Changeset - 0b8222617b75
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David McClosky - 15 years ago 2010-06-19 23:41:32
1 file changed with 0 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -75,17 +75,12 @@ sub:song12	:group group:song; :order 12 
sub:song13	:group group:song; :order 13 .
sub:song14	:group group:song; :order 14 .
sub:song15	:group group:song; :order 15 .
sub:song16	:group group:song; :order 16 .
sub:song17	:group group:song; :order 17 .

group:brow is :group of
sub:bblue, sub:bblueall, sub:bneutral, sub:bpurple, sub:bpurpleall, sub:bpurplec,
   sub:bred, sub:bredall .


chase:colors a :Chase; :channels (
ch:oran1 ch:gree1 ch:blue1 ch:red1 
ch:oran2 ch:gree2 ch:blue2 ch:red2 
ch:oran3 ch:gree2 ch:blue2 ch:red2 
ch:oran4 ) .

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