diff --git a/light9/web/timeline/adjustable.coffee b/light9/web/timeline/adjustable.coffee
--- a/light9/web/timeline/adjustable.coffee
+++ b/light9/web/timeline/adjustable.coffee
@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ class Adjustable
getDisplayValue: () ->
return '' if @config.emptyBox
- d3.format(".4g")(@_getValue())
+ defaultFormat = d3.format(".4g")(@_getValue())
+ if @config.getDisplayValue?
+ return @config.getDisplayValue(@_getValue(), defaultFormat)
+ defaultFormat
getSuggestedCenter: () ->
diff --git a/light9/web/timeline/timeline-elements.html b/light9/web/timeline/timeline-elements.html
--- a/light9/web/timeline/timeline-elements.html
+++ b/light9/web/timeline/timeline-elements.html
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
background: white;
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 125%;
+ height: 15px;
diff --git a/light9/web/timeline/timeline.coffee b/light9/web/timeline/timeline.coffee
--- a/light9/web/timeline/timeline.coffee
+++ b/light9/web/timeline/timeline.coffee
@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ Polymer
@song = @playerSong if @followPlayerSong
ready: ->
- @debug_zoomOrLayoutChangedCount = 0
+ window.debug_zoomOrLayoutChangedCount = 0
+ window.debug_adjUpdateDisplay = 0
@viewState =
duration: ko.observable(100)
@@ -51,7 +53,14 @@ Polymer
setInterval(@updateDebugSummary.bind(@), 100)
updateDebugSummary: ->
- @debug = "#{@debug_zoomOrLayoutChangedCount} layout change, "
+ elemCount = (tag) -> document.getElementsByTagName(tag).length
+ @debug = "#{window.debug_zoomOrLayoutChangedCount} layout change,
+ #{elemCount('light9-timeline-note')} notes,
+ #{elemCount('light9-timeline-adjuster')} adjusters,
+ #{elemCount('light9-timeline-graph-row')} rows,
+ #{window.debug_adjsCount} adjuster items registered,
+ #{window.debug_adjUpdateDisplay} adjuster updateDisplay calls,
+ "
attached: ->
@dia = @$.dia
@@ -67,7 +76,7 @@ Polymer
zoomOrLayoutChanged: ->
# not for cursor updates
- @debug_zoomOrLayoutChangedCount++
+ window.debug_zoomOrLayoutChangedCount++
@fullZoomX.domain([0, @viewState.zoomSpec.duration()])
@fullZoomX.range([0, @width()])
@@ -165,6 +174,8 @@ Polymer
newCenter = @songTime + margin
@animatedZoom(newCenter - visSeconds / 2,
newCenter + visSeconds / 2, zoomAnimSec)
+ shortcut.add "L", =>
+ @$.adjusters.layoutCenters()
makeZoomAdjs: ->
log('makeZoomAdjs', @adjs)
@@ -174,7 +185,7 @@ Polymer
valForPos = (pos) =>
x = pos.e(1)
t = @fullZoomX.invert(x)
- @setAdjuster('zoom-left', new AdjustableFloatObservable({
+ @setAdjuster('zoom-left', => new AdjustableFloatObservable({
observable: @viewState.zoomSpec.t1,
getTarget: () =>
$V([@fullZoomX(@viewState.zoomSpec.t1()), yMid])
@@ -182,7 +193,7 @@ Polymer
getValueForPos: valForPos
- @setAdjuster('zoom-right', new AdjustableFloatObservable({
+ @setAdjuster('zoom-right', => new AdjustableFloatObservable({
observable: @viewState.zoomSpec.t2,
getTarget: () =>
$V([@fullZoomX(@viewState.zoomSpec.t2()), yMid])
@@ -200,7 +211,7 @@ Polymer
zs.t2(value + span / 2)
- @setAdjuster('zoom-pan', new AdjustableFloatObservable({
+ @setAdjuster('zoom-pan', => new AdjustableFloatObservable({
observable: panObs
emptyBox: true
# fullzoom is not right- the sides shouldn't be able to go
@@ -261,10 +272,14 @@ Polymer
quad(newCurve, U(':attr'), U(':strength'))
pointQuads = []
+ desiredWidthX = @offsetWidth * .1
+ desiredWidthT = @zoomInX.invert(desiredWidthX) - @zoomInX.invert(0)
for i in [0...4]
pt = points[i]
pointQuads.push(quad(newCurve, U(':point'), pt))
- pointQuads.push(quad(pt, U(':time'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(i)))
+ pointQuads.push(quad(pt, U(':time'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(i/3 * desiredWidthT)))
pointQuads.push(quad(pt, U(':value'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(i == 1 or i == 2)))
patch = {
@@ -327,9 +342,11 @@ Polymer
'update(graph, dia, uri, zoomInX, setAdjuster)'
ready: ->
+ @adjusterIds = []
detached: ->
+ for i in @adjusterIds
+ @setAdjuster(i, null)
onUri: ->
