Changeset - 0dd05e9d4ae7
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 20 months ago 2023-05-24 06:43:07
ran into this line- maybe it is not NotImplemented after all?
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -87,25 +87,25 @@ class _Settings:
        """note that others may have multiple values for an attr"""
        self = cls(graph, [])
        for s in others:
            # if not isinstance(s, cls):
            #     raise TypeError(s)
            for row in s.asList():  # could work straight from s._compiled
                if row[0] is None:
                    raise TypeError('bad row %r' % (row,))
                dev, devAttr, value = row
                devDict = self._compiled.setdefault(dev, {})
                if devAttr in devDict:
                    existingVal: VTUnion = devDict[devAttr]
                    raise NotImplementedError('fixme: dev is to be a deviceclass (but it is currently unused)')
                    # raise NotImplementedError('fixme: dev is to be a deviceclass (but it is currently unused)')
                    value = resolve(dev, devAttr, [existingVal, value])
                devDict[devAttr] = value
        return self

    def _mult(cls, weight, row, dd) -> VTUnion:
        if isinstance(row[2], str):
            prev = parseHexNorm(dd.get(row[1], '#000000'))
            return toHex(prev + weight * numpy.array(parseHexNorm(row[2])))
            return dd.get(row[1], 0) + weight * row[2]
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