Changeset - 0f7e99d02dc6
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Drew Perttula - 12 years ago 2013-06-04 23:17:06
subcomposer support logging. don't start with a bogus sub
Ignore-this: f28e1e812e0d7e26e49abb8ee428d4db
1 file changed with 5 insertions and 1 deletions:
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from __future__ import division, nested_scopes
from optparse import OptionParser
import logging
import Tkinter as tk
import louie as dispatcher
from twisted.internet import reactor, tksupport, task
from rdflib import URIRef

import run_local
@@ -12,12 +13,15 @@ from light9.dmxchanedit import Levelbox
from light9 import dmxclient, Patch, Submaster, showconfig, prof
from light9.uihelpers import toplevelat
from light9.rdfdb.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph
from light9.rdfdb import clientsession
from light9.tkdnd import initTkdnd, dragSourceRegister, dropTargetRegister

log = logging.getLogger()

class _NoNewVal(object):

class Observable(object):
    like knockout's observable. Hopefully this can be replaced by a
@@ -145,13 +149,13 @@ class Subcomposer(tk.Frame):
        self.session = session
        self.currentSub = Submaster.PersistentSubmaster(graph, URIRef('http://hello'))

        self.levelbox = Levelbox(self, graph)

        currentUri = Observable("http://curr")
        currentUri = Observable(Local)

        def pc(val):
            print "change viewed sub to", val

        EditChoice(self, self.graph, currentUri).frame.pack(side='top')
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