@graph.runHandler(@update.bind(@), "note updates #{@uri}")
@@ -340,39 +357,54 @@ Polymer
worldPts = [] # (song time, value)
+ yForV = (v) => @offsetTop + (1 - v) * @offsetHeight
originTime = @graph.floatValue(@uri, U(':originTime'))
for curve in @graph.objects(@uri, U(':curve'))
if @graph.uriValue(curve, U(':attr')) == U(':strength')
worldPts = getCurvePoints(@graph, curve, originTime)
- @setAdjuster(@uri+'/offset', new AdjustableFloatObject({
+ curveWidth = =>
+ tMin = @graph.floatValue(worldPts[0].uri, U(':time'))
+ tMax = @graph.floatValue(worldPts[3].uri, U(':time'))
+ tMax - tMin
+ @setAdjuster(@uri+'/offset', => new AdjustableFloatObject({
graph: @graph
subj: @uri
pred: @graph.Uri(':originTime')
ctx: @graph.Uri(@song)
- getTargetPosForValue: (value) => $V([@zoomInX(value), 600])
- getValueForPos: (pos) => @zoomInX.invert(pos.e(1))
- getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([0, -80])
+ getDisplayValue: (v, dv) => "o=#{dv}"
+ getTargetPosForValue: (value) =>
+ # display bug: should be working from pt[0].t, not from origin
+ $V([@zoomInX(value + curveWidth() / 2), yForV(.5)])
+ getValueForPos: (pos) =>
+ @zoomInX.invert(pos.e(1)) - curveWidth() / 2
+ getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([-10, 0])
- for pointNum in [0, 2, 3]
- @setAdjuster(@uri+'/p'+pointNum, adj = new AdjustableFloatObject({
- graph: @graph
- subj: worldPts[pointNum].uri
- pred: @graph.Uri(':time')
- ctx: @graph.Uri(@song)
- getTargetPosForValue: (value) => $V([@zoomInX(value), 600])
- getValueForPos: (pos) =>
- origin = @graph.floatValue(@uri, U(':originTime'))
- (@zoomInX.invert(pos.e(1)) - origin)
- getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([0, -80])
- }))
- adj._getValue = (=>
- # note: don't use originTime from the closure- we need the
- # graph dependency
- adj._currentValue + @graph.floatValue(@uri, U(':originTime'))
+ for pointNum in [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ @setAdjuster(@uri+'/p'+pointNum, =>
+ adj = new AdjustableFloatObject({
+ graph: @graph
+ subj: worldPts[pointNum].uri
+ pred: @graph.Uri(':time')
+ ctx: @graph.Uri(@song)
+ getTargetPosForValue: (value) => $V([@zoomInX(value), yForV(0)])
+ getValueForPos: (pos) =>
+ origin = @graph.floatValue(@uri, U(':originTime'))
+ (@zoomInX.invert(pos.e(1)) - origin)
+ getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([0, -80])
+ })
+ adj._getValue = (=>
+ # note: don't use originTime from the closure- we need the
+ # graph dependency
+ adj._currentValue + @graph.floatValue(@uri, U(':originTime'))
+ )
+ log('note made this point adj', adj)
+ adj
- console.log(adj)
screenPos = (pt) =>
$V([@zoomInX(pt.e(1)), @offsetTop + (1 - pt.e(2)) * @offsetHeight])
@@ -391,13 +423,23 @@ Polymer
ready: ->
@adjs = {}
- setAdjuster: (adjId, adjustable) ->
- # callers register/unregister the Adjustables they want us
- # to make adjuster elements for. Caller invents adjId.
- adjustable.id = adjId
- if not @adjs[adjId] or not adjustable?
- @adjs[adjId] = adjustable
+ setAdjuster: (adjId, makeAdjustable) ->
+ # callers register/unregister the Adjustables they want us to make
+ # adjuster elements for. Caller invents adjId. makeAdjustable is
+ # a function returning the Adjustable or it is null to clear any
+ # adjusters with this id.
+ if not @adjs[adjId] or not makeAdjustable?
+ if not makeAdjustable?
+ delete @adjs[adjId]
+ else
+ adj = makeAdjustable()
+ @adjs[adjId] = adj
+ adj.id = adjId
@debounce('adjsChanged', @adjsChanged.bind(@), 1)
+ window.debug_adjsCount = Object.keys(@adjs).length
adjsChanged: ->
@@ -474,12 +516,12 @@ Polymer
updateDisplay: () ->
- log('updateDisplay', @id)
+ window.debug_adjUpdateDisplay++
@spanClass = if @adj.config.emptyBox then 'empty' else ''
@displayValue = @adj.getDisplayValue()
center = @adj.getCenter()
target = @adj.getTarget()
- log('ct', center.elements, target.elements)
+ #log("adj updateDisplay center #{center.elements} target #{target.elements}")
return if isNaN(center.e(1))
@centerStyle = {x: center.e(1), y: center.e(2)}
@dia?.setAdjusterConnector(@adj.id + '/conn', center, target)