Changeset - 01dd3928b635
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Drew Perttula - 9 years ago 2016-06-11 06:49:25
KC can now fade in effects, which can be read from the graph
Ignore-this: 8e45e99e677204465ed362d667e2d192
4 files changed with 52 insertions and 60 deletions:
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@@ -446,12 +446,13 @@ class KeyboardComposer(tk.Frame, SubClie

    def get_output_settings(self):
        outputSettings = []
        for setting in graph.objects(self.session, L9['subSetting']):
            effect = graph.value(setting, L9['sub'])
            strength = graph.value(setting, L9['level'])
            if strength:
                    [(L9['strength'], strength)], songTime=time.time()))

        return outputSettings

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from __future__ import division
from rdflib import URIRef, Literal
from light9.namespaces import L9, RDF
from webcolors import rgb_to_hex
from webcolors import rgb_to_hex, hex_to_rgb
import math

def literalColor(rnorm, gnorm, bnorm):
    return Literal(rgb_to_hex([rnorm * 255, gnorm * 255, bnorm * 255]))

def scale(value, strength):
    if isinstance(value, Literal):
        value = value.toPython()
    if isinstance(value, basestring):
        if value[0] == '#':
            r,g,b = hex_to_rgb(value)
            return rgb_to_hex([r * strength, g * strength, b * strength])
    raise NotImplementedError(repr(value))
class EffectEval(object):
    runs one effect's code to turn effect attr settings into output
    device settings. No state; suitable for reload().
    def __init__(self, graph, effect):
        self.graph = graph
        self.effect = effect
        # effect : [(dev, attr, value, isScaled)]
        self.effectOutputs = {}
        #for ds in g.objects(g.value(uri, L9['effectClass']), L9['deviceSetting']):
        #    self.setting = (g.value(ds, L9['device']), g.value(ds, L9['attr']))


    def updateEffectsFromGraph(self):
        self.effectOutputs = {}
        for effect in self.graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['Effect']):
            print "found fx", effect
            # stash known effects
            settings = []
            for setting in self.graph.objects(effect, L9['setting']):
                d = self.graph.value(setting, L9['device'])
                a = self.graph.value(setting, L9['deviceAttr'])
                v = self.graph.value(setting, L9['value'])
                sv = self.graph.value(setting, L9['scaledValue'])
                if not (bool(v) ^ bool(sv)):
                    raise NotImplementedError

                settings.append((d, a, v if v is not None else sv, bool(sv)))

            if settings:
                self.effectOutputs[effect] = settings
                print settings
    def outputFromEffect(self, effectSettings, songTime):
        From effect attr settings, like strength=0.75, to output device
        settings like light1/bright=0.72;light2/bright=0.78. This runs
        the effect code.
        attr, value = effectSettings[0]
        value = float(value)
        attr, strength = effectSettings[0]
        strength = float(strength)
        assert attr == L9['strength']
        c = int(255 * value)
        color = [0, 0, 0]
        # if it's a known effect, do the scaling thing. :strength is an effectSetting.
        if self.effect == L9['effect/RedStrip']: # throwaway

        out = []
        for dev, attr, value, isScaled in self.effectOutputs.get(self.effect, []):
            if isScaled:
                value = scale(value, strength)
            out.append((dev, attr, value))
        if self.effect == L9['effect/RedStripzzz']: # throwaway
            mov = URIRef('')
            col = [
                    (songTime + .0) % 1.0,
                    (songTime + .4) % 1.0,
                    (songTime + .8) % 1.0,
                    ((songTime + .0) % 1.0),
                    ((songTime + .4) % 1.0),
                    ((songTime + .8) % 1.0),
            return [
                # device, attr, lev
                (mov, L9['color'], Literal(rgb_to_hex([value*x*255 for x in col]))),
                (mov, L9['color'], Literal(rgb_to_hex([strength*x*255 for x in col]))),
                (mov, L9['rx'], Literal(100 + 70 * math.sin(songTime*2))),
            ] * (value>0)

