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// Type definitions for sylvester 0.1.3
// Project:
// Definitions by: Stephane Alie <>
// Definitions:

// === Sylvester ===
// Vector and Matrix mathematics modules for JavaScript
// Copyright (c) 2007 James Coglan

declare module Sylvester {
    interface VectorStatic {
         * Constructor function.
        create(elements: Vector|Array<number>): Vector;

        i: Vector;
        j: Vector;
        k: Vector;

         * Random vector of size n.
         * @param {number} n The vector size.
        Random(n: number): Vector;

         * Vector filled with zeros.
         * @param {number} n The vector size.
        Zero(n: number): Vector;
    interface MatrixStatic {
         * Constructor function.
         * @param {Array<number>|Array<Array<number>>|Vector|Matrix} elements The elements.
        create(elements: Array<number>|Array<Array<number>>|Vector | Matrix): Matrix;

         * Identity matrix of size n.
         * @param {number} n The size.
        I(n: number): Matrix;

         * Diagonal matrix - all off-diagonal elements are zero
         * @param {any} elements The elements.
        Diagonal(elements: Array<number>|Array<Array<number>>|Vector | Matrix): Matrix;

         * Rotation matrix about some axis. If no axis is supplied, assume we're after a 2D transform.
         * @param {number} theta The angle in radians.
         * @param {Vector} a [Optional] The axis.
        Rotation(theta: number, a?: Vector): Matrix;

        RotationX(t: number): Matrix;
        RotationY(t: number): Matrix;
        RotationZ(t: number): Matrix;

         * Random matrix of n rows, m columns.
         * @param {number} n The number of rows.
         * @param {number} m The number of columns.
        Random(n: number, m: number): Matrix;

         * Matrix filled with zeros.
         * @param {number} n The number of rows.
         * @param {number} m The number of columns.
        Zero(n: number, m: number): Matrix;

    interface LineStatic {
         * Constructor function.
         * @param Array<number>|Vector anchor The anchor vector.
         * @param Array<number>|Vector direction The direction vector.
        create(anchor: Array<number>|Vector, direction: Array<number>|Vector): Line;

        X: Line;
        Y: Line;
        Z: Line;
    interface PlaneStatic {
         * Constructor function.
        create(anchor: Array<number>|Vector, normal: Array<number>|Vector): Plane;

         * Constructor function.
        create(anchor: Array<number>|Vector, v1: Array<number>|Vector, v2: Array<number>|Vector): Plane;

        XY: Plane;
        YZ: Plane;
        ZX: Plane;
        YX: Plane;

interface Vector {
     * Gets an array containing the vector's elements.
    elements: Array<number>;

     * Returns element i of the vector.
    e(i: number): number;

     * Returns the number of elements the vector has.
    dimensions(): number;

     * Returns the modulus ('length') of the vector.
    modulus(): number;

     * Returns true if the vector is equal to the argument.
     * @param {Vector|Array<number>} vector The vector to compare equality.
    eql(vector: Vector|Array<number>): boolean;

     * Returns a copy of the vector.
    dup(): Vector;

     * Maps the vector to another vector according to the given function.
     * @param {Function} fn The function to apply to each element (x, i) => {}.
    map(fn: (x: number, i: number) => any): Vector;

     * Calls the iterator for each element of the vector in turn.
     * @param {Function} fn The function to apply to each element (x, i) => {}.
    each(fn: (x: number, i: number) => any): void;

     * Returns a new vector created by normalizing the receiver.
    toUnitVector(): Vector;

     * Returns the angle between the vector and the argument (also a vector).
     * @param {Vector} vector The other vector to calculate the angle.
    angleFrom(vector: Vector): number;

     * Returns true if the vector is parallel to the argument.
     * @param {Vector} vector The other vector.
    isParallelTo(vector: Vector): boolean;

     * Returns true if the vector is antiparallel to the argument.
     * @param {Vector} vector The other vector.
    isAntiparallelTo(vector: Vector): boolean;

     * Returns true iff the vector is perpendicular to the argument.
     * @param {Vector} vector The other vector.
    isPerpendicularTo(vector: Vector): boolean;

     * Returns the result of adding the argument to the vector.
     * @param {Vector|Array<number>} vector The vector.
    add(vector: Vector|Array<number>): Vector;

     * Returns the result of subtracting the argument from the vector.
     * @param {Vector|Array<number>} vector The vector.
    subtract(vector: Vector|Array<number>): Vector;

     * Returns the result of multiplying the elements of the vector by the argument.
     * @param {number} k The value by which to multiply the vector.
    multiply(k: number): Vector;

     * Returns the result of multiplying the elements of the vector by the argument (Alias for multiply(k)).
     * @param {number} k The value by which to multiply the vector.
    x(k: number): Vector;

