Changeset - 091909b4b727
[Not reviewed]
0 3 1 - 20 months ago 2023-05-22 08:08:31
seems kind of important that effecteval return DeviceSettings, not more EffectSettings
4 files changed with 48 insertions and 8 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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import logging
import time
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple, cast
from light9.typedgraph import typedValue

from rdfdb.syncedgraph.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph
from rdflib import URIRef

from light9.collector.device import resolve, toOutputAttrs
from light9.collector.output import Output as OutputInstance
from light9.collector.weblisteners import WebListeners
from light9.effect.settings import DeviceSettings
from light9.namespaces import L9, RDF
from light9.newtypes import (ClientSessionType, ClientType, DeviceAttr, DeviceClass, DeviceSetting, DeviceUri, DmxIndex, DmxMessageIndex, OutputAttr,
                             OutputRange, OutputUri, OutputValue, UnixTime, VTUnion)

log = logging.getLogger('collector')


def uriTail(u: URIRef) -> str:
    tail = u.rstrip('/').rsplit('/', 1)[1]
    if not tail:
        tail = str(u)
    return tail


def makeDmxMessageIndex(base: DmxIndex, offset: DmxIndex) -> DmxMessageIndex:
    return DmxMessageIndex(base + offset - 1)


def _outputMap(graph: SyncedGraph, outputs: Set[OutputUri]) -> Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, OutputAttr], Tuple[OutputUri, DmxMessageIndex]]:
    """From rdf config graph, compute a map of
       (device, outputattr) : (output, index)
    that explains which output index to set for any device update.
    ret = cast(Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, OutputAttr], Tuple[OutputUri, DmxMessageIndex]], {})

    for dc in graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['DeviceClass']):
'mapping devices of class %s', dc)
        for dev in graph.subjects(RDF.type, dc):
            dev = cast(DeviceUri, dev)
  '  💡 mapping device %s', dev)
            universe = typedValue(OutputUri, graph, dev, L9['dmxUniverse'])
            if universe not in outputs:
                raise ValueError(f'{dev=} is configured to be in {universe=}, but we have no Output for that universe')
                dmxBase = typedValue(DmxIndex, graph, dev, L9['dmxBase'])
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError('no :dmxBase for %s' % dev)

            for row in sorted(graph.objects(dc, L9['attr']), key=str):
                outputAttr = typedValue(OutputAttr, graph, row, L9['outputAttr'])
                offset = typedValue(DmxIndex, graph, row, L9['dmxOffset'])
                index = makeDmxMessageIndex(dmxBase, offset)
                ret[(dev, outputAttr)] = (universe, index)
      '      {uriTail(outputAttr):15} maps to {uriTail(universe)} index {index}')
    return ret


class Collector:
    """receives setAttrs calls; combines settings; renders them into what outputs like; calls Output.update"""

    def __init__(self, graph: SyncedGraph, outputs: List[OutputInstance], listeners: WebListeners, clientTimeoutSec: float = 10):
        self.graph = graph
        self.outputs = outputs
        self.listeners = listeners
        self.clientTimeoutSec = clientTimeoutSec

        self._initTime = time.time()
        self._outputByUri: Dict[OutputUri, OutputInstance] = {}
        self._deviceType: Dict[DeviceUri, DeviceClass] = {}
        self.remapOut: Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, OutputAttr], OutputRange] = {}


        # rename to activeSessons ?
        self.lastRequest: Dict[Tuple[ClientType, ClientSessionType], Tuple[UnixTime, Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, DeviceAttr], VTUnion]]] = {}

        # (dev, devAttr): value to use instead of 0
        self.stickyAttrs: Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, DeviceAttr], VTUnion] = {}

    def _compile(self):
        self._outputByUri = self._compileOutputByUri()
        self._outputMap = _outputMap(self.graph, set(self._outputByUri.keys()))

        for dc in self.graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['DeviceClass']):
            dc = cast(DeviceClass, dc)
            for dev in self.graph.subjects(RDF.type, dc):
                dev = cast(DeviceUri, dev)
                self._deviceType[dev] = dc

    def _compileOutputByUri(self) -> Dict[OutputUri, OutputInstance]:
        ret = {}
        for output in self.outputs:
            ret[OutputUri(output.uri)] = output
        return ret

    def _compileRemapForDevice(self, dev: DeviceUri):
        for remap in self.graph.objects(dev, L9['outputAttrRange']):
            attr = typedValue(OutputAttr, self.graph, remap, L9['outputAttr'])
            start = typedValue(float, self.graph, remap, L9['start'])
            end = typedValue(float, self.graph, remap, L9['end'])
            self.remapOut[(dev, attr)] = OutputRange((start, end))

    def setAttrs(self, client: ClientType, clientSession: ClientSessionType, settings: DeviceSettings, sendTime: UnixTime):
        Given DeviceSettings, we resolve conflicting values,
        process them into output attrs, and call Output.update
        to send the new outputs.

        client is a string naming the type of client.
        (client, clientSession) is a unique client instance.
        clientSession is deprecated.

