Changeset - 03d2f8c50a34
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0 1 0 - 20 months ago 2023-05-22 08:00:47
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1 file changed with 13 insertions and 10 deletions:
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import logging
import traceback
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, cast
from light9.newtypes import DeviceAttr, DeviceUri, EffectUri, VTUnion
from light9.typedgraph import typedValue

from rdflib import URIRef
@@ -15,28 +16,29 @@ class SimpleOutputs:
    Watches graph for effects that are just fading output attrs.
    Call `values` to get (dev,attr):value settings.

    The alternative to 'simple' is 'custom code' (see

    def __init__(self, graph):
        self.graph = graph

        # effect : [(dev, attr, value, isScaled)]
        self.effectOutputs: Dict[URIRef, List[Tuple[URIRef, URIRef, Any, bool]]] = {}
        self.effectOutputs: Dict[EffectUri, List[Tuple[DeviceUri, DeviceAttr, VTUnion, bool]]] = {}


    def updateEffectsFromGraph(self):
        self.effectOutputs = {}
        for effect in self.graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['Effect']):
            log.debug(f' {effect=}')
            settings = []
            settings:List[Tuple[DeviceUri, DeviceAttr, VTUnion, bool]] = []
            for setting in self.graph.objects(effect, L9['setting']):
                settingValues = dict(self.graph.predicate_objects(setting))
                    d = settingValues.get(L9['device'], None)
                    a = settingValues.get(L9['deviceAttr'], None)
                    v = settingValues.get(L9['value'], None)
                    sv = settingValues.get(L9['scaledValue'], None)
                    d = typedValue(DeviceUri, self.graph, setting, L9['device'])
                    a = typedValue(DeviceAttr, self.graph, setting, L9['deviceAttr'])
                    v = typedValue(VTUnion | None, self.graph, setting, L9['value'])
                    sv = typedValue(VTUnion|None, self.graph, setting, L9['scaledValue'])
                    if not (bool(v) ^ bool(sv)):
                        raise NotImplementedError('no value for %s' % setting)
                    if d is None:
@@ -47,7 +49,8 @@ class SimpleOutputs:

                settings.append((d, a, v if v is not None else sv, bool(sv)))
                settingValue = cast(VTUnion, v if v is not None else sv)
                settings.append((d, a, settingValue, bool(sv)))
                log.debug(f'   effect {effect} has {settings=}')
            if settings:
                self.effectOutputs[effect] = settings
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