Changeset - 0fc61e701347
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Drew Perttula - 8 years ago 2017-06-03 20:55:01
collector: don't confuse two clients with the same name- use the session
Ignore-this: 19d24d31b27b420a5006c32dafa49aac
2 files changed with 33 insertions and 25 deletions:
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@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ class Collector(Generic[ClientType, Clie
        self.initTime = time.time()
        self.allDevices = set()


        # client : (session, time, {(dev,devattr): latestValue})
        self.lastRequest = {} # type: Dict[ClientType, Tuple[ClientSessionType, float, Dict[Tuple[URIRef, URIRef], float]]]
        self.lastRequest = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[ClientType, ClientSessionType], Tuple[float, Dict[Tuple[URIRef, URIRef], float]]]

        # (dev, devAttr): value to use instead of 0
        self.stickyAttrs = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[URIRef, URIRef], float] 

    def rebuildOutputMap(self):
        self.outputMap = outputMap(self.graph, self.outputs) # (device, outputattr) : (output, index)
@@ -79,20 +79,21 @@ class Collector(Generic[ClientType, Clie
                    start = float(self.graph.value(remap, L9['start']))
                    end = float(self.graph.value(remap, L9['end']))
                    self.remapOut[(dev, attr)] = start, end

    def _forgetStaleClients(self, now):
        # type: (float) -> None
        staleClients = []
        for c, (_, t, _2) in self.lastRequest.iteritems():
        staleClientSessions = []
        for c, (t, _) in self.lastRequest.iteritems():
            if t < now - self.clientTimeoutSec:
        for c in staleClients:
        for c in staleClientSessions:
  'forgetting stale client %r', c)
            del self.lastRequest[c]

    # todo: move to
    def resolvedSettingsDict(self, settingsList):
        # type: (List[Tuple[URIRef, URIRef, float]]) -> Dict[Tuple[URIRef, URIRef], float]
        out = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[URIRef, URIRef], float]
        for d, da, v in settingsList:
            if (d, da) in out:
                out[(d, da)] = resolve(d, da, [out[(d, da)], v])
@@ -102,32 +103,16 @@ class Collector(Generic[ClientType, Clie

    def _warnOnLateRequests(self, client, now, sendTime):
        requestLag = now - sendTime
        if requestLag > .1 and now > self.initTime + 5:
            log.warn('collector.setAttrs from %s is running %.1fms after the request was made',
                     client, requestLag * 1000)
    def setAttrs(self, client, clientSession, settings, sendTime):
        settings is a list of (device, attr, value). These attrs are
        device attrs. We resolve conflicting values, process them into
        output attrs, and call Output.update/Output.flush to send the
        new outputs.

        Call with settings=[] to ping us that your session isn't dead.
        now = time.time()
        self._warnOnLateRequests(client, now, sendTime)


        uniqueSettings = self.resolvedSettingsDict(settings)
        self.lastRequest[client] = (clientSession, now, uniqueSettings)

    def _merge(self, lastRequests):
        deviceAttrs = {} # device: {deviceAttr: value}       
        for _, _, lastSettings in self.lastRequest.itervalues():
        for _, lastSettings in lastRequests:
            for (device, deviceAttr), value in lastSettings.iteritems():
                if (device, deviceAttr) in self.remapOut:
                    start, end = self.remapOut[(device, deviceAttr)]
                    value = Literal(start + float(value) * (end - start))

                attrs = deviceAttrs.setdefault(device, {})
@@ -137,19 +122,43 @@ class Collector(Generic[ClientType, Clie
                # list should come from the graph. these are attrs
                # that should default to holding the last position,
                # not going to 0.
                if deviceAttr in [L9['rx'], L9['ry'], L9['zoom'], L9['focus']]:
                    self.stickyAttrs[(device, deviceAttr)] = value

        # e.g. don't let an unspecified rotation go to 0
        for (d, da), v in self.stickyAttrs.iteritems():
            daDict = deviceAttrs.setdefault(d, {})
            if da not in daDict:
                daDict[da] = v
        return deviceAttrs

    def setAttrs(self, client, clientSession, settings, sendTime):
        settings is a list of (device, attr, value). These attrs are
        device attrs. We resolve conflicting values, process them into
        output attrs, and call Output.update/Output.flush to send the
        new outputs.

        client is a string naming the type of client. (client,
        clientSession) is a unique client instance.

        Each client session's last settings will be forgotten after
        now = time.time()
        self._warnOnLateRequests(client, now, sendTime)


        uniqueSettings = self.resolvedSettingsDict(settings)
        self.lastRequest[(client, clientSession)] = (now, uniqueSettings)

        deviceAttrs = self._merge(self.lastRequest.itervalues())
        outputAttrs = {} # device: {outputAttr: value}
        for d in self.allDevices:
                devType = self.deviceType[d]
            except KeyError:
                log.warn("request for output to unconfigured device %s" % d)
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@@ -59,13 +59,12 @@ def resolve(deviceType, deviceAttr, valu
                raise TypeError(repr(v))

        # averaging with zeros? not so good
        return Literal(sum(floatVals) / len(floatVals))
    return max(values)

def toOutputAttrs(deviceType, deviceAttrSettings):
    Given device attr settings like {L9['color']: Literal('#ff0000')},
    return a similar dict where the keys are output attrs (like
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