        Each client session's last settings will be forgotten
        after clientTimeoutSec.
        # todo: cleanup session code if we really don't want to be able to run multiple sessions of one client
        clientSession = ClientSessionType("no_longer_used")

        now = UnixTime(time.time())
        self._warnOnLateRequests(client, now, sendTime)


        self.lastRequest[(client, clientSession)] = (now, self._resolvedSettingsDict(settings))

        deviceAttrs = self._merge(iter(self.lastRequest.values()))

        outputAttrsByDevice = self._convertToOutputAttrsPerDevice(deviceAttrs)
        pendingOut = self._flattenDmxOutput(outputAttrsByDevice)

        dt1 = time.time() - now


        dt2 = time.time() - dt1
        if dt1 > .030 or dt2 > .030:
            log.warning("slow setAttrs: prepare %.1fms -> updateOutputs %.1fms" % (dt1 * 1000, dt2 * 1000))

    def _warnOnLateRequests(self, client, now, sendTime):
        requestLag = now - sendTime
        if requestLag > .1 and now > self._initTime + 10 and getattr(self, '_lastWarnTime', 0) < now - 3:
            self._lastWarnTime = now
            log.warning('collector.setAttrs from %s is running %.1fms after the request was made', client, requestLag * 1000)

    def _forgetStaleClients(self, now):
        staleClientSessions = []
        for clientSession, (reqTime, _) in self.lastRequest.items():
            if reqTime < now - self.clientTimeoutSec:
        for clientSession in staleClientSessions:
  'forgetting stale client %r', clientSession)
            del self.lastRequest[clientSession]

    # todo: move to
    def resolvedSettingsDict(self, settingsList: List[DeviceSetting]) -> Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, DeviceAttr], VTUnion]:
    def _resolvedSettingsDict(self, settingsList: DeviceSettings) -> Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, DeviceAttr], VTUnion]:
        out: Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, DeviceAttr], VTUnion] = {}
        for devUri, devAttr, val in settingsList:
        for devUri, devAttr, val in settingsList.asList():
            if (devUri, devAttr) in out:
                existingVal = out[(devUri, devAttr)]
                out[(devUri, devAttr)] = resolve(self._deviceType[devUri], devAttr, [existingVal, val])
                out[(devUri, devAttr)] = val
        return out

    def _merge(self, lastRequests):
        deviceAttrs: Dict[DeviceUri, Dict[DeviceAttr, VTUnion]] = {}  # device: {deviceAttr: value}
        for _, lastSettings in lastRequests:
            for (device, deviceAttr), value in lastSettings.items():
                if (device, deviceAttr) in self.remapOut:
                    start, end = self.remapOut[(device, deviceAttr)]
                    value = start + float(value) * (end - start)

                attrs = deviceAttrs.setdefault(device, {})
                if deviceAttr in attrs:
                    value = resolve(device, deviceAttr, [attrs[deviceAttr], value])
                attrs[deviceAttr] = value
                # list should come from the graph. these are attrs
                # that should default to holding the last position,
                # not going to 0.
                if deviceAttr in [L9['rx'], L9['ry'], L9['zoom'], L9['focus']]:
                    self.stickyAttrs[(device, deviceAttr)] = cast(float, value)

