diff --git a/light9/web/live/live.coffee b/light9/web/live/live.coffee
--- a/light9/web/live/live.coffee
+++ b/light9/web/live/live.coffee
@@ -7,40 +7,99 @@ Polymer
device: { type: String }
deviceAttr: { type: Object }
max: { type: Number, value: 1 }
- immediateSlider: { notify: true, observer: 'onChange' }
+ value: { type: Object, notify: true }
+ immediateSlider: { notify: true, observer: 'onSlider' }
pickedColor: { observer: 'onPickedColor' }
+ observers: [
+ 'onChange(value)'
+ ]
ready: ->
- onPickedColor: (ev) ->
- @onChange ev.target.value
- goWhite: -> @onChange("#ffffff")
- goBlack: -> @onChange("#000000")
- onChange: (lev) ->
- @lastSent = [[@device, @deviceAttr.uri, lev]]
+ onPickedColor: (ev) -> @value = ev.target.value
+ onSlider: -> @value = @immediateSlider
+ goWhite: -> @value = "#ffffff"
+ goBlack: -> @value = "#000000"
+ onChange: (value) ->
+ @lastSent = [[@device, @deviceAttr.uri, value]]
resend: ->
+ window.gather(@lastSent)
+ clear: ->
+ if @deviceAttr.useColor
+ @value = '#000000'
+ else
+ @value = 0
is: "light9-live-controls"
graph: { type: Object, notify: true }
devices: { type: Array, notify: true }
+ currentSettings: { type: Object, notify: true } # dev+attr: [dev, attr, value]
+ effectPreview: { type: String, notify: true }
+ newEffectName: { type: String, notify: true }
observers: [
+ ready: ->
+ @currentSettings = {}
+ @effectPreview = JSON.stringify({})
+ window.gather = (sent) =>
+ [dev, devAttr, value] = sent[0]
+ return if value == 0
+ @currentSettings[dev + " " + devAttr] = [dev, devAttr, value]
+ @effectPreview = JSON.stringify(v for k,v of @currentSettings)
+ saveNewEffect: ->
+ return if not @newEffectName.length
+ U = (x) -> @graph.Uri(x)
+ effectUri = U(":effect") + "/#{@newEffectName}"
+ ctx = U('http://light9.bigasterisk.com/show/dance2016/effect')
+ quad = (s, p, o) => {subject: s, predicate: p, object: o, graph: ctx}
+ addQuads = [
+ quad(effectUri, U('rdf:type'), U(':Effect'))
+ quad(effectUri, U('rdfs:label'), @graph.Literal(@newEffectName))
+ quad(effectUri, U(':publishAttr'), U(':strength'))
+ ]
+ settings = @graph.nextNumberedResources(effectUri + '_set', Object.keys(@currentSettings).length)
+ for _, row of @currentSettings
+ setting = settings.shift()
+ addQuads.push(quad(effectUri, U(':setting'), setting))
+ addQuads.push(quad(setting, U(':device'), row[0]))
+ addQuads.push(quad(setting, U(':deviceAttr'), row[1]))
+ scaledAttributeTypes = [U(':color'), U(':brightness'), U(':uv')]
+ value = if typeof(row[2]) == 'number'
+ @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(row[2])
+ else
+ @graph.Literal(row[2])
+ settingType = if row[1] in scaledAttributeTypes then U(':scaledValue') else U(':value')
+ addQuads.push(quad(setting, settingType, value))
+ patch = {addQuads: addQuads, delQuads: []}
+ log('save', patch)
+ @graph.applyAndSendPatch(patch)
onGraph: ->
resendAll: ->
for llc in @getElementsByTagName("light9-live-control")
+ clearAll: ->
+ for llc in @getElementsByTagName("light9-live-control")
+ llc.clear()
update: ->
U = (x) -> @graph.Uri(x)
@set('devices', [])
for dc in _.sortBy(@graph.subjects(U('rdf:type'), U(':DeviceClass')))
- log('dc', dc)
for dev in _.sortBy(@graph.subjects(U('rdf:type'), dc))
- log('dev', dev)
row = {uri: dev, label: (try
@graph.stringValue(dev, U('rdfs:label'))