Changeset - 15ead14b4dd1
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dmcc - 23 years ago 2002-07-15 02:27:54

result of 7.13 performance, some ExtSliderMapper fixes
5 files changed with 58 insertions and 16 deletions:
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@@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ def colorfade(scale, lev):
    col="#%02X%02X%02X" % tuple(out)


if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = Tk()
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@@ -171,10 +171,6 @@ subs['*2-05-2-boat']={ 'b22': 100, 'b23'

subs[('*2-06-0', 'white')]={ 'b22': 14, 'b23': 100, 'b24': 100, 'b32': 23, 'b34': 30, 'cycright': 100, 'desk2': 23, 'hotbox1': 49, 'hotbox2': 43, 'main 10': 55, 'main 11': 55, 'main 2': 30, 'main 7': 30, 'main 9': 30, 'marry1': 69, 'marry2': 34, 'rock': 17, 'side r': 30, 'upfill1': 48, 'upfill4': 48, }

subs['*2-06-1-patio right']={ 'patio2': 100, }

subs['*2-06-2 patio left']={ 'patio1': 100, }

subs[('*2-07-0', 'white')]={ 'b22': 100, 'b23': 100, 'b24': 100, 'b25': 100, 'b34': 100, 'cycleft': 41, 'cycright': 41, 'desk2': 78, 'edge': 63, 'hotbox1': 14, 'hotbox2': 5, 'main 10': 100, 'main 11': 100, 'main 2': 100, 'main 3': 83, 'main 4': 100, 'main 5': 100, 'main 7': 100, 'main 8': 100, 'main 9': 100, 'marry1': 100, 'marry2': 100, 'phone': 62, 'side l': 100, 'side r': 100, 'sidefill1': 83, 'sidefill2': 100, 'upfill1': 56, 'upfill2': 100, 'upfill3': 69, 'upfill4': 56, }

subs['*curtain']={ 'b22': 73, 'b24': 73, 'b25': 73, 'b34': 73, 'desk2': 57, 'edge': 58, 'hotbox2': 73, 'main 10': 73, 'main 11': 73, 'main 2': 73, 'main 3': 73, 'main 4': 73, 'main 5': 73, 'main 7': 73, 'main 8': 73, 'main 9': 73, 'marry1': 73, 'marry2': 73, 'phone': 58, 'side l': 73, 'side r': 73, 'sidefill1': 23, 'sidefill2': 23, 'upfill1': 9, 'upfill2': 68, 'upfill3': 18, 'upfill4': 9, }
@@ -367,3 +363,36 @@ subs["*1-01-0-justright"] = { "sidefill2
    "side r" : 100, "main 11" : 0, "main 10" : 0, "main 3" : 0, "main 2" : 100,
    "main 5" : 100, "main 4" : 0, "main 7" : 0, "phone" : 100, "main 9" : 100,
    "main 8" : 100, "cycleft" : 0, "edge" : 0, "marry2" : 7, "marry1" : 100,}

subs["*2-06-0"] = { "cycright" : 100, "main 11" : 55, "main 10" : 55,
    "upfill1" : 48, "main 7" : 30, "b34" : 0, "main 9" : 30, "b24" : 100,
    "b23" : 100, "b22" : 0, "desk2" : 23, "edge" : 0, "hotbox2" : 79,
    "hotbox1" : 71, "upfill4" : 48, "b32" : 51, "rock" : 17, "marry2" : 34,
    "marry1" : 69, "main 2" : 30, "side r" : 30,}
subs["patio right"] = { "phone" : 0, "patio2" : 0, "cuba2" : 0,
    "b34" : 34, "main 9" : 0, "b25" : 16, "cuba1" : 76, "b32" : 0,}
subs["patio left"] = { "main 3" : 31, "edge" : 54, "b13" : 0,
    "patio1" : 0, "cafe1" : 40, "desk1" : 0,}
subs["*2-06-0"] = { "cycright" : 100, "main 11" : 13, "main 10" : 0,
    "upfill1" : 48, "b34" : 0, "b24" : 100, "b23" : 100, "b22" : 0,
    "desk2" : 23, "hotbox2" : 83, "hotbox1" : 51, "upfill4" : 48,
    "b32" : 41, "main 2" : 60, "main 4" : 85, "main 7" : 30, "main 9" : 70,
    "edge" : 0, "rock" : 0, "marry2" : 34, "marry1" : 64, "side r" : 30,}