        # e.g. don't let an unspecified rotation go to 0
        for (d, da), v in self.stickyAttrs.items():
            daDict = deviceAttrs.setdefault(d, {})
            if da not in daDict:
                daDict[da] = v

        return deviceAttrs

    def _convertToOutputAttrsPerDevice(self, deviceAttrs):
        ret: Dict[DeviceUri, Dict[OutputAttr, OutputValue]] = {}
        for d, devType in self._deviceType.items():
                ret[d] = toOutputAttrs(devType, deviceAttrs.get(d, {}))
                self.listeners.outputAttrsSet(d, ret[d], self._outputMap)
            except Exception as e:
                log.error('failing toOutputAttrs on %s: %r', d, e)
        return ret

    def _flattenDmxOutput(self, outputAttrs: Dict[DeviceUri, Dict[OutputAttr, OutputValue]]) -> Dict[OutputUri, bytearray]:
        pendingOut = cast(Dict[OutputUri, bytearray], {})
        for outUri in self._outputByUri.keys():
            pendingOut[outUri] = bytearray(512)

        for device, attrs in outputAttrs.items():
            for outputAttr, value in attrs.items():
                outputUri, _index = self._outputMap[(device, outputAttr)]
                index = DmxMessageIndex(_index)
                outArray = pendingOut[outputUri]
                if outArray[index] != 0:
                    log.warning(f'conflict: {outputUri} output array was already nonzero at 0-based index {index}')
                    raise ValueError(f"someone already wrote to index {index}")
                outArray[index] = value
        return pendingOut

    def _updateOutputs(self, pendingOut: Dict[OutputUri, bytearray]):
        for uri, buf in pendingOut.items():
Show inline comments
Collector receives device attrs from multiple senders, combines
them, and sends output attrs to hardware. The combining part has
custom code for some attributes.

Input can be over http or zmq.
import functools
import logging
import traceback
from typing import List

from light9 import networking
from light9.collector.collector import Collector
from light9.collector.output import ArtnetDmx, DummyOutput, Output, Udmx  # noqa
from light9.collector.weblisteners import UiListener, WebListeners
from light9.namespaces import L9
from light9.run_local import log
from light9.zmqtransport import parseJsonMessage
from prometheus_client import Summary
from rdfdb.syncedgraph.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.endpoints import WebSocketEndpoint
from starlette.responses import Response
from starlette.routing import Route, WebSocketRoute
from starlette.types import Receive, Scope, Send
from starlette.websockets import WebSocket
from starlette_exporter import PrometheusMiddleware, handle_metrics

STAT_SETATTR = Summary('set_attr', 'setAttr calls')


class Updates(WebSocketEndpoint, UiListener):

    def __init__(self, listeners, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
        super().__init__(scope, receive, send)
        self.listeners = listeners

    async def on_connect(self, websocket: WebSocket):
        await websocket.accept()
'socket connect %s', self.scope['client'])
        self.websocket = websocket

    async def sendMessage(self, msgText):
        await self.websocket.send_text(msgText)

    # async def on_receive(self, websocket, data):
    #     json.loads(data)

    async def on_disconnect(self, websocket: WebSocket, close_code: int):



async def PutAttrs(collector: Collector, request):
    with STAT_SETATTR.time():
        client, clientSession, settings, sendTime = parseJsonMessage(await request.body())
        client, clientSession, settings, sendTime = parseJsonMessage(collector.graph, await request.body())
        collector.setAttrs(client, clientSession, settings, sendTime)
        return Response('', status_code=202)


def main():

    graph = SyncedGraph(networking.rdfdb.url, "collector")

        # todo: drive outputs with config files
        rate = 30
        outputs: List[Output] = [
            # ArtnetDmx(L9['output/dmxA/'],
            #           host='',
            #           port=6445,
            #           rate=rate),
            #sudo chmod a+rw /dev/bus/usb/003/021
            Udmx(L9['output/dmxA/'], bus=3, address=21, lastDmxChannel=100),
    except Exception:
        log.error("setting up outputs:")
    listeners = WebListeners()
    c = Collector(graph, outputs, listeners)

    app = Starlette(
            # Route('/recentRequests', lambda req: get_recentRequests(req, db)),
            WebSocketRoute('/updates', endpoint=functools.partial(Updates, listeners)),
            Route('/attrs', functools.partial(PutAttrs, c), methods=['PUT']),

    app.add_route("/metrics", handle_metrics)

    # loadtest = os.environ.get('LOADTEST', False)  # call myself with some synthetic load then exit
    # if loadtest:
    #     # in a subprocess since we don't want this client to be
    #     # cooperating with the main event loop and only sending
    #     # requests when there's free time
    #     def afterWarmup():
    #'running collector_loadtest')
    #         d = utils.getProcessValue('bin/python', ['bin/'])

