Changeset - 11affc6d6045
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Drew Perttula - 7 years ago 2018-06-07 08:11:17
more graph methods. some cleanup of the code that runs only required handlers, but it's not turned on yet
Ignore-this: eb8e148737af4779a4735384ef6426ce
1 file changed with 52 insertions and 18 deletions:
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log = console.log

# Patch is {addQuads: <quads>, delQuads: <quads>}
# <quads> are made with Quad(s,p,o,g)

# for mocha
if require?
  `window = {}`
  `_ = require('./lib/underscore/underscore-min.js')`
  `N3 = require('../../node_modules/n3/n3-browser.js')`
  `d3 = require('../../node_modules/d3/dist/d3.min.js')`
  `RdfDbClient = require('./rdfdbclient.js').RdfDbClient`
  module.exports = window

RDF = ''

patchSizeSummary = (patch) ->
  '-' + patch.delQuads.length + ' +' + patch.addQuads.length

# (sloppily shared to too)
window.patchSizeSummary = patchSizeSummary

patchContainsPreds = (patch, preds) ->
  if patch._allPreds == undefined
    patch._allPreds = new Set()
    for qq in [patch.addQuads, patch.delQuads]
      for q in qq

  for p in preds
    if patch._allPreds.has(p.value)
      return true
  return false

allPatchSubjs = (patch) ->   # returns subjs as Set of strings
  out = new Set()
  if patch._allSubjs == undefined
    patch._allSubjs = new Set()
    for qq in [patch.addQuads, patch.delQuads]
      for q in qq

  return patch._allSubjs

class Handler
  # a function and the quad patterns it cared about
  constructor: (@func, @label) ->
    @patterns = [] # s,p,o,g quads that should trigger the next run
    @innerHandlers = [] # Handlers requested while this one was running
class AutoDependencies
  constructor: () ->
    # tree of all known Handlers (at least those with non-empty
    # patterns). Top node is not a handler.
    @handlers = new Handler(null)
    @handlerStack = [@handlers] # currently running
  runHandler: (func, label) ->
    # what if we have this func already? duplicate is safe?

    if not label?
      throw new Error("missing label")

    h = new Handler(func, label)
    tailChildren = @handlerStack[@handlerStack.length - 1].innerHandlers
    matchingLabel = _.filter(tailChildren, ((c) -> c.label == label)).length
    # ohno, something depends on some handlers getting run twice :(
    if matchingLabel < 2
@@ -53,77 +75,67 @@ class AutoDependencies
  _rerunHandler: (handler, patch) ->
    handler.patterns = []
    catch e
      log('error running handler: ', e)
      # assuming here it didn't get to do all its queries, we could
      # add a *,*,*,* handler to call for sure the next time?
      #log('done. got: ', handler.patterns)
    # handler might have no watches, in which case we could forget about it

  _logHandlerTree: ->
    log('handler tree:')
    prn = (h, depth) ->
      indent = ''
      for i in [0...depth]
        indent += '  '
      log("#{indent} \"#{h.label}\" #{h.patterns.length} pats")
      for c in h.innerHandlers
        prn(c, depth + 1)
    prn(@handlers, 0)

  _allPatchSubjs: (patch) ->

    allPatchSubjs = []
    for stmt in patch.addQuads
    for stmt in patch.delQuads
    allPatchSubjs = _.uniq(allPatchSubjs)
    if _.contains(allPatchSubjs, null) or allPatchSubjs.length == 0
      allPatchSubjs = null
    log('allPatchSubjs', allPatchSubjs)
  _handlerIsAffected: (child, allPatchSubjs) ->
  _handlerIsAffected: (child, patchSubjs) ->
    if allPatchSubjs == null
      return true
    if not child.patterns.length
      return false
    for stmt in child.patterns
      if _.contains(allPatchSubjs, stmt[0])
      if stmt[0] == null # wildcard on subject
        return true
      if patchSubjs.has(stmt[0].value)
        return true

    return false
  graphChanged: (patch) ->
    # SyncedGraph is telling us this patch just got applied to the graph.

