diff --git a/light9/web/timeline-elements.html b/light9/web/timeline-elements.html
--- a/light9/web/timeline-elements.html
+++ b/light9/web/timeline-elements.html
@@ -190,17 +190,20 @@
var d = svgPathFromPoints([[x1, y2], [x1*.75 + x2*.25, y1], [x1*.25 + x2*.75, y1], [x2, y2]]);
elem.setAttribute('d', d);
- setCursor: function(y1, h1, y2, h2, zoom, cursor) {
- var xZoomedOut = this.offsetParent.offsetWidth * cursor.t / zoom.duration;
- var xZoomedIn = this.offsetParent.offsetWidth * (cursor.t - zoom.t1) / (zoom.t2 - zoom.t1); // replace with d3 scale
- this.cursorPath.top.setAttribute('d', svgPathFromPoints([[xZoomedOut, y1], [xZoomedOut, y1 + h1]]));
+ setCursor: function(y1, h1, y2, h2, fullZoomX, zoomInX, cursor) {
+ var xZoomedOut = fullZoomX(cursor.t);
+ var xZoomedIn = zoomInX(cursor.t);
+ this.cursorPath.top.setAttribute('d', svgPathFromPoints([
+ [xZoomedOut, y1],
+ [xZoomedOut, y1 + h1]]));
this.cursorPath.mid.setAttribute('d', svgPathFromPoints([
[xZoomedIn + 2, y2 + h2],
[xZoomedIn - 2, y2 + h2],
[xZoomedOut - 1, y1 + h1],
- [xZoomedOut + 1, y1 + h1],
- ]) + ' Z');
- this.cursorPath.bot.setAttribute('d', svgPathFromPoints([[xZoomedIn, y2 + h2], [xZoomedIn, this.offsetParent.offsetHeight]]));
+ [xZoomedOut + 1, y1 + h1]]) + ' Z');
+ this.cursorPath.bot.setAttribute('d', svgPathFromPoints([
+ [xZoomedIn, y2 + h2],
+ [xZoomedIn, this.offsetParent.offsetHeight]]));
diff --git a/light9/web/timeline.coffee b/light9/web/timeline.coffee
--- a/light9/web/timeline.coffee
+++ b/light9/web/timeline.coffee
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Polymer
behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
viewState: { type: Object }
- ready: ->
+ attached: ->
@viewState =
duration: 190
@@ -90,13 +90,15 @@ Polymer
t: 105
- @fullZoomX = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, @viewState.zoomSpec.duration]).range([0, @offsetWidth])
+ @fullZoomX = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, @viewState.zoomSpec.duration]).range([0, @offsetWidth]) # need to update this if width changes or if duration changes
+ @zoomInX = d3.scaleLinear().domain([@viewState.zoomSpec.t1, @viewState.zoomSpec.t2]).range([0, @offsetWidth]) # need to update this if width changes or if duration changes
animCursor = () =>
@viewState.cursor.t = 130 + 20 * Math.sin(Date.now() / 2000)
@$.dia.setCursor(@$.audio.offsetTop, @$.audio.offsetHeight,
@$.zoomed.$.time.offsetTop, @$.zoomed.$.time.offsetHeight,
- @viewState.zoomSpec, @viewState.cursor)
+ @fullZoomX, @zoomInX, @viewState.cursor)
@set('viewState.zoomSpec.t1', 80 + 10 * Math.sin(Date.now() / 3000))