Changeset - 094e6b84b291
[Not reviewed]
0 4 0 - 20 months ago 2023-05-29 20:20:46
logging and refactor
4 files changed with 52 insertions and 35 deletions:
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@@ -24,76 +24,87 @@ class Handler {
    this.innerHandlers = []; // Handlers requested while this one was running

export class AutoDependencies {
  handlers: Handler;
  handlerStack: Handler[];
  constructor() {
    // tree of all known Handlers (at least those with non-empty
    // patterns). Top node is not a handler.
    this.handlers = new Handler(null, "root");
    this.handlerStack = [this.handlers]; // currently running
    (window as any).ad = this;

  runHandler(func: HandlerFunc, label: string) {
    // what if we have this func already? duplicate is safe?
    if (label == null) {
      throw new Error("missing label");

    const h = new Handler(func, label);
    const tailChildren = this.handlerStack[this.handlerStack.length - 1].innerHandlers;
    const matchingLabel = filter(tailChildren, (c: Handler) => c.label === label).length;
    // ohno, something depends on some handlers getting run twice :(
    if (matchingLabel < 2) {
    //console.time("handler #{label}")
    // todo: this may fire 1-2 times before the
    // graph is initially loaded, which is a waste. Try deferring it if we
    // haven't gotten the graph yet.
    this._rerunHandler(h, /*patch=*/ undefined);
    log(`new handler ${label} ran first time and requested ${h.patterns.length} pats`);
  //console.timeEnd("handler #{label}")

  _rerunHandler(handler: Handler, patch?: Patch) {
    handler.patterns = [];
    try {
      if (handler.func === null) {
        throw new Error("tried to rerun root");
    } catch (e) {
      log("error running handler: ", e);
    } finally {
      // assuming here it didn't get to do all its queries, we could
      // add a *,*,*,* handler to call for sure the next time?
      // log('done. got: ', handler.patterns)
  // handler might have no watches, in which case we could forget about it
  logHandlerTree() {
    log("handler tree:");
    var prn = function (h: Handler, depth: number) {
      let indent = "";
      for (let i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
        indent += "  ";
    const shorten = (x: Term | null) => {
      if (x === null) {
        return "null";
      if (!Util.isNamedNode(x)) {
        return x.value;
      log(`${indent} \"${h.label}\" ${h.patterns.length} pats`);
      Array.from(h.innerHandlers).map((c: any) => prn(c, depth + 1));
      return this.graph.shorten(x as NamedNode);
    prn(this.handlers, 0);

    var prn = (h: Handler, indent: string) => {
      log(`${indent} 🤝 handler "${h.label}" ${h.patterns.length} pats`);
      for (let pat of h.patterns) {
        log(`${indent}   ⣝ s=${shorten(pat.subject)} p=${shorten(pat.predicate)} o=${shorten(pat.object)}`);
      Array.from(h.innerHandlers).map((c: any) => prn(c, indent + "    "));
    prn(this.handlers, "");

  _handlerIsAffected(child: Handler, patchSubjs: Set<string>) {
    if (patchSubjs === null) {
      return true;
    if (!child.patterns.length) {
      return false;

    for (let stmt of Array.from(child.patterns)) {
      if (stmt.subject === null) {
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import debug from "debug";
import { html, LitElement, css } from "lit";
import { LitElement, css, html } from "lit";
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { NamedNode } from "n3";
import { Patch } from "./patch";
import { SyncedGraph } from "./SyncedGraph";

const log = debug("syncedgraph-el");

// todo: consider if this has anything to contribute:
let setTopGraph: (sg: SyncedGraph) => void;
(window as any).topSyncedGraph = new Promise<SyncedGraph>((res, rej) => {
  setTopGraph = res;

// Contains a SyncedGraph,
// displays a little status box,
// and emits 'changed' events with the graph and latest patch when it changes
// Contains a SyncedGraph. Displays as little status box.
// Put one element on your page and use getTopGraph everywhere.
export class RdfdbSyncedGraph extends LitElement {
  @property() graph: SyncedGraph;
  @property() status: string;
  @property() testGraph = false;
  static styles = [
      :host {
        display: inline-block;
        border: 1px solid gray;
        min-width: 22em;
        background: #05335a;
        color: #4fc1d4;
  render() {
    return html`graph: ${this.status}`;

  onClear() {

  constructor() {
    this.status = "startup";
    const prefixes = new Map<string, string>([
      ["", ""],
      ["dev", ""],
      ["rdf", ""],
      ["rdfs", ""],
      ["xsd", ""],
    this.graph = new SyncedGraph(
      this.testGraph ? null : "/rdfdb/api/syncedGraph",
      this.testGraph ? "unused" : "/rdfdb/api/syncedGraph",
      (s: string) => {
        this.status = s;