    #         def done(*a):
    #   'loadtest done')
    #             reactor.stop()

    #         d.addCallback(done)

    #     reactor.callLater(2, afterWarmup)

    return app


app = main()
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import logging
import math
import random
from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Tuple

from noise import pnoise1
from PIL import Image
from rdfdb.syncedgraph.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph
from rdflib import Literal, Namespace
from webcolors import hex_to_rgb, rgb_to_hex

from light9.effect.scale import scale
from light9.effect.settings import BareEffectSettings, EffectSettings
from light9.effect.settings import BareEffectSettings, DeviceSettings, EffectSettings
from light9.effect.simple_outputs import SimpleOutputs
from light9.namespaces import DEV, L9
from light9.newtypes import (DeviceAttr, DeviceUri, EffectAttr, EffectClass, VTUnion)

SKY = Namespace('')


log = logging.getLogger('effecteval')"reload effecteval")


def literalColor(rnorm, gnorm, bnorm):
    return Literal(rgb_to_hex((
        int(rnorm * 255),  #
        int(gnorm * 255),  #
        int(bnorm * 255))))


def literalColorHsv(h, s, v):
    return literalColor(*hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v))


def nsin(x):
    return (math.sin(x * (2 * math.pi)) + 1) / 2


def ncos(x):
    return (math.cos(x * (2 * math.pi)) + 1) / 2


def nsquare(t, on=.5):
    return (t % 1.0) < on


def lerp(a, b, t):
    return a + (b - a) * t


def noise(t):
    return pnoise1(t % 1000.0, 2)


def clamp(lo, hi, x):
    return max(lo, min(hi, x))


def clamp255(x):
    return min(255, max(0, x))


def _8bit(f):
    if not isinstance(f, (int, float)):
        raise TypeError(repr(f))
    return clamp255(int(f * 255))


class EffectEval:
    runs one effect's code to turn effect attr settings into output
    device settings. No state; suitable for reload().
    graph: SyncedGraph
    effect: EffectClass
    simpleOutputs: SimpleOutputs

    def outputFromEffect(self, effectSettings: BareEffectSettings, songTime: float, noteTime: float) -> Tuple[EffectSettings, Dict]:
    def outputFromEffect(self, effectSettings: BareEffectSettings, songTime: float, noteTime: float) -> Tuple[DeviceSettings, Dict]:
        From effect attr settings, like strength=0.75, to output device
        settings like light1/bright=0.72;light2/bright=0.78. This runs
        the effect code.
        # todo: what does the next comment line mean?
        # both callers need to apply note overrides

        strength = float(effectSettings.s[EffectAttr(L9['strength'])])
        if strength <= 0:
            return EffectSettings(self.graph, []), {'zero': True}
            return DeviceSettings(self.graph, []), {'zero': True}

        report = {}
        out: Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, DeviceAttr], VTUnion] = {}  # (dev, attr): value
        out: Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, DeviceAttr], VTUnion] = {}

        out.update(self.simpleOutputs.values(self.effect, strength, effectSettings.s.get(EffectAttr(L9['colorScale']), None)))

        if self.effect.startswith(L9['effect/']):
            tail = 'effect_' + self.effect[len(L9['effect/']):]
                func = globals()[tail]
            except KeyError:
                report['error'] = 'effect code not found for %s' % self.effect
                out.update(func(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime))

        outList = [(d, a, v) for (d, a), v in out.items()]
        return EffectSettings(self.graph, outList), report
        return DeviceSettings(self.graph, outList), report


def effect_Curtain(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    return {(L9['device/lowPattern%s' % n], L9['color']): literalColor(strength, strength, strength) for n in range(301, 308 + 1)}


def effect_animRainbow(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    out = {}
    tint = effectSettings.get(L9['tint'], '#ffffff')
    tintStrength = float(effectSettings.get(L9['tintStrength'], 0))
    tr, tg, tb = hex_to_rgb(tint)
    for n in range(1, 5 + 1):
        scl = strength * nsin(songTime + n * .3)**3
        col = literalColor(scl * lerp(nsin(songTime + n * .2), tr / 255, tintStrength), scl * lerp(nsin(songTime + n * .2 + .3), tg / 255, tintStrength),
                           scl * lerp(nsin(songTime + n * .3 + .6), tb / 255, tintStrength))

        dev = L9['device/aura%s' % n]
            (dev, L9['color']): col,
            (dev, L9['zoom']): .9,
        ang = songTime * 4
            (dev, L9['rx']): lerp(.27, .7, (n - 1) / 4) + .2 * math.sin(ang + n),
            (dev, L9['ry']): lerp(.46, .52, (n - 1) / 4) + .5 * math.cos(ang + n),
    return out


