diff --git a/light9/subserver/effects.coffee b/light9/subserver/effects.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/light9/subserver/effects.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-class Model
- constructor: ->
- @classes = ko.observable([])
- @chases = ko.observable([])
- @moreExprs = [
- {label: "rainbow", expr: "hsv(t*1,1,1)"},
- {label: "pulserainbow", expr: "hsv(t*1,1,1)*nsin(t*2)"},
- {label: "stacrainbow", expr: "hsv(t*1,1,1)*(nsin(t*2)>.7)"},
- {label: "alternatergb", expr: "hsv(t*1,1,1, light='left')*nsin(t*3) + hsv(t*1,1,1,light='right')*(1-nsin(t*3))"},
- {label: "frontchase", expr: "chase(t, names=frontchase, ontime=.3, offset=-.11)"},
- {label: "bumpyhues", expr: "hsv(t*.5,.4,1)*notch(t*.01)"},
- ]
- subtermLink: (label, expr) =>
- "http://chase?"+$.param({
- subtermName: label
- subtermExpr: label + '_env(t) * ' + expr
- curve: label + '_env'
- })
- subtermExprs: (chase) =>
- [
- 'chase(t, names=LABEL, ontime=0.5, offset=0.2)'.replace(/LABEL/g, chase.label)
- ]
-model = new Model()
-model.addToCurrentSong = (e) ->
- $.ajax({
- type: 'POST'
- url: '/effectEval/songEffects'
- data: {drop: e.uri}
- })
-lastMomentaryNote = null
-model.addMomentary = (e) ->
- $.ajax({
- type: 'POST'
- url: '/effectEval/songEffects'
- data: {drop: e.uri, event: 'start'}
- success: (data) ->
- lastMomentaryNote = JSON.parse(data)['note']
- })
-model.addMomentaryUp = (e) ->
- $.ajax({
- type: 'POST'
- url: '/effectEval/songEffects'
- data: {drop: e.uri, event: 'end', note: lastMomentaryNote}
- })
-reconnectingWebSocket "../effectsUpdates", (msg) ->
- model.chases(msg.chases) if msg.chases?
- model.classes(msg.classes) if msg.classes?
-# this sort of works to stop clicks in from following the
-# submaster hyperlink, but it may make certain clicks act wrong
-$(document).on('click', 'a', (ev) ->
- return false if ev.target.tagName == 'INPUT'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/light9/subserver/effects.jade b/light9/subserver/effects.jade
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/light9/subserver/effects.jade
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-doctype html
- head
- title effects
- link(rel='stylesheet', href='/style.css')
- style.
- .headerRow {
- display: flex;
- justify-content: space-between;
- }
- body
- #status starting...
- h1 Effects
- p: a(href='.') Go to Submasters
- div(data-bind="foreach: moreExprs")
- div.resource.chase
- span(data-bind="text: label")
- |
- a.resource(data-bind="attr: {href: $root.subtermLink(label, expr)}, text: expr")
- div(data-bind="foreach: chases")
- div.resource.chase
- | Chase
- a(data-bind="attr: {href: uri}, text: label")
- ul(data-bind="foreach: $parent.subtermExprs($data)")
- li: a.resource(data-bind="attr: {href: $root.subtermLink($parent.label, $data)}, text: $data")
- div(data-bind="foreach: classes")
- div.resource.effectClass
- div.headerRow
- span
- h2
- | Effect class
- |
- resource-display(data-bind="attr: {uri: uri, graph: graph}")
- a(data-bind="attr: {href: uri}, text: label")
- button(data-bind="click: $root.onRename") Rename
- span.rightTools
- button(data-bind="click: $root.addToCurrentSong") Add to current song
- button(data-bind="event: { mousedown: $root.addMomentary, mouseup: $root.addMomentaryUp }") Add momentary
- div.rename
- input
- div
- code(data-bind="text: code")
- #status
- script(src="/lib/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js")
- script(src="/lib/knockout/dist/knockout.js")
- script(src="/websocket.js")
- script(src="effects.js")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/light9/subserver/gui.coffee b/light9/subserver/gui.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/light9/subserver/gui.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-class Model
- constructor: ->
- @subs = ko.observable([])
- @showLocal = ko.observable(false)
- snapshot: (sub) =>
- $.ajax({
- url: "snapshot"
- type: "POST"
- data: {about: sub.uri}
- })
-model = new Model()
-# this sort of works to stop clicks in from following the
-# submaster hyperlink, but it may make certain clicks act wrong
-$(document).on('click', 'a', (ev) ->
- return false if ev.target.tagName == 'INPUT'
-reconnectingWebSocket "live", (msg) ->
- model.subs(msg.subs) if msg.subs?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/light9/subserver/index.jade b/light9/subserver/index.jade
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/light9/subserver/index.jade
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-doctype html
- head
- title subs
- link(rel='stylesheet', href='/style.css')
- body
- #status starting...
- h1 Submasters
- p: a(href='effects') Go to Effects
- div
- input(type='checkbox', data-bind='checked: showLocal', id='showLocal')
- label(for='showLocal') show local
- div(data-bind="foreach: subs")
- // ko if: $parent.showLocal() || !isLocal
- a.resource.sub(data-bind="css: {local: isLocal}, attr: {href: uri}")
- div(data-bind="if: isLocal") (local)
- div
- | Label
- input(type="text", data-bind="value: label")
- div
- img(data-bind="attr: {src: img}")
- div
- button(data-bind="click: $root.snapshot")
- New snapshot
- // /ko
- #status
- script(src="/lib/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js")
- script(src="/lib/knockout/dist/knockout.js")
- script(src="/websocket.js")
- script(src="gui.js")
\ No newline at end of file