Changeset - 1a96f8647126
[Not reviewed]
4 3 7 - 3 years ago 2022-05-24 06:32:37
big graph & autodep porting to make collector display labels from a syncedgraph
10 files changed with 562 insertions and 477 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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import debug from "debug";
import { html, LitElement } from "lit";
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators.js";
import ReconnectingWebSocket from "reconnectingwebsocket";
import { sortBy, uniq } from "underscore";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../../web/SyncedGraph";
import { GraphAwarePage } from "../../web/GraphAwarePage";
import { getTopGraph, GraphChangedEvent } from "../../web/RdfdbSyncedGraph";
import { NamedNode } from "n3";
import { Patch } from "../../web/patch";
import { linkHorizontal } from "d3";

export { RdfdbSyncedGraph } from "../../web/RdfdbSyncedGraph";
export { Light9CollectorDevice } from "../../web/collector/Light9CollectorDevice";

const log = debug("collector");

class Updates {
  constructor() {
    this.listeners = [];
  addListener(cb) {
  onMessage(msg) {
    this.listeners.forEach(function (lis) {

export class Light9CollectorUi extends LitElement {
export class Light9CollectorUi extends GraphAwarePage {
  graph?: SyncedGraph;
  static styles = [];
  render() {
    return html`
      <rdfdb-synced-graph graph="{{graph}}"></rdfdb-synced-graph>

    return html`${super.render()}
      <h1>Collector <a href="metrics">[metrics]</a></h1>

      <div style="column-width: 11em">
        <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{devices}}">
          ${>html`<light9-collector-device graph="${this.graph}" updates="${this.updates}" uri="${d}"></light9-collector-device>`)}
      <light9-collector-device-list></light9-collector-device-list> `;

export class Light9CollectorDeviceList extends LitElement {
  graph!: SyncedGraph;
  @property() devices: NamedNode[] = [];
  render() {
    return html`
      <light9-collector-device uri=""></light9-collector-device>
      <div style="column-width: 11em">${ => html`<light9-collector-device uri="${d.value}"></light9-collector-device>`)}</div>

  @property() graph: Object = {};
  @property() updates: Updates;
  @property() devices: Array<string> = [];
  //  observers: [
  //    'onGraph(graph)',
  //  ],

  constructor() {
    this.updates = new Updates();
    const ws = new ReconnectingWebSocket(location.href.replace("http", "ws") + "api/updates");
    ws.addEventListener("message", (ev: any) => {
      log("ws msg", ev);
    getTopGraph().then((g) => {
      this.graph = g;
      this.graph.runHandler(this.findDevices.bind(this), "findDevices");

  onGraph(graph) {
    this.graph.runHandler(this.findDevices.bind(this), "findDevices");

  findDevices() {
    var U = function (x) {
      return this.graph.Uri(x);
    this.set("devices", []);

  findDevices(patch?: Patch) {
    const U = this.graph.U();
    this.devices = [];
    let classes = this.graph.subjects(U("rdf:type"), U(":DeviceClass"));
    uniq(sortBy(classes, "value"), true).forEach((dc) => {
      sortBy(this.graph.subjects(U("rdf:type"), dc), "value").forEach((dev) => {
        this.push("devices", dev);
        this.devices.push(dev as NamedNode);
Show inline comments
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
    <meta charset="utf-8" />

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css" />
    <script type="module" src="../../collector/Light9CollectorUi"></script>
    <script type="module" src="../collector/Light9CollectorUi"></script>

      td {
        white-space: nowrap;
Show inline comments
new file 100644
import debug from "debug";
import { Quad_Graph, Quad_Object, Quad_Predicate, Quad_Subject } from "n3";
import { filter } from "underscore";
import { allPatchSubjs, Patch } from "./patch";

const log = debug("autodep");

interface QuadPattern {
  subject: Quad_Subject | null;
  predicate: Quad_Predicate | null;
  object: Quad_Object | null;
  graph: Quad_Graph | null;