def effect_auraSparkles(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    out = {}
    tint = effectSettings.get(L9['tint'], '#ffffff')
    tr, tg, tb = hex_to_rgb(tint)
    for n in range(1, 5 + 1):
        scl = strength * ((int(songTime * 10) % n) < 1)
        col = literalColorHsv((songTime + (n / 5)) % 1, 1, scl)

        dev = L9['device/aura%s' % n]
            (dev, L9['color']): col,
            (dev, L9['zoom']): .95,
        ang = songTime * 4
            (dev, L9['rx']): lerp(.27, .8, (n - 1) / 4) + .2 * math.sin(ang + n),
            (dev, L9['ry']): lerp(.46, .52, (n - 1) / 4) + .4 * math.cos(ang + n),
    return out


def effect_qpan(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    dev = L9['device/q2']
    dur = 4
    col = scale(scale('#ffffff', strength), effectSettings.get(L9['colorScale']) or '#ffffff')
    return {
        (dev, L9['color']): col,
        (dev, L9['focus']): 0.589,
        (dev, L9['rx']): lerp(0.778, 0.291, clamp(0, 1, noteTime / dur)),
        (dev, L9['ry']): 0.5,
        (dev, L9['zoom']): 0.714,


def effect_pulseRainbow(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    out = {}
    tint = effectSettings.get(L9['tint'], '#ffffff')
    tintStrength = float(effectSettings.get(L9['tintStrength'], 0))
    tr, tg, tb = hex_to_rgb(tint)
    for n in range(1, 5 + 1):
        scl = strength
        col = literalColor(scl * lerp(nsin(songTime + n * .2), tr / 255, tintStrength), scl * lerp(nsin(songTime + n * .2 + .3), tg / 255, tintStrength),
                           scl * lerp(nsin(songTime + n * .3 + .6), tb / 255, tintStrength))

        dev = L9['device/aura%s' % n]
            (dev, L9['color']): col,
            (dev, L9['zoom']): .5,
            (dev, L9['rx']): lerp(.27, .7, (n - 1) / 4),
            (dev, L9['ry']): lerp(.46, .52, (n - 1) / 4),
    return out


def effect_aurawash(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    out = {}
    scl = strength
    period = float(effectSettings.get(L9['period'], 125 / 60 / 4))
    if period < .05:
        quantTime = songTime
        quantTime = int(songTime / period) * period
    noisePos = quantTime * 6.3456

    col = literalColorHsv(noise(noisePos), 1, scl)
    col = scale(col, effectSettings.get(L9['colorScale']) or '#ffffff')

    print(songTime, quantTime, col)

    for n in range(1, 5 + 1):
        dev = L9['device/aura%s' % n]
            (dev, L9['color']): col,
            (dev, L9['zoom']): .5,
            (dev, L9['rx']): lerp(.27, .7, (n - 1) / 4),
            (dev, L9['ry']): lerp(.46, .52, (n - 1) / 4),
    return out


def effect_qsweep(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    out = {}
    period = float(effectSettings.get(L9['period'], 2))

    col = effectSettings.get(L9['colorScale'], '#ffffff')
    col = scale(col, effectSettings.get(L9['strength'], 1))

    for n in range(1, 3 + 1):
        dev = L9['device/q%s' % n]
            (dev, L9['color']): col,
            (dev, L9['zoom']): effectSettings.get(L9['zoom'], .5),
            (dev, L9['rx']): lerp(.3, .8, nsin(songTime / period + n / 4)),
            (dev, L9['ry']): effectSettings.get(L9['ry'], .2),
    return out


def effect_qsweepusa(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    out = {}
    period = float(effectSettings.get(L9['period'], 2))

    colmap = {
        1: '#ff0000',
        2: '#998888',
        3: '#0050ff',

    for n in range(1, 3 + 1):
        dev = L9['device/q%s' % n]
            (dev, L9['color']): scale(colmap[n], effectSettings.get(L9['strength'], 1)),
            (dev, L9['zoom']): effectSettings.get(L9['zoom'], .5),
            (dev, L9['rx']): lerp(.3, .8, nsin(songTime / period + n / 4)),
            (dev, L9['ry']): effectSettings.get(L9['ry'], .5),
    return out


chase1_members = [
chase2_members = chase1_members * 10


def effect_chase1(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    members = chase1_members + chase1_members[-2:0:-1]

    out = {}
    period = float(effectSettings.get(L9['period'], 2 / len(members)))

    for i, dev in enumerate(members):
        cursor = (songTime / period) % float(len(members))
        dist = abs(i - cursor)
        radius = 3
        if dist < radius:
            col = effectSettings.get(L9['colorScale'], '#ffffff')
            col = scale(col, effectSettings.get(L9['strength'], 1))
            col = scale(col, (1 - dist / radius))