    #allPatchSubjs = @_allPatchSubjs(patch)
    subjs = allPatchSubjs(patch)
    rerunInners = (cur) =>
      toRun = cur.innerHandlers.slice()
      for child in toRun
        #match = @_handlerIsAffected(child, allPatchSubjs)
        #log('match', child.label, match)
        #child.innerHandlers = [] # let all children get called again
        @_rerunHandler(child, patch)

  askedFor: (s, p, o, g) ->
    # SyncedGraph is telling us someone did a query that depended on
    # quads in the given pattern.
    current = @handlerStack[@handlerStack.length - 1]
    if current? and current != @handlers
      current.patterns.push([s, p, o, g])
      #log('push', s,p,o,g)
    #  console.trace('read outside runHandler')

class window.SyncedGraph
  # Main graph object for a browser to use. Syncs both ways with
@@ -229,48 +241,54 @@ class window.SyncedGraph
    # This is the only method that writes to @graph!
    for quad in patch.delQuads
      #log("remove #{JSON.stringify(quad)}")
      did = @graph.removeQuad(quad)
      #log("removed: #{did}")
    for quad in patch.addQuads
    #log('applied patch locally', patchSizeSummary(patch))

  getObjectPatch: (s, p, newObject, g) ->
    # make a patch which removes existing values for (s,p,*,c) and
    # adds (s,p,newObject,c). Values in other graphs are not affected.
    existing = @graph.getQuads(s, p, null, g)
    return {
      delQuads: existing,
      addQuads: [@Quad(s, p, newObject, g)]

  patchObject: (s, p, newObject, g) ->
    @applyAndSendPatch(@getObjectPatch(s, p, newObject, g))

  clearObjects: (s, p, g) ->
      delQuads: @graph.getQuads(s, p, null, g),
      addQuads: []
  runHandler: (func, label) ->
    # runs your func once, tracking graph calls. if a future patch
    # matches what you queried, we runHandler your func again (and
    # forget your queries from the first time).

    # helps with memleak? not sure yet. The point was if two matching
    # labels get puushed on, we should run only one. So maybe
    # appending a serial number is backwards.
    @serial = 1 if not @serial
    @serial += 1
    #label = label + @serial
    @_autoDeps.runHandler(func, label)

  _singleValue: (s, p) ->
    @_autoDeps.askedFor(s, p, null, null)
    quads = @graph.getQuads(s, p)
    objs = new Set(q.object for q in quads)
    switch objs.size
      when 0
        throw new Error("no value for "+s.value+" "+p.value)
      when 1
@@ -334,52 +352,68 @@ class window.SyncedGraph
      @_autoDeps.askedFor(current, null, null, null) # a little loose

      firsts = @graph.getQuads(current, RDF + 'first', null)
      rests = @graph.getQuads(current, RDF + 'rest', null)
      if firsts.length != 1
        throw new Error(
          "list node #{current} has #{firsts.length} rdf:first edges")

      if rests.length != 1
        throw new Error(
          "list node #{current} has #{rests.length} rdf:rest edges")
      current = rests[0].object
    return out

  contains: (s, p, o) ->
    @_autoDeps.askedFor(s, p, o, null)
    return @graph.getQuads(s, p, o).length > 0

  nextNumberedResources: (base, howMany) ->
    # base is NamedNode or string
    base = if
    results = []
    # we could cache [base,lastSerial]
    for serial in [0..1000]

    # @contains is really slow.
    @_nextNumber = new Map() unless @_nextNumber?
    start = @_nextNumber.get(base)
    if start == undefined
      start = 0
    for serial in [start..1000]
      uri = @Uri("#{base}#{serial}")
      if not @contains(uri, null, null)
        @_nextNumber.set(base, serial + 1)
        if results.length >= howMany
          return results
    throw new Error("can't make sequential uri with base #{base}")

  nextNumberedResource: (base) ->
    @nextNumberedResources(base, 1)[0]

  contextsWithPattern: (s, p, o) ->
    @_autoDeps.askedFor(s, p, o, null)
    ctxs = []
    for q in @graph.getQuads(s, p, o)
    return _.unique(ctxs)

  sortedUris: (uris) ->
    _.sortBy uris, (u) ->
      parts = u.value.split(/([0-9]+)/)
      expanded = (p) ->
        f = parseInt(p)
        return p if isNaN(f)
        return p.padStart(8, '0')
      return expanded.join('')
\ No newline at end of file

  # temporary optimization since autodeps calls too often
  @patchContainsPreds: (patch, preds) ->
    patchContainsPreds(patch, preds)

  prettyLiteral: (x) ->
    if typeof(x) == 'number'
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