        elif self.effect == L9['effect/BlueStrip']:
            color[2] = c
        elif self.effect == L9['effect/WorkLight']:
            color[1] = c
            ] * (strength>0))
        elif self.effect == L9['effect/Curtain']:
            return [
                (L9['device/lowPattern%s' % n], L9['color'], literalColor(0*value, value, value)) for n in range(301,308+1)
                (L9['device/lowPattern%s' % n], L9['color'], literalColor(0*strength, strength, strength)) for n in range(301,308+1)

        elif self.effect == L9['effect/Strobe']:
            attr, value = effectSettings[0]
            assert attr == L9['strength']
            strength = float(value)
            rate = 2
@@ -72,19 +96,12 @@ class EffectEval(object):
            f = (((songTime + offset) * rate) % 1.0)
            c = (f < duty) * strength
            col = rgb_to_hex([c * 255, c * 255, c * 255])
            return [
                (L9['device/colorStrip'], L9['color'], Literal(col)),
            color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = c

        return [
            # device, attr, lev
        return out


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@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ effect:BlueStrip a :Effect;
  :publishAttr :strength;
  :deviceSetting :ds3 .
:ds3 :device dev:colorStrip; :attr :blue; :value "strength" .

:strength rdfs:label "strength" .

effect:usa a :Effect;
effect:usa a :mockupEffect;
  rdfs:label "USA";
  :publishAttr :strength;
  :code "chase()";
  :devices dev:colorStrip, dev:moving1;
  :fadeShape :fadeCurve1;
  :chaseTempo 120;
@@ -59,9 +59,10 @@ effect:WorkLight a :Effect;
:ds4 :device dev:colorStrip; :attr :color; :value "#00ff00" .

effect:Curtain a :Effect; rdfs:label "curtain"; :publishAttr :strength;
  :deviceSetting :ds5 .
:ds5 :device dev:colorStrip; :attr :color; :value "#300030" .

:live :controls effect:WorkLight, effect:Curtain .
:live :controls effect:WorkLight, effect:Curtain, effect:centerSpot .
effect:WorkLight :group "main"; :order 1 .
effect:Curtain :group "main"; :order 2 .
effect:centerSpot :group "main"; :order 3 .
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -5,40 +5,13 @@
@prefix song: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

:a01 :effectAttr :chaseOffset; :value 0.12 .
:ao0 :effectAttr :chaseTempo; :value 100 .
<> :note song:n0, song:n1, song:n2, song:n3 .

song:n0 a :Note; :curve song:n0c0; :effectClass effect:Curtain;
     :originTime 35.653 .

song:n0c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n0c0p0, song:n0c0p1, song:n0c0p2, song:n0c0p3 .
song:n0c0p0 :time 0.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n0c0p1 :time 1.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n0c0p2 :time 2.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n0c0p3 :time 3.000; :value 0.000 .

song:n1 a :Note; :curve song:n1c0; :effectClass effect:Curtain;
     :originTime 39.152 .

song:n1c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n1c0p0, song:n1c0p1, song:n1c0p2, song:n1c0p3 .
song:n1c0p0 :time 0.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n1c0p1 :time 1.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n1c0p2 :time 2.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n1c0p3 :time 3.000; :value 0.000 .

song:n2 a :Note; :curve song:n2c0; :effectClass effect:Curtain;
     :originTime 43.806 .

song:n2c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n2c0p0, song:n2c0p1, song:n2c0p2, song:n2c0p3 .
song:n2c0p0 :time 0.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n2c0p1 :time 1.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n2c0p2 :time 2.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n2c0p3 :time 3.000; :value 0.000 .
<> :note song:n3 .

song:n3 a :Note; :curve song:n3c0; :effectClass effect:Curtain;
     :originTime 32.297 .

song:n3c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n3c0p0, song:n3c0p1, song:n3c0p2, song:n3c0p3 .
song:n3c0p0 :time 0.000; :value 0.000 .
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