# HG changeset patch
# User drewp@bigasterisk.com
# Date 2008-06-09 00:56:38
# Node ID 6f62aea409cba546c11a95a5470201551e9b88e5
# Parent d4284e68e51c3b68f6525b23baa91b8ec6776327
start dance2008 show
diff --git a/show/dance2008/config.n3 b/show/dance2008/config.n3
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/show/dance2008/config.n3
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+@prefix : .
+@prefix ch: .
+@prefix chase: .
+@prefix dmx: .
+@prefix group: .
+@prefix mus: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix sh: .
+@prefix show: .
+@prefix sub: .
+mus:preSong :showPath "music/silence-4sec.wav" .
+mus:postSong :showPath "music/silence-15sec.wav" .
+show:dance2008 :playList (
+ sh:song1 sh:song2 sh:song3 sh:song4 sh:song5
+ sh:song6 sh:song7 sh:song8 sh:song9 sh:song10
+ sh:song11 sh:song12 sh:song13 sh:song14 sh:song15
+ sh:song16 sh:song17
+) .
+:Song is rdf:teype of sh:song1, sh:song2 .
+sh:song1 rdfs:label "1 opening night"; :showPath "music/01-opening.wav" .
+sh:song2 rdfs:label "2 st louis blues"; :showPath "music/norm/2.wav" .
diff --git a/show/dance2008/patch.n3 b/show/dance2008/patch.n3
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/show/dance2008/patch.n3
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+@prefix ch: .
+@prefix dmx: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix : .
+@prefix mus: .
+@prefix show: .
+@prefix sh: .
+# test data
+ch:cycRed1 a :Channel; rdfs:label "cycRed1"; :output dmx:c83 .
+ch:cycRed2 a :Channel; rdfs:label "cycRed2"; :output dmx:c80 .
+ch:cycRed3 a :Channel; rdfs:label "cycRed3"; :output dmx:c77 .
+ch:cycRed4 a :Channel; rdfs:label "cycRed4"; :output dmx:c74 .
+ch:cycGreen1 a :Channel; rdfs:label "cycGreen1"; :output dmx:c82 .
+ch:cycGreen2 a :Channel; rdfs:label "cycGreen2"; :output dmx:c79 .
+ch:cycGreen3 a :Channel; rdfs:label "cycGreen3"; :output dmx:c76 .
+ch:cycGreen4 a :Channel; rdfs:label "cycGreen4"; :output dmx:c73 .
diff --git a/show/dance2008/readme b/show/dance2008/readme
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/show/dance2008/readme
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+test sliders on plus
+copy past PHS lighting config to dance2008
+make up/bow/down curves for all songs
+make music curves
+test camera on plus for taking stage pics; do a program to turn on
+each channel and sub and get a picture. mix the order and do it fast,
+so the camera doesn't get to readjust between them?
+setup patched mpd on plus and score
+test mouse on plus
+ext monitor on plus. score too?
+buy LCDs
+test lightsim running at the same time as curvecalc
+test dmx output on 64-bit plus
+fix showcofnig.py to search .mpdconf then /etc/mpd
+normalize levels