# don't screw up!
subs['*2-06-1-patio right']=subs['patio right'].copy()

subs['*2-06-2 patio left']=subs['patio left'].copy()
subs["*2-07-0"] = { "sidefill2" : 100, "sidefill1" : 83, "cycright" : 41,
    "main 11" : 100, "main 10" : 100, "upfill1" : 56, "b34" : 100,
    "b25" : 100, "cycleft" : 41, "b23" : 100, "b22" : 100, "side l" : 100,
    "hotbox2" : 5, "hotbox1" : 14, "upfill4" : 56, "b24" : 100, "desk2" : 78,
    "upfill3" : 69, "upfill2" : 100, "main 3" : 83, "main 2" : 100,
    "main 5" : 100, "main 4" : 100, "main 7" : 100, "phone" : 62,
    "main 9" : 100, "main 8" : 100, "edge" : 63, "marry2" : 100,
    "marry1" : 100, "xmas" : 99, "side r" : 100,}
subs["*2-06-0"] = { "cycright" : 100, "main 11" : 13, "main 10" : 0,
    "upfill1" : 48, "b34" : 0, "b24" : 100, "b23" : 62, "b22" : 0,
    "desk2" : 23, "hotbox2" : 89, "hotbox1" : 88, "upfill4" : 48,
    "b32" : 0, "main 2" : 63, "main 4" : 97, "main 7" : 42, "main 9" : 52,
    "edge" : 0, "rock" : 0, "marry2" : 0, "marry1" : 41, "side r" : 0,}
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@@ -147,7 +147,10 @@ class SliderMapping:
        'Returns suitable output for ExtSliderMapper.get_levels()'
        return (self.subname.get(), self.extlevel.get())
    def listbox_cb(self, *args):
        selection = get_selection(self.listbox.listbox)
    def draw_interface(self, master, subnames):
        'Draw interface into master, given a list of submaster names'
        self.subnames = subnames
@@ -247,14 +250,19 @@ class ExtSliderMapper(Frame):
        self.load_scalelevels() # freshen our input from the submasters

        for m, color in zip(self.current_mappings, colors):
            if not m.isdisconnected():
                name = m.get_mapping()
                lastsub = self.subs_highlighted.get(color)
                if name is not lastsub:
                    if lastsub is not None:
            name = m.get_mapping()
            lastsub = self.subs_highlighted.get(color)
            if name is not lastsub:
                if lastsub is not None:
                        self.lightboard.highlight_sub(lastsub, 'restore')
                    except KeyError:
                    self.lightboard.highlight_sub(name, color)
                    self.subs_highlighted[color] = name
                except KeyError:
                self.subs_highlighted[color] = name

        rawlevels = self.sliderinput.get_levels()
        for rawlev, slidermap in zip(rawlevels, self.current_mappings):
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@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class Lightboard:
        self.parportdmx = parportdmx
        self.DUMMY = DUMMY
        self.jostle_mode = 0
        self.lastline = None

        self.channel_levels = []
        self.scalelevels = {}
@@ -279,8 +280,12 @@ class Lightboard:
            if lev:
                levels.append('%s\t%s' % (n, lev))

        template = "%s:\t%s\n" % (time(), '\t'.join(levels))

        newdata = '\t'.join(levels) 
        if newdata!=self.lastline:
            template = "%s:\t%s\n" % (time(), newdata)
            self.lastline = newdata
        self.master.after(100, self.record_stamp)
    def highlight_sub(self, name, color):
        self.subediting.colorsub(name, color)
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1-00 opening	*curtain	house	god	*1-01-0
1-01	*1-01-0	*1-01-9 end conversations	*1-02-0	*interscene
1-01-parts	*1-01-0	*1-01-0-justback	*1-01-0-justright	*1-01-0-sarah
1-02	*1-02-0	*1-02-1 desk solo	*1-03-0	*interscene
1-03	*1-03-0	*1-04-00-dance	*1-04-01 dark tables	*interscene
1-04	*1-04-00-dance	*1-04-01 dark tables	*1-04-02 solo ada	*1-04-10-after dance
@@ -11,9 +12,9 @@ 1-08 cuba travopen	*1-08-30-full	*1-08-1
1-10 - intermission	*1-10-0	*curtain	house	*2-01-0-dance
2-00 intermission	*curtain	house	god	*2-01-0-dance
2-01	*2-01-0-dance	*2-01-01-solo	*2-01-1-after dance	*2-01-1-darker dance
2-03 luck	*2-03-20-luck-l	*2-03-20-luck-c	*2-03-20-luck-r	*2-03-20-luckcover
2-03 start	*2-03-00-open dance	*2-03-10-dialogue	god	*2-03-20-luckcover
2-03 luck	*2-03-20-luck-l	*2-03-20-luck-c	*2-03-20-luck-r	*2-03-20-luckcover
2-05	*2-05-0	*2-05-1-dream	*2-05-2-boat	*interscene
2-06	*2-06-0	*2-06-1-patio right	*2-06-2 patio left	*interscene
2-06	*2-06-0	patio right	patio left	*interscene
colors	col blue	col gree	col oran	col red
vitals	house	god	*curtain	phone booth
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