                (dev, L9['color']): col,
    return out


def effect_chase2(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    members = chase2_members

    out = {}
    period = float(effectSettings.get(L9['period'], 0.3))

    for i, dev in enumerate(members):
        cursor = (songTime / period) % float(len(members))
        dist = abs(i - cursor)
        radius = 3
        if dist < radius:
            col = effectSettings.get(L9['colorScale'], '#ffffff')
            col = scale(col, effectSettings.get(L9['strength'], 1))
            col = scale(col, (1 - dist / radius))

                (dev, L9['color']): col,
    return out


def effect_whirlscolor(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    out = {}

    col = effectSettings.get(L9['colorScale'], '#ffffff')
    col = scale(col, effectSettings.get(L9['strength'], 1))

    for n in (1, 3):
        dev = L9['device/q%s' % n]
        scl = strength
        col = literalColorHsv(((songTime / 5) + (n / 5)) % 1, 1, scl)
            (dev, L9['color']): col,

    return out


def effect_orangeSearch(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    dev = L9['device/auraStage']
    return {
        (dev, L9['color']): '#a885ff',
        (dev, L9['rx']): lerp(.65, 1, nsin(songTime / 2.0)),
        (dev, L9['ry']): .6,
        (dev, L9['zoom']): 1,


def effect_Strobe(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    rate = 2
    duty = .3
    offset = 0
    f = (((songTime + offset) * rate) % 1.0)
    c = (f < duty) * strength
    col = rgb_to_hex((int(c * 255), int(c * 255), int(c * 255)))
    return {(L9['device/colorStrip'], L9['color']): Literal(col)}


def effect_lightning(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    devs = [
        L9['device/veryLow1'], L9['device/veryLow2'], L9['device/veryLow3'], L9['device/veryLow4'], L9['device/veryLow5'], L9['device/backlight1'],
        L9['device/backlight2'], L9['device/backlight3'], L9['device/backlight4'], L9['device/backlight5'], L9['device/down2'], L9['device/down3'],
        L9['device/down4'], L9['device/hexLow3'], L9['device/hexLow5'], L9['device/postL1'], L9['device/postR1']
    out = {}
    col = rgb_to_hex((int(255 * strength),) * 3)
    for i, dev in enumerate(devs):
        n = noise(songTime * 8 + i * 6.543)
        if n > .4:
            out[(dev, L9['color'])] = col
    return out


def sample8(img, x, y, repeat=False):
    if not (0 <= y < img.height):
        return (0, 0, 0)
    if 0 <= x < img.width:
        return img.getpixel((x, y))
    elif not repeat:
        return (0, 0, 0)
        return img.getpixel((x % img.width, y))


def effect_image(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    out = {}
    imageSetting = effectSettings.get(L9["image"], 'specks.png')
    imgPath = f'cur/anim/{imageSetting}'
    t_offset = effectSettings.get(L9['tOffset'], 0)
    pxPerSec = effectSettings.get(L9['pxPerSec'], 30)
    img =
    x = (noteTime * pxPerSec)

    colorScale = hex_to_rgb(effectSettings.get(L9['colorScale'], '#ffffff'))

    for dev, y in [
        (SKY['strip1'], 0),
        (SKY['strip2'], 1),
        (SKY['strip3'], 2),
        (SKY['par3'], 3),  # dl
        (SKY['par4'], 4),  # ul
        (SKY['par7'], 5),  # ur
        (SKY['par1'], 6),  # dr
        ('cyc1', 7),
        ('cyc2', 8),
        ('cyc3', 9),
        ('cyc4', 10),
        ('down1', 11),
        ('down2', 12),
        ('down3', 13),
        ('down4', 14),
        ('down5', 15),
        ('down6', 16),
        ('down7', 17),
        color8 = sample8(img, x, y, effectSettings.get(L9['repeat'], True))
        color = map(lambda v: v / 255 * strength, color8)
        color = [v * cs / 255 for v, cs in zip(color, colorScale)]
        if dev in ['cyc1', 'cyc2', 'cyc3', 'cyc4']:
            column = dev[-1]
            out[(SKY[f'cycRed{column}'], L9['brightness'])] = color[0]
            out[(SKY[f'cycGreen{column}'], L9['brightness'])] = color[1]
            out[(SKY[f'cycBlue{column}'], L9['brightness'])] = color[2]
            out[(dev, L9['color'])] = rgb_to_hex(tuple(map(_8bit, color)))
    return out