     * Returns the scalar product of the vector with the argument. Both vectors must have equal dimensionality.
     * @param: {Vector|Array<number>} vector The other vector.
    dot(vector: Vector|Array<number>): number;

     * Returns the vector product of the vector with the argument. Both vectors must have dimensionality 3.
     * @param {Vector|Array<number>} vector The other vector.
    cross(vector: Vector|Array<number>): Vector;

     * Returns the (absolute) largest element of the vector.
    max(): number;

     * Returns the index of the first match found.
     * @param {number} x The value.
    indexOf(x: number): number;

     * Returns a diagonal matrix with the vector's elements as its diagonal elements.
    toDiagonalMatrix(): Matrix;

     * Returns the result of rounding the elements of the vector.
    round(): Vector;

     * Returns a copy of the vector with elements set to the given value if they differ from
     * it by less than Sylvester.precision.
     * @param {number} x The value to snap to.
    snapTo(x: number): Vector;

     * Returns the vector's distance from the argument, when considered as a point in space.
     * @param {Vector|Line|Plane} obj The object to calculate the distance.
    distanceFrom(obj: Vector|Line|Plane): number;

     * Returns true if the vector is point on the given line.
     * @param {Line} line The line.
    liesOn(line: Line): boolean;

     * Return true if the vector is a point in the given plane.
     * @param {Plane} plane The plane.
    liesIn(plane: Plane): boolean;

     * Rotates the vector about the given object. The object should be a point if the vector is 2D,
     * and a line if it is 3D. Be careful with line directions!
     * @param {number|Matrix} t The angle in radians or in rotation matrix.
     * @param {Vector|Line} obj The rotation axis.
    rotate(t: number|Matrix, obj: Vector|Line): Vector;

     * Returns the result of reflecting the point in the given point, line or plane.
     * @param {Vector|Line|Plane} obj The object.
    reflectionIn(obj: Vector|Line|Plane): Vector;

     * Utility to make sure vectors are 3D. If they are 2D, a zero z-component is added.
    to3D(): Vector;

     * Returns a string representation of the vector.
    inspect(): string;

     * Set vector's elements from an array.
     * @param {Vector|Array<number>} els The elements.
    setElements(els: Vector|Array<number>): Vector;

interface Matrix {
     * Gets a nested array containing the matrix's elements.
    elements: Array<Array<number>>;
     * Returns element (i,j) of the matrix.
     * @param {number} i The row index.
     * @param {number} j The column index.
    e(i: number, j: number): any;

     * Returns row k of the matrix as a vector.
     * @param {number} i The row index.
    row(i: number): Vector;

     * Returns column k of the matrix as a vector.
     * @param {number} j The column index.
    col(j: number): Vector;

     * Returns the number of rows/columns the matrix has.
     * @return {any} An object { rows: , cols: }.
    dimensions(): any;

     * Returns the number of rows in the matrix.
    rows(): number;

     * Returns the number of columns in the matrix.
    cols(): number;

     * Returns true if the matrix is equal to the argument. You can supply a vector as the argument,
     * in which case the receiver must be a one-column matrix equal to the vector.
     * @param {Vector|Matrix} matrix The argument to compare.
    eql(matrix: Vector|Matrix): boolean;

     * Returns a copy of the matrix.
    dup(): Matrix;

     * Maps the matrix to another matrix (of the same dimensions) according to the given function.
     * @param {Function} fn The function.
    map(fn: (x: number, i: number, j: number) => any): Matrix;

     * Returns true iff the argument has the same dimensions as the matrix.
     * @param {Matrix} matrix The other matrix.
    isSameSizeAs(matrix: Matrix): boolean;

     * Returns the result of adding the argument to the matrix.
     * @param {Matrix} matrix The matrix to add.
    add(matrix: Matrix): Matrix;

     * Returns the result of subtracting the argument from the matrix.
     * @param {Matrix} matrix The matrix to substract.
    subtract(matrix: Matrix): Matrix;

     * Returns true iff the matrix can multiply the argument from the left.
     * @param {Matrix} matrix The matrix.
    canMultiplyFromLeft(matrix: Matrix): boolean;

     * Returns the result of multiplying the matrix from the right by the argument. If the argument is a scalar
     * then just multiply all the elements. If the argument is a vector, a vector is returned, which saves you
     * having to remember calling col(1) on the result.
     * @param {number|Matrix} matrix The multiplier.
    multiply(matrix: number|Matrix): Matrix;

     * Returns the result of multiplying the matrix from the right by the argument. If the argument is a scalar
     * then just multiply all the elements. If the argument is a vector, a vector is returned, which saves you
     * having to remember calling col(1) on the result.
     * @param {Vector} vector The multiplier.
    multiply(vector: Vector): Vector;

    x(matrix: number|Matrix): Matrix;

    x(vector: Vector): Vector;

