diff --git a/bin/effectsequencer b/bin/effectsequencer
--- a/bin/effectsequencer
+++ b/bin/effectsequencer
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from greplin import scales
import optparse, sys, logging
import cyclone.web
from rdflib import URIRef
-from light9.effect.sequencer import Sequencer, sendToCollector
+from light9.effect.sequencer import Sequencer, sendToCollector, Updates
from light9 import clientsession
class App(object):
@@ -38,9 +38,13 @@ class App(object):
self.cycloneApp = cyclone.web.Application(handlers=[
+ (r'/()', cyclone.web.StaticFileHandler,
+ {"path" : "light9/effect/", "default_filename" : "sequencer.html"}),
+ (r'/updates', Updates),
(r'/stats', StatsForCyclone),
+ seq=self.seq,
reactor.listenTCP(networking.effectSequencer.port, self.cycloneApp)
diff --git a/light9/effect/sequencer.html b/light9/effect/sequencer.html
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/light9/effect/sequencer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ effect sequencer
+ output attr |
+ value |
+ output chan |
+ {{item.attr}} |
+ {{item.val}} → |
+ {{item.chan}} |
+ Devices
+ list notes of song, time with note, eff attrs, function stuff
+ update rates, stutters from reloads.
diff --git a/light9/effect/sequencer.py b/light9/effect/sequencer.py
--- a/light9/effect/sequencer.py
+++ b/light9/effect/sequencer.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import math
import time
from twisted.internet.inotify import INotify
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
+from louie import dispatcher
from light9 import networking
from light9.namespaces import L9, RDF
@@ -131,15 +132,21 @@ class Note(object):
def outputSettings(self, t):
- list of (device, attr, value)
+ list of (device, attr, value), and a report for web
+ report = {'note': str(self.uri)}
effectSettings = self.baseEffectSettings.copy()
effectSettings[L9['strength']] = self.evalCurve(t)
- return self.effectEval.outputFromEffect(
+ report['effectSettings'] = dict(
+ (str(k), str(v))
+ for k,v in sorted(effectSettings.items()))
+ out = self.effectEval.outputFromEffect(
# note: not using origin here since it's going away
noteTime=t - self.points[0][0])
+ print 'out', out.asList()
+ return out, report
class CodeWatcher(object):
@@ -207,19 +214,54 @@ class Sequencer(object):
self.recentUpdateTimes = self.recentUpdateTimes[-20:] + [now]
stats.recentFps = len(self.recentUpdateTimes) / (self.recentUpdateTimes[-1] - self.recentUpdateTimes[0] + .0001)
if now > self.lastStatLog + 10:
- log.info("%.2f fps", stats.recentFps)
+ dispatcher.send('state', update={'recentFps': stats.recentFps})
self.lastStatLog = now
reactor.callLater(1 / self.fps, self.update)
musicState = self.music.getLatest()
song = URIRef(musicState['song']) if musicState.get('song') else None
+ dispatcher.send('state', update={'song': str(song)})
if 't' not in musicState:
t = musicState['t']
settings = []
+ songNotes = sorted(self.notes.get(song, []))
+ noteReports = []
+ for note in songNotes:
+ s, report = note.outputSettings(t)
+ noteReports.append(report)
+ settings.append(s)
+ dispatcher.send('state', update={'songNotes': noteReports})
+ self.sendToCollector(DeviceSettings.fromList(self.graph, settings))
+import cyclone.sse
+class Updates(cyclone.sse.SSEHandler):
+ def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs):
+ cyclone.sse.SSEHandler.__init__(self, application, request,
+ **kwargs)
+ self.state = {}
+ dispatcher.connect(self.updateState, 'state')
+ self.numConnected = 0
+ def updateState(self, update):
+ self.state.update(update)
- for note in self.notes.get(song, []):
- settings.append(note.outputSettings(t))
- self.sendToCollector(DeviceSettings.fromList(self.graph, settings))
+ def bind(self):
+ print 'new client', self.settings.seq
+ self.numConnected += 1
+ if self.numConnected == 1:
+ self.loop()
+ def loop(self):
+ if self.numConnected == 0:
+ return
+ self.sendEvent(self.state)
+ reactor.callLater(2, self.loop)
+ def unbind(self):
+ self.numConnected -= 1
+ print 'bye', self.numConnected