Changeset - 0803fb42109d
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0
dmcc - 22 years ago 2003-07-07 17:18:26

we now have TkCueList, which is really cool. it doesn't provide editing
we now have TkCueList, which is really cool. it doesn't provide editing
yet, but you could almost nearly probably maybe run a show with it.
heck, i hope so.

some of the shifting/drawing problems were probably fixed.

cuelist1 got more bogus data to help populate the TkCueList.
2 files changed with 209 insertions and 65 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -2,6 +2,14 @@ from __future__ import division, nested_
import Tix as Tk
import time
from TreeDict import TreeDict, allow_class_to_be_pickled
from TLUtility import enumerate

cue_state_indicator_colors = {
             # bg       fg
    'prev' : ('blue',   'white'),
    'cur' :  ('yellow', 'black'),
    'next' : ('red',    'white'),

class LabelledScale(Tk.Frame):
    """Scale with two labels: a name and current value"""
@@ -9,6 +17,11 @@ class LabelledScale(Tk.Frame):
        Tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, bd=2, relief='raised')
        opts.setdefault('variable', Tk.DoubleVar())
        opts.setdefault('showvalue', 0)

        self.normaltrough = opts.get('troughcolor', 'black')
        self.flashtrough = opts.get('flashtroughcolor', 'red')
        del opts['flashtroughcolor']

        self.scale_var = opts['variable']
        self.scale = Tk.Scale(self, **opts)
        self.scale.pack(side='top', expand=1, fill='both')
@@ -24,6 +37,10 @@ class LabelledScale(Tk.Frame):
    def update_value_label(self, *args):
        val = self.scale_var.get() * 100
        self.scale_value['text'] = "%0.2f" % val
        if val != 0:
            self.scale['troughcolor'] = self.flashtrough
            self.scale['troughcolor'] = self.normaltrough
    def disable(self):
        if not self.disabled:
            self.scale['state'] = 'disabled'
@@ -36,11 +53,11 @@ class LabelledScale(Tk.Frame):

class TimedGoButton(Tk.Frame):
    """Go button, fade time entry, and time fader"""
    def __init__(self, master, name, scale_to_fade):
    def __init__(self, master, name, scale_to_fade, **kw):
        Tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
 = name
        self.scale_to_fade = scale_to_fade
        self.button = Tk.Button(self, text=name, command=self.start_fade)
        self.button = Tk.Button(self, text=name, command=self.start_fade, **kw)
        self.button.pack(fill='both', expand=1, side='left')
        self.timer_var = Tk.StringVar()
        self.timer_entry = Tk.Entry(self, textvariable=self.timer_var, width=5)
@@ -88,36 +105,51 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):
        self.auto_shift = Tk.IntVar()

        # this is a mechanism to stop Tk from autoshifting too much.
        # if this variable is true, the mouse button is down.  we don't want
        # to shift until they release it.  when it is released, we will
        # set it to false and then call autoshift.
        self.no_shifts_until_release = 0

        self.scales = {}
        self.shift_buttons = {}
        self.go_buttons = {}

        topframe = Tk.Frame(self)
        self.current_cues = Tk.Label(topframe)
        bottomframe = Tk.Frame(self)
        self.auto_shift_checkbutton = Tk.Checkbutton(self, 

        self.set_prev_button = Tk.Button(topframe, text='Set Prev',
            command=lambda: cuelist.set_selection_as_prev(),
            fg='white', bg='blue')

        self.auto_shift_checkbutton = Tk.Checkbutton(topframe, 
            variable=self.auto_shift, text='Autoshift', 

        self.set_next_button = Tk.Button(topframe, text='Set Next',
            command=lambda: cuelist.set_selection_as_next(),
            fg='white', bg='red')

        middleframe = Tk.Frame(self)
        for name, start, end, side in (('Prev', 1, 0, 'left'),
                                       ('Next', 0, 1, 'right')):

        faderframe = Tk.Frame(self)
        self.direction_info = (('Prev', 1, 0, 'left', 'blue'),
                               ('Next', 0, 1, 'right', 'red'))
        for name, start, end, side, color in self.direction_info:
            frame = Tk.Frame(self)
            scale = LabelledScale(frame, name, from_=start, to_=end, 
                res=0.01, orient='horiz')
            scale.pack(fill='both', expand=1)
            go = TimedGoButton(frame, 'Go %s' % name, scale)
                res=0.0001, orient='horiz', flashtroughcolor=color)
            scale.pack(fill='x', expand=0)
            go = TimedGoButton(frame, 'Go %s' % name, scale, bg=color, 
            go.pack(fill='both', expand=1)
            frame.pack(side=side, fill='both', expand=1)
            shift = Tk.Button(frame, text="Shift %s" % name, state='disabled',
                command=lambda name=name: self.shift(name))
                command=lambda name=name: self.shift(name), fg=color, 

            self.scales[name] = scale
            self.shift_buttons[name] = shift
@@ -125,37 +157,47 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):

            scale.scale_var.trace('w', \
                lambda x, y, z, name=name, scale=scale: self.xfade(name, scale))
        middleframe.pack(side='bottom', fill='both', expand=1)