     * Returns a submatrix taken from the matrix. Argument order is: start row, start col, nrows, ncols.
     * Element selection wraps if the required index is outside the matrix's bounds, so you could use
     * this to perform row/column cycling or copy-augmenting.
     * @param {number} a Starting row index.
     * @param {number} b Starting column index.
     * @param {number} c Number of rows.
     * @param {number} d Number of columns.
    minor(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): Matrix;

     * Returns the transpose of the matrix.
    transpose(): Matrix;

     * Returns true if the matrix is square.
    isSquare(): boolean;

     * Returns the (absolute) largest element of the matrix.
    max(): number;

     * Returns the indeces of the first match found by reading row-by-row from left to right.
     * @param {number} x The value.
     * @return {any} The element indeces i.e: { row:1, col:1 }
    indexOf(x: number): any;

     * If the matrix is square, returns the diagonal elements as a vector; otherwise, returns null.
    diagonal(): Vector;

     * Make the matrix upper (right) triangular by Gaussian elimination. This method only adds multiples
     * of rows to other rows. No rows are scaled up or switched, and the determinant is preserved.
    toRightTriangular(): Matrix;
    toUpperTriangular(): Matrix;

     * Returns the determinant for square matrices.
    determinant(): number;
    det(): number;

     * Returns true if the matrix is singular.
    isSingular(): boolean;

     * Returns the trace for square matrices.
    trace(): number;
    tr(): number;

     * Returns the rank of the matrix.
    rank(): number;
    rk(): number;

     * Returns the result of attaching the given argument to the right-hand side of the matrix.
     * @param {Matrix|Vector} matrix The matrix or vector.
    augment(matrix: Matrix|Vector): Matrix;

     * Returns the inverse (if one exists) using Gauss-Jordan.
    inverse(): Matrix;
    inv(): Matrix;

     * Returns the result of rounding all the elements.
    round(): Matrix;

     * Returns a copy of the matrix with elements set to the given value if they differ from it
     * by less than Sylvester.precision.
     * @param {number} x The value.
    snapTo(x: number): Matrix;

     * Returns a string representation of the matrix.
    inspect(): string;

     * Set the matrix's elements from an array. If the argument passed is a vector, the resulting matrix
     * will be a single column.
     * @param {Array<number>|Array<Array<number>>|Vector|Matrix} matrix The elements.
    setElements(matrix: Array<number>|Array<Array<number>>|Vector|Matrix): Matrix;

interface Line {
     * Gets the 3D vector corresponding to a point on the line.
    anchor: Vector;

     * Gets a normalized 3D vector representing the line's direction.
    direction: Vector;

     * Returns true if the argument occupies the same space as the line.
     * @param {Line} line The other line.
    eql(line: Line): boolean;

     * Returns a copy of the line.
    dup(): Line;

     * Returns the result of translating the line by the given vector/array.
     * @param {Vector|Array<number>} vector The translation vector.
    translate(vector: Vector|Array<number>): Line;

     * Returns true if the line is parallel to the argument. Here, 'parallel to' means that the argument's
     * direction is either parallel or antiparallel to the line's own direction. A line is parallel to a
     * plane if the two do not have a unique intersection.
     * @param {Line|Plane} obj The object.
    isParallelTo(obj: Line|Plane): boolean;

     * Returns the line's perpendicular distance from the argument, which can be a point, a line or a plane.
     * @param {Vector|Line|Plane} obj The object.
    distanceFrom(obj: Vector|Line|Plane): number;

     * Returns true if the argument is a point on the line.
     * @param {Vector} point The point.
    contains(point: Vector): boolean;

     * Returns true if the line lies in the given plane.
     * @param {Plane} plane The plane.
    liesIn(plane: Plane): boolean;

     * Returns true if the line has a unique point of intersection with the argument.
     * @param {Line|Plane} obj The object.
    intersects(obj: Line|Plane): boolean;

     * Returns the unique intersection point with the argument, if one exists.
     * @param {Line|Plane} obj The object.
    intersectionWith(obj: Line|Plane): Vector;

     * Returns the point on the line that is closest to the given point or line.
     * @param {Vector|Line} obj The object.
    pointClosestTo(obj: Vector|Line): Vector;

     * Returns a copy of the line rotated by t radians about the given line. Works by finding the argument's
     * closest point to this line's anchor point (call this C) and rotating the anchor about C. Also rotates
     * the line's direction about the argument's. Be careful with this - the rotation axis' direction
     * affects the outcome!
     * @param {number} t The angle in radians.
     * @param {Vector|Line} axis The axis.
    rotate(t: number, axis: Vector|Line): Line;

     * Returns the line's reflection in the given point or line.
     * @param {Vector|Line|Plane} obj The object.
    reflectionIn(obj: Vector|Line|Plane): Line;

