diff --git a/light9/web/timeline-elements.html b/light9/web/timeline-elements.html
--- a/light9/web/timeline-elements.html
+++ b/light9/web/timeline-elements.html
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@
position: absolute;
left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;
+ #debug {
+ position: fixed;
+ right: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ }
timeline editor: song [uri]
@@ -41,6 +46,7 @@
diff --git a/light9/web/timeline.coffee b/light9/web/timeline.coffee
--- a/light9/web/timeline.coffee
+++ b/light9/web/timeline.coffee
@@ -19,14 +19,13 @@ class Adjustable
# have a
associated. This object does the
# layout and positioning.
constructor: (@config) ->
- @_center = @config.getTarget().add(@config.getSuggestedTargetOffset())
+ # config has getTarget, getSuggestedTargetOffset, getValue
getDisplayValue: () ->
- # todo
- d3.format(".4g")(@config.getValue())
+ d3.format(".4g")(@_getValue())
getCenter: () -> # vec2 of pixels
- @_center
+ @getTarget().add(@config.getSuggestedTargetOffset())
getTarget: () -> # vec2 of pixels
@@ -34,11 +33,11 @@ class Adjustable
subscribe: (onChange) ->
# change could be displayValue or center or target. This likely
# calls onChange right away if there's any data yet.
+ setInterval((() => onChange()), 100)
startDrag: () ->
# todo
- @dragStartValue = @getValue()
+ @dragStartValue = @_getValue()
continueDrag: (pos) ->
# pos is vec2 of pixels relative to the drag start
@@ -50,20 +49,38 @@ class Adjustable
endDrag: () ->
+class AdjustableFloatJsValue extends Adjustable
+ constructor: (@config) ->
+ # config has obj, key, valueLow, targetLow, valueHigh, targetHigh, getSuggestedTargetOffset, onChange
+ @_normalizedValue = d3.scaleLinear().domain([@config.valueLow, @config.valueHigh]).range([0, 1])
+ _getValue: () ->
+ @config.obj[@config.key]
+ getTarget: () ->
+ f = @_normalizedValue(@_getValue())
+ [l, h] = [@config.targetLow, @config.targetHigh]
+ return l.add(h.subtract(l).multiply(f))
+ continueDrag: (pos) ->
+ # pos is vec2 of pixels relative to the drag start
+ # todo
+ newValue = @dragStartValue + pos.e(1) * .1
+ @config.obj[@config.key] = newValue
+ @config.onChange()
class AdjustableFloatObject extends Adjustable
constructor: (@config) ->
- # config has graph, subj, pred, ctx
+ # config has graph, subj, pred, ctx, getSuggestedTargetOffset
- getValue: () -> # for drag math
+ _getValue: () -> # for drag math
@config.graph.floatValue(@config.subj, @config.pred)
- getCenter: () ->
- $V([100 + 200 * @getValue(), 200])
- getDisplayValue: () ->
- d3.format(".4g")(@getValue())
+ getCenter: () ->
+ $V([100 + 200 * @_getValue(), 200])
subscribe: (onChange) ->
@config.graph.subscribe @config.subj, @config.pred, null, (patch) =>
@@ -81,6 +98,9 @@ Polymer
behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
viewState: { type: Object }
+ debug: {type: String, computed: '_debug(viewState.zoomSpec.t1)'}
+ _debug: (viewState) ->
+ JSON.stringify(@viewState)
attached: ->
@viewState =
@@ -95,17 +115,18 @@ Polymer
animCursor = () =>
- @viewState.cursor.t = 130 + 20 * Math.sin(Date.now() / 2000)
+ #@viewState.cursor.t = 130 + 20 * Math.sin(Date.now() / 2000)
@$.dia.setCursor(@$.audio.offsetTop, @$.audio.offsetHeight,
- @$.zoomed.$.time.offsetTop, @$.zoomed.$.time.offsetHeight,
+ @$.zoomed.$.time.offsetTop,
+ @$.zoomed.$.time.offsetHeight,
@fullZoomX, @zoomInX, @viewState.cursor)
@set('viewState.zoomSpec.t1', 80 + 10 * Math.sin(Date.now() / 3000))
- setInterval(animCursor, 50)
+ #setInterval(animCursor, 50)
setTimeout(() =>
- @adjs = @persistDemo()#@makeZoomAdjs().concat(@persistDemo())
+ @adjs = @makeZoomAdjs().concat(@persistDemo())
, 100)
persistDemo: ->
@@ -130,17 +151,28 @@ Polymer
makeZoomAdjs: ->
- left = new Adjustable({
- getValue: () => (@viewState.zoomSpec.t1)
- getTarget: () => $V([@fullZoomX(@viewState.zoomSpec.t1), @$.audio.offsetTop + @$.audio.offsetHeight / 2])
+ left = new AdjustableFloatJsValue({
+ obj: @viewState.zoomSpec,
+ key: 't1'
+ valueLow: 0
+ valueHigh: @viewState.zoomSpec.duration
+ targetLow: $V([0, 30]) # y = @$.audio.offsetTop + @$.audio.offsetHeight / 2]
+ targetHigh: $V([@offsetWidth, 30])
getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([-30, 0])
- })
+ onChange: () => @notifyPath('viewState.zoomSpec.t1', @viewState.zoomSpec.t1)
+ })
- right = new Adjustable({
- getValue: () => (@viewState.zoomSpec.t2)
- getTarget: () => $V([@fullZoomX(@viewState.zoomSpec.t2), @$.audio.offsetTop + @$.audio.offsetHeight / 2])
+ right = new AdjustableFloatJsValue({
+ obj: @viewState.zoomSpec,
+ key: 't2'
+ valueLow: 0
+ valueHigh: @viewState.zoomSpec.duration
+ targetLow: $V([0, 30]) # y = @$.audio.offsetTop + @$.audio.offsetHeight / 2]
+ targetHigh: $V([@offsetWidth, 30])
getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([30, 0])
- })
+ onChange: () => @notifyPath('viewState.zoomSpec.t2', @viewState.zoomSpec.t2)
+ })
return [left, right]
@@ -160,7 +192,6 @@ Polymer
type: Object
onAdj: (adj) ->
- console.log('adj is here', adj, @adj)
@adj.subscribe () =>
@displayValue = @adj.getDisplayValue()
center = @adj.getCenter()