Changeset - 15cdf021c07f
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Drew Perttula - 7 years ago 2018-05-15 06:33:39
oops, time cursor was tracking mouse not music time
Ignore-this: 4a659c258fb87156a44a53e11b50baed
2 files changed with 6 insertions and 7 deletions:
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coffeeElementSetup(class CursorCanvas extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([Polymer.IronResizableBehavior], Polymer.Element)
  @is: 'light9-cursor-canvas'
    viewState: { type: Object, notify: true, observer: "onViewState" }
  ready: ->
    @mouseX = 0
    @mouseY = 0
    @cursorPath = null
    @ctx = @$.canvas.getContext('2d')
    @addEventListener('iron-resize', @onResize.bind(@))

  onViewState: ->

  onResize: (ev) ->
    @$.canvas.width = @offsetWidth
    @$.canvas.height = @offsetHeight

  redrawCursor: ->
    vs = @viewState
    dependOn = [vs.zoomSpec.t1(), vs.zoomSpec.t2()]
    xZoomedOut = vs.fullZoomX(vs.latestMouseTime())
    xZoomedIn = vs.mouse.pos().e(1)
    xZoomedOut = vs.fullZoomX(vs.cursor.t())
    xZoomedIn = vs.zoomInX(vs.cursor.t())

    @cursorPath = {
      top0: $V([xZoomedOut, vs.audioY()])
      top1: $V([xZoomedOut, vs.audioY() + vs.audioH()])
      mid0: $V([xZoomedIn + 2, vs.zoomedTimeY() + vs.zoomedTimeH()])
      mid1: $V([xZoomedIn - 2, vs.zoomedTimeY() + vs.zoomedTimeH()])
      mid2: $V([xZoomedOut - 1, vs.audioY() + vs.audioH()])
      mid3: $V([xZoomedOut + 1, vs.audioY() + vs.audioH()])
      bot0: $V([xZoomedIn, vs.zoomedTimeY() + vs.zoomedTimeH()])
      bot1: $V([xZoomedIn, @offsetHeight])

  redraw: ->
    return unless @ctx
    @ctx.clearRect(0, 0, @$.canvas.width, @$.canvas.height)

    @ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff'
    @ctx.lineWidth = 0.5
    Drawing.line(@ctx, $V([0, @mouseY]), $V([@$.canvas.width, @mouseY]))
    Drawing.line(@ctx, $V([@mouseX, 0]), $V([@mouseX, @$.canvas.height]))
    mouse = @viewState.mouse.pos()
    Drawing.line(@ctx, $V([0, mouse.e(2)]), $V([@$.canvas.width, mouse.e(2)]))
    Drawing.line(@ctx, $V([mouse.e(1), 0]), $V([mouse.e(1), @$.canvas.height]))

    if @cursorPath
      @ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff0303'
      @ctx.lineWidth = 1.5
      Drawing.line(@ctx, @cursorPath.top0, @cursorPath.top1)

      @ctx.fillStyle = '#9c0303'
      @ctx.moveTo(@cursorPath.mid0.e(1), @cursorPath.mid0.e(2))
      @ctx.lineTo(p.e(1), p.e(2)) for p in [
        @cursorPath.mid1, @cursorPath.mid2, @cursorPath.mid3]
      @ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff0303'
      @ctx.lineWidth = 3
      Drawing.line(@ctx, @cursorPath.bot0, @cursorPath.bot1, '#ff0303', '3px')
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -212,49 +212,49 @@ coffeeElementSetup(class TimelineEditor 
        @viewState.mouse.pos($V([ev.pageX - root.left, ev.pageY -]))

        # should be controlled by a checkbox next to follow-player-song-choice
        @sendMouseToVidref() unless window.location.hash.match(/novidref/)

  sendMouseToVidref: ->
    now =
    if (!@$.vidrefLastSent? || @$.vidrefLastSent < now - 200) && !@songPlaying
      @$.vidrefTime.body = {t: @latestMouseTime(), source: 'timeline'}
      @$.vidrefLastSent = now

  bindWheelZoom: (elem) ->
    elem.addEventListener 'mousewheel', (ev) =>

  forwardMouseEventsToAdjustersCanvas: ->
    ac = @$.adjustersCanvas
    @addEventListener('mousedown', ac.onDown.bind(ac))
    @addEventListener('mousemove', ac.onMove.bind(ac))
    @addEventListener('mouseup', ac.onUp.bind(ac))

  bindKeys: ->
    shortcut.add "Ctrl+P", (ev) =>
    shortcut.add "Ctrl+Escape", => @viewState.frameAll()
    shortcut.add "Shift+Escape", => @viewState.frameToEnd()
    shortcut.add "Escape", => @viewState.frameCursor()
    shortcut.add "L", =>
    shortcut.add 'Delete', =>
      for note in @selection.selected()
        @project.deleteNote(@song, note, @selection)

  makeZoomAdjs: ->
    yMid = => @$.audio.offsetTop + @$.audio.offsetHeight / 2
    valForPos = (pos) =>
        x = pos.e(1)
        t = @fullZoomX.invert(x)
    @setAdjuster('zoom-left', => new AdjustableFloatObservable({
      observable: @viewState.zoomSpec.t1,
      getTarget: () =>
        $V([@fullZoomX(@viewState.zoomSpec.t1()), yMid()])
      getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([50, 0])
      getValueForPos: valForPos

    @setAdjuster('zoom-right', => new AdjustableFloatObservable({
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