def effect_cyc(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    colorScale = effectSettings.get(L9['colorScale'], '#ffffff')
    r, g, b = map(lambda x: strength * x / 255, hex_to_rgb(colorScale))

    out = {
        (SKY['cycRed1'], L9['brightness']): r,
        (SKY['cycRed2'], L9['brightness']): r,
        (SKY['cycRed3'], L9['brightness']): r,
        (SKY['cycRed4'], L9['brightness']): r,
        (SKY['cycGreen1'], L9['brightness']): g,
        (SKY['cycGreen2'], L9['brightness']): g,
        (SKY['cycGreen3'], L9['brightness']): g,
        (SKY['cycGreen4'], L9['brightness']): g,
        (SKY['cycBlue1'], L9['brightness']): b,
        (SKY['cycBlue2'], L9['brightness']): b,
        (SKY['cycBlue3'], L9['brightness']): b,
        (SKY['cycBlue4'], L9['brightness']): b,

    return out


cycChase1_members = [
cycChase1_members = cycChase1_members * 20


def effect_cycChase1(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    colorScale = effectSettings.get(L9['colorScale'], '#ffffff')
    r, g, b = map(lambda x: x / 255, hex_to_rgb(colorScale))
    tintAmount = {'Red': r, 'Green': g, 'Blue': b}

    members = cycChase1_members

    out = {}
    period = float(effectSettings.get(L9['period'], 6 / len(members)))

    for i, dev in enumerate(members):
        cursor = (songTime / period) % float(len(members))
        dist = abs(i - cursor)
        radius = 7
        if dist < radius:
            colorFromUri = str(dev).split('/')[-1].split('cyc')[1][:-1]
            scale = strength * tintAmount[colorFromUri]
                (dev, L9['brightness']): (1 - dist / radius) * scale,
    return out


def effect_parNoise(effectSettings, strength, songTime, noteTime):
    colorScale = effectSettings.get(L9['colorScale'], '#ffffff')
    r, g, b = map(lambda x: x / 255, hex_to_rgb(colorScale))
    out = {}
    speed = 10
    gamma = .6
    for dev in [SKY['strip1'], SKY['strip2'], SKY['strip3']]:
        out[(dev, L9['color'])] = scale(
            rgb_to_hex((_8bit(r * math.pow(max(.01, noise(speed * songTime)), gamma)), _8bit(g * math.pow(max(.01, noise(speed * songTime + 10)), gamma)),
                        _8bit(b * math.pow(max(.01, noise(speed * songTime + 20)), gamma)))), strength)

    return out
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new file 100644
import time
import unittest

from freezegun import freeze_time
from light9.effect.effecteval import EffectEval
from light9.effect.settings import BareEffectSettings, DeviceSettings, EffectSettings
from light9.effect.simple_outputs import SimpleOutputs
from rdflib import Namespace

from light9.collector.collector import Collector
from light9.collector.output import Output
from light9.collector.weblisteners import WebListeners
from light9.mock_syncedgraph import MockSyncedGraph
from light9.namespaces import DEV, L9
from light9.newtypes import (ClientSessionType, ClientType, DeviceAttr, DeviceUri, EffectAttr, EffectClass, HexColor, UnixTime)

PREFIX = '''
    @prefix : <> .
    @prefix dev: <> .


    :effectClass1 a :EffectClass .
#add light to here
effectClass1 = EffectClass(L9['effectClass1'])


class TestEffectEval:

    def test_scalesColors(self):
        g = MockSyncedGraph(THEATER)
        so = SimpleOutputs(g)
        ee = EffectEval(g, effectClass1, so)
        s = BareEffectSettings(s={EffectAttr(L9['strength']): 0.5})
        ds,report = ee.outputFromEffect(s, songTime=0, noteTime=0)
        assert ds == DeviceSettings(g, [(DeviceUri(L9['light1']), DeviceAttr(L9['color']), HexColor('#888888'))])
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