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Location: light9/show/dance2010/readme - annotation
for local testing on plus:

sudo -u mpd -s
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/drewp/score
./mpd --no-daemon

fix to look for player on plus

PYTHONPATH=../pympd bin/ascoltami --show

plus(pts/3):~/projects/light9% bin/dmxserver -n

OK grab time from asco
OK always record picture against {songuri}/vid/{take}/{songtime}, so we never miss a recording (but at night when they're all gone, we don't need any recordings?)
OK play prev videos
OK let me tag a good rehearsal or toss junk rehearsals. if we juggle the playback time too much, you can be sure it's not a good pass
OK qt window with one live pane and any number of synced playback panes.
XX get twisted qt wrapper for our networking
OK new take for every single restart? i guess so, since they could pass over the same song time.
XX check if mpd has a working precise-time system yet, so we could get off the patched one
Do we need to detach from current song+time to view something else?
curvecalc should be able to fetch a sample of a lit frame to stick in its timeline
need to move curvecalc to qt?
can i dynamically change the output filename of a filesink? that might be the way to steer the ouptut correctly. But, i might want to append one take's frames into one file. Maybe use a standard compressor like mjpeg, and separately map the in-movie timestamp to our playback timestamp in case they drift.

show is 70min of music: at 8fps and 50k/pic, 1.6MB of image data per pass.


after you get all the music files into config.n3, run bin/musicPad
once, and then update all their paths to the new pad/ directory.

THEN run bin/wavecurve

make new CDs with corrected songs
sync songs across computers
test dmx dongle, sliders box, sound playback

for 2011:
- bring a mouse for the curvecalc laptop
- vidref should have a time slider
- factor out music dir so it can be different per machine
- all settings should be in RDF and live-shared across all apps, maybe with anzo for updates
- when curvecalc says 'Slider 1', the X coordinates of the curve get misaligned
- asco should say clearly what machine it's running on
- asco should have GUI for picking which sound output you want, and store the setting
- vidref should have snapshot button for taking pics of the stage
- bring mini tripod or beanbag for the vidref camera
- more remote contol stuff
- gel sample pack
- vidref adjustable crop to the stage aspect
- vidref should have an 'in progress' row to prove that it's recording something new
- curvecalc still has a problem making empty-name subterms. that should never happen, even once
- remote-run GUIs should say what machine they're on. Or, everyone should say what RDF server it's talking tox
- scrub inside curvecalc, preview a video in it