            def button_press(event, name=name, scale=scale):
                self.no_shifts_until_release = 1 # prevent shifts until release
            def button_release(event, name=name, scale=scale):
                self.no_shifts_until_release = 0
                self.autoshift(name, scale)

            scale.scale.bind("<ButtonPress>", button_press)
            scale.scale.bind("<ButtonRelease>", button_release)
        faderframe.pack(side='bottom', fill='both', expand=1)
    def toggle_autoshift(self):
        for name, button in self.shift_buttons.items():
            if not self.auto_shift.get():
                button.pack(side='bottom', fill='both', expand=1)
    def shift(self, name):
        # to prevent overshifting
        if self.no_shifts_until_release:

    def shift(self, name):
        print "shift", name
        for scale_name, scale in self.scales.items():
        self.cuelist.shift((-1, 1)[name == 'Next'])
    def update_cue_display(self):
        current_cues = [ for cue in self.cuelist.get_current_cues()]
        self.current_cues['text'] = ', '.join(current_cues)
    def xfade(self, name, scale):
    def autoshift(self, name, scale):
        scale_val = scale.scale_var.get() 
        # print "xfade", name, scale_val

        if scale_val == 1:
            if self.auto_shift.get():
                print "autoshifting", name
                scale_val = scale.scale_var.get() # this needs to be refreshed
    def xfade(self, name, scale):
        if self.auto_shift.get():
            self.autoshift(name, scale)
            scale_val = scale.scale_var.get() 
            scale_val = scale.scale_var.get() 
            if scale_val == 1:
                self.shift_buttons[name]['state'] = 'normal'
                self.shift_buttons[name]['state'] = 'normal'
            # disable any dangerous shifting
            self.shift_buttons[name]['state'] = 'disabled'
                # disable any dangerous shifting
                self.shift_buttons[name]['state'] = 'disabled'

        d = self.opposite_direction(name)
        if scale_val != 0:
@@ -249,16 +291,112 @@ class CueList:

    def save(self):

    def reload(self):
        # TODO: we probably will need to make sure that indices still make
        # sense, etc.

class TkCueList(CueList, Tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master, filename):
        CueList.__init__(self, filename)
        Tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
        self.columns = ('name', 'time', 'page', 'desc')
        self.scrolled_hlist = Tk.ScrolledHList(self,
            options='hlist.columns %d hlist.header 1' % len(self.columns))
        self.hlist = self.scrolled_hlist.hlist
        self.hlist.configure(fg='white', bg='black', 
        self.scrolled_hlist.pack(fill='both', expand=1)

        boldfont ='tix', 'option', 'get', 
        header_style = Tk.DisplayStyle('text', refwindow=self,
            anchor='center', padx=8, pady=2, font=boldfont)

        for count, header in enumerate(self.columns):
            self.hlist.header_create(count, itemtype='text',
                text=header, style=header_style)

        self.cue_label_windows = {}
        for count, cue in enumerate(self.cues):
            self.display_cue(count, cue)
    def display_cue(self, cue_count, cue):
        # cue_count is the path in the hlist -- this probably isn't ideal
        for col, header in enumerate(self.columns):
                text = getattr(cue, header)
            except AttributeError:
                text = ''

            if col == 0:
                lab = Tk.Label(self.hlist, text=text, fg='white', bg='black')
                def select_and_highlight(event):

                lab.bind("<Double-1>", select_and_highlight)
                self.hlist.add(cue_count, itemtype='window', window=lab)
                self.cue_label_windows[cue_count] = lab
                self.hlist.item_create(cue_count, col, text=text)
    def reset_cue_indicators(self, cue_indices=None):
        """If cue_indices is None, we'll reset all of them."""
        cue_indices = cue_indices or self.cue_label_windows.keys()
        for key in cue_indices:
            window = self.cue_label_windows[key]
            window.configure(fg='white', bg='black')
    def update_cue_indicators(self):
        states = dict(zip(self.get_current_cue_indices(), 
                     ('prev', 'cur', 'next')))

        for count, state in states.items():
            window = self.cue_label_windows[count]
            bg, fg = cue_state_indicator_colors[state]
            window.configure(bg=bg, fg=fg)
    def shift(self, diff):
        CueList.shift(self, diff)
        # try to see all indices, but next takes priority over all, and cur
        # over prev
        for index in self.get_current_cue_indices():
    def select_callback(self, index):
        new_next = int(index)
    def set_next(self, index):
        prev, cur, next = self.get_current_cue_indices()
        CueList.set_next(self, index)
    def set_prev(self, index):
        prev, cur, next = self.get_current_cue_indices()
        CueList.set_prev(self, index)
    def set_selection_as_prev(self):
        sel = self.hlist.info_selection()
        if sel:
    def set_selection_as_next(self):
        sel = self.hlist.info_selection()
        if sel:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cl = CueList('cues/cuelist1')
    root = Tk.Tk()
    cl = TkCueList(root, 'cues/cuelist1')
    cl.pack(fill='both', expand=1)

    # to populate cue list
    if 0:
        for x in range(20):
            cl.add_cue(Cue('cue %d' % x, time=x, some_attribute=3))

    root = Tk.Tk()
    fader = CueFader(root, cl)
    fader.pack(fill='both', expand=1)
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0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)