// todo: consider if this has anything to contribute:
let setTopGraph: (sg: SyncedGraph) => void;
(window as any).topSyncedGraph = new Promise<SyncedGraph>((res, rej) => {
  setTopGraph = res;

export async function getTopGraph(): Promise<SyncedGraph> {
  const s = (window as any).topSyncedGraph;
  return await s;
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@@ -22,26 +22,24 @@ export class SyncedGraph {
  // Main graph object for a browser to use. Consider using RdfdbSyncedGraph element to create & own
  // one of these. Syncs both ways with rdfdb. Meant to hide the choice of RDF lib, so we can change it
  // later.
  // Note that _applyPatch is the only method to write to the graph, so
  // it can fire subscriptions.

    // The /syncedGraph path of an rdfdb server.
    patchSenderUrl: string,
    // prefixes can be used in Uri(curie) calls. This mapping may grow during loadTrig calls.
    public prefixes: Map<string, string>,
    // called if we clear the graph
    private clearCb: any
    private setStatus: (status: string) => void
  ) {
    this.prefixFuncs = this.rebuildPrefixFuncs(prefixes);
    this.graph = new N3.Store();
    this.autoDeps = new AutoDependencies(this);

    this.client = new RdfDbClient(patchSenderUrl, this._clearGraphOnNewConnection.bind(this), this._applyPatch.bind(this), this.setStatus);

  clearGraph() {
    // must not try send a patch to the server!
@@ -52,27 +50,24 @@ export class SyncedGraph {
    // if we had a Store already, this lets N3.Store free all its indices/etc
    this.graph = new N3.Store();

  _clearGraphOnNewConnection() {
    // must not try send a patch to the server

    log("clearGraphOnNewConnection done");
    if (this.clearCb != null) {
      return this.clearCb();

  private rebuildPrefixFuncs(prefixes: Map<string, string>) {
    const p = Object.create(null);
    prefixes.forEach((v: string, k: string) => (p[k] = v));

    this.prefixFuncs = N3.Util.prefixes(p);
    return this.prefixFuncs;

  U() {
    // just a shorthand
@@ -162,24 +157,25 @@ export class SyncedGraph {

  _applyPatch(patch: Patch) {
    // In most cases you want applyAndSendPatch.
    // This is the only method that writes to this.graph!
    log("patch from server [1]");
    log("applied patch locally", patch.summary());

  getObjectPatch(s: N3.NamedNode, p: N3.NamedNode, newObject: N3.Quad_Object | null, g: N3.NamedNode): Patch {
    // make a patch which removes existing values for (s,p,*,c) and
    // adds (s,p,newObject,c). Values in other graphs are not affected.
    const existing = this.graph.getQuads(s, p, null, g);
    return new Patch(existing, newObject !== null ? [this.Quad(s, p, newObject, g)] : []);

  patchObject(s: N3.NamedNode, p: N3.NamedNode, newObject: N3.Quad_Object | null, g: N3.NamedNode) {
    this.applyAndSendPatch(this.getObjectPatch(s, p, newObject, g));
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@@ -64,24 +64,42 @@ export class Patch {

  update(other: Patch): Patch {
    // this is approx, since it doesnt handle matching existing quads.
    return new Patch(this.dels.concat(other.dels), this.adds.concat(other.adds));

  summary(): string {
    return "-" + this.dels.length + " +" + this.adds.length;

  dump(): string {
    const lines: string[] = [];
    const s = (term: N3.Term): string => {
      if (term.termType=='Literal') return term.value;
      if (term.termType=='NamedNode') return term.value
        .replace("", "rdf:")
      if (term.termType=='BlankNode') return '_:'+term.value;
    this.dels.forEach((d) => lines.push("- " + s(d.subject) + " " + s(d.predicate) + " " + s(d.object)));
    this.adds.forEach((d) => lines.push("+ " + s(d.subject) + " " + s(d.predicate) + " " + s(d.object)));
    return lines.join("\n");

  async toJsonPatch(): Promise<string> {
    return new Promise((res, rej) => {
      const out: SyncgraphPatchMessage = { patch: { adds: "", deletes: "" } };

      const writeDels = (cb1: () => void) => {
        const writer = new Writer({ format: "N-Quads" });
        writer.end(function (err: any, result: string) {
          out.patch.deletes = result;
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