     * Set the line's anchor point and direction.
     * @param {Array<number>|Vector} anchor The anchor vector.
     * @param {Array<number>|Vector} direction The direction vector.
    setVectors(anchor: Array<number>|Vector, direction: Array<number>|Vector): Line;

interface Plane {
     * Gets the 3D vector corresponding to a point in the plane.
    anchor: Vector;

     * Gets a normalized 3D vector perpendicular to the plane.
    normal: Vector;

     * Returns true if the plane occupies the same space as the argument.
     * @param {Plane} plane The other plane.
    eql(plane: Plane): boolean;

     * Returns a copy of the plane.
    dup(): Plane;

     * Returns the result of translating the plane by the given vector.
     * @param {Array<number>|Vector} vector The translation vector.
    translate(vector: Array<number>|Vector): Plane;

     * Returns true if the plane is parallel to the argument. Will return true if the planes are equal,
     * or if you give a line and it lies in the plane.
     * @param {Line|Plane} obj The object.
    isParallelTo(obj: Line|Plane): boolean;

     * Returns true if the receiver is perpendicular to the argument.
     * @param {Plane} plane The other plane.
    isPerpendicularTo(plane: Plane): boolean;

     * Returns the plane's distance from the given object (point, line or plane).
     * @parm {Vector|Line|Plane} obj The object.
    distanceFrom(obj: Vector|Line|Plane): number;

     * Returns true if the plane contains the given point or line.
     * @param {Vector|Line} obj The object.
    contains(obj: Vector|Line): boolean;

     * Returns true if the plane has a unique point/line of intersection with the argument.
     * @param {Line|Plane} obj The object.
    intersects(obj: Line|Plane): boolean;

     * Returns the unique intersection with the argument, if one exists.
     * @param {Line} line The line.
    intersectionWith(line: Line): Vector;

     * Returns the unique intersection with the argument, if one exists.
     * @param {Plane} plane The plane.
    intersectionWith(plane: Plane): Line;

     * Returns the point in the plane closest to the given point.
     * @param {Vector} point The point.
    pointClosestTo(point: Vector): Vector;

     * Returns a copy of the plane, rotated by t radians about the given line. See notes on Line#rotate.
     * @param {number} t The angle in radians.
     * @param {Line} axis The line axis.
    rotate(t: number, axis: Line): Plane;

     * Returns the reflection of the plane in the given point, line or plane.
     * @param {Vector|Line|Plane} obj The object.
    reflectionIn(obj: Vector|Line|Plane): Plane;

     * Sets the anchor point and normal to the plane. Normal vector is normalised before storage.
     * @param {Array<number>|Vector} anchor The anchor vector.
     * @param {Array<number>|Vector} normal The normal vector.
    setVectors(anchor: Array<number>|Vector, normal: Array<number>|Vector): Plane;

     * Sets the anchor point and normal to the plane. The normal is calculated by assuming the three points
     * should lie in the same plane. Normal vector is normalised before storage.
     * @param {Array<number>|Vector} anchor The anchor vector.
     * @param {Array<number>|Vector} v1 The first direction vector.
     * @param {Array<number>|Vector} v2 The second direction vector.
    setVectors(anchor: Array<number>|Vector, v1: Array<number>|Vector, v2: Array<number>|Vector): Plane;

declare module Sylvester {
    export var version: string;
    export var precision: number;

declare var Vector: Sylvester.VectorStatic;
declare var Matrix: Sylvester.MatrixStatic;
declare var Line: Sylvester.LineStatic;
declare var Plane: Sylvester.PlaneStatic;

* Constructor function.
* @param {Vector|Array<number} elements The elements.
declare function $V(elements: Vector|Array<number>): Vector;

* Constructor function.
* @param {Array<number>|Array<Array<number>>|Vector|Matrix} elements The elements.
declare function $M(elements: Array<number>|Array<Array<number>>|Vector | Matrix): Matrix;

* Constructor function.
* @param Array<number>|Vector anchor The anchor vector.
* @param Array<number>|Vector direction The direction vector.
declare function $L(anchor: Array<number>|Vector, direction: Array<number>|Vector): Line;

* Constructor function.
* @param {Array<number>|Vector} anchor The anchor vector.
* @param {Array<number>|Vector} normal The normal vector.
declare function $P(anchor: Array<number>|Vector, normal: Array<number>|Vector): Plane;

 * Constructor function.
 * @param {Array<number>|Vector} anchor The anchor vector.
 * @param {Array<number>|Vector} v1 The first direction vector.
 * @param {Array<number>|Vecotr} v2 The second direction vector.
declare function $P(anchor: Array<number>|Vector, v1: Array<number>|Vector, v2: Array<number>|Vector): Plane;
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