotation
4.3 KiB
pi setup docs and fixes
Ignore-this: 170659e6fec5ac58741e4158dd27881b
Ignore-this: 170659e6fec5ac58741e4158dd27881b
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 | fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 fc5675f5b756 | #!bin/python
from __future__ import division
from rdflib import URIRef, Literal
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, Deferred
import logging
import optparse
import os
import time
import traceback
import treq
import cyclone.web, cyclone.websocket, cyclone.httpclient
from greplin import scales
from run_local import log
from lib.cycloneerr import PrettyErrorHandler
from light9.namespaces import L9
from light9 import networking, showconfig
from light9.rdfdb.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph
from light9.paint.capture import writeCaptureDescription
from light9.greplin_cyclone import StatsForCyclone
from light9.effect.settings import DeviceSettings
from light9.effect.sequencer import sendToCollector
stats = scales.collection('/webServer', scales.PmfStat('setAttr'))
class Attrs(PrettyErrorHandler, cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
def put(self):
with stats.setAttr.time():
client, clientSession, settings, sendTime = parseJsonMessage(self.request.body)
class Camera(object):
def __init__(self, imageUrl):
self.imageUrl = imageUrl
def takePic(self, uri, writePath):'takePic %s', uri)
return treq.get(self.imageUrl).addCallbacks(lambda r: self._done(writePath, r), log.error)
def _done(self, writePath, response):
jpg = yield response.content()
except OSError:
with open(writePath, 'w') as out:
out.write(jpg)'wrote %s', writePath)
settleTime = .5
camera = Camera('http://dash:8200/picamserve/pic?res=480&resize=480&rotation=180&iso=800&redgain=1.6&bluegain=2&shutter=60000')
def launch(graph):
def steps(a, b, n):
return [round(a + (b - a) * i / n, 5) for i in range(n)]
startTime = time.time()
toGather = []
row = 0
for ry in steps(0.85, .92, 6):
xSteps = steps(.24, .45, 12)
if row % 2:
row += 1
for rx in xSteps:
toGather.append(DeviceSettings(graph, [
(L9['device/moving1'], L9['rx'], rx),
(L9['device/moving1'], L9['ry'], ry),
numPics = [0]
settingsCache = set()
def step():
if not toGather:
settings = toGather.pop()'move to %r', settings)
yield sendToCollector(client='captureDevice', session='main', settings=settings)
d = Deferred()
reactor.callLater(settleTime, d.callback, None)
yield d
dev = settings.devices()[0]
devTail = dev.rsplit('/')[-1]
captureId = 'cap%s' % (int(startTime) - 1495170000)
picId = 'pic%s' % numPics[0]
path = '/'.join(['capture', devTail, captureId, picId])
ctx = URIRef('/'.join([showconfig.showUri(), 'capture', devTail, captureId, 'index']))
uri = URIRef('/'.join([showconfig.showUri(), 'capture', devTail, captureId, picId]))
relOutPath = path + '.jpg'
yield camera.takePic(uri, os.path.join(showconfig.root(), relOutPath))
numPics[0] += 1
writeCaptureDescription(graph, ctx, uri, dev, relOutPath, settingsCache, settings)
reactor.callLater(0, step)
(r'/()', cyclone.web.StaticFileHandler,
{"path" : "light9/web", "default_filename" : "captureDevice.html"}),
(r'/stats', StatsForCyclone),
interface='::')'serving http on %s', networking.captureDevice.port)
def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if options.verbose else logging.INFO)
graph = SyncedGraph(networking.rdfdb.url, "captureDevice")
graph.initiallySynced.addCallback(lambda _: launch(graph)).addErrback(log.error)
if __name__ == '__main__':