// use patch as an optional optimization, but you can't count on it
export type HandlerFunc = (p?: Patch) => void;

class Handler {
  patterns: QuadPattern[];
  innerHandlers: Handler[];
  // a function and the quad patterns it cared about
  constructor(public func: HandlerFunc | null, public label: string) {
    this.patterns = []; // s,p,o,g quads that should trigger the next run
    this.innerHandlers = []; // Handlers requested while this one was running

export class AutoDependencies {
  handlers: Handler;
  handlerStack: Handler[];
  constructor() {
    // tree of all known Handlers (at least those with non-empty
    // patterns). Top node is not a handler.
    this.handlers = new Handler(null, "root");
    this.handlerStack = [this.handlers]; // currently running

  runHandler(func: HandlerFunc, label: string) {
    // what if we have this func already? duplicate is safe?
    if (label == null) {
      throw new Error("missing label");

    const h = new Handler(func, label);
    const tailChildren = this.handlerStack[this.handlerStack.length - 1].innerHandlers;
    const matchingLabel = filter(tailChildren, (c: { label: any }) => c.label === label).length;
    // ohno, something depends on some handlers getting run twice :(
    if (matchingLabel < 2) {
    //console.time("handler #{label}") 
    // todo: this may fire 1-2 times before the
    // graph is initially loaded, which is a waste. Try deferring it if we
    // haven't gotten the graph yet.
    return this._rerunHandler(h, undefined);
  //console.timeEnd("handler #{label}")
  _rerunHandler(handler: Handler, patch?: Patch) {
    handler.patterns = [];
    try {
      if (handler.func === null) {
        throw new Error("tried to rerun root");
    } catch (e) {
      log("error running handler: ", e);
    } finally {
      // assuming here it didn't get to do all its queries, we could
      // add a *,*,*,* handler to call for sure the next time?
      // log('done. got: ', handler.patterns)
  // handler might have no watches, in which case we could forget about it
  _logHandlerTree() {
    log("handler tree:");
    var prn = function (h: Handler, depth: number) {
      let indent = "";
      for (let i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
        indent += "  ";
      log(`${indent} \"${h.label}\" ${h.patterns.length} pats`);
      return Array.from(h.innerHandlers).map((c: any) => prn(c, depth + 1));
    return prn(this.handlers, 0);

  _handlerIsAffected(child: Handler, patchSubjs: Set<string>) {
    if (patchSubjs === null) {
      return true;
    if (!child.patterns.length) {
      return false;

    for (let stmt of Array.from(child.patterns)) {
      if (stmt.subject === null) {
        // wildcard on subject
        return true;
      if (patchSubjs.has(stmt.subject.value)) {
        return true;

    return false;

  graphChanged(patch: Patch) {
    // SyncedGraph is telling us this patch just got applied to the graph.
    const subjs = allPatchSubjs(patch);

    var rerunInners = (cur: Handler) => {
      const toRun = cur.innerHandlers.slice();
      for (let child of Array.from(toRun)) {
        //match = @_handlerIsAffected(child, subjs)
        //continue if not match
        //log('match', child.label, match)
        //child.innerHandlers = [] # let all children get called again
        this._rerunHandler(child, patch);
    return rerunInners(this.handlers);

  askedFor(s: Quad_Subject | null, p: Quad_Predicate | null, o: Quad_Object | null, g: Quad_Graph | null) {
    // SyncedGraph is telling us someone did a query that depended on
    // quads in the given pattern.
    const current = this.handlerStack[this.handlerStack.length - 1];
    if (current != null && current !== this.handlers) {
      return current.patterns.push({ subject: s, predicate: p, object: o, graph: g } as QuadPattern);
Show inline comments
new file 100644
import debug from "debug";
import { html, LitElement } from "lit";
import { patchSizeSummary } from "../web/patch";
import { GraphChangedEvent } from "../web/RdfdbSyncedGraph";
import { SyncedGraph } from "./SyncedGraph";

const log = debug("graphaware");

export class GraphAwarePage extends LitElement {
  constructor() {
  // prepend this to your subclass's render output, like
  // render() { return html`${super.render()} ....your page`; }
  render() {
    return html`<rdfdb-synced-graph @changed="${this.onGraphChanged}"></rdfdb-synced-graph>`;
  onGraphChanged(ev: GraphChangedEvent) {
    log("patch from server [3]", patchSizeSummary(ev.detail.patch));
    // this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("changed", { detail: ev.detail }));
    log("patch from server [4]");

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file renamed from light9/web/rdfdb-synced-graph.html to light9/web/RdfdbSyncedGraph.ts
<link rel="import" href="/lib/polymer/polymer-element.html">
<script src="/node_modules/n3/n3-browser.js"></script>
<script src="/lib/async/dist/async.js"></script>
      <script src="/lib/underscore/underscore-min.js"></script>
import debug from "debug";
import { html, LitElement, css } from "lit";
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { Patch } from "./patch";
import { SyncedGraph } from "./SyncedGraph";

const log = debug("syncedgraph-el");

// consider for this stuff
export interface GraphChangedDetail {
  graph: SyncedGraph;
  patch: Patch;

export class GraphChangedEvent extends CustomEvent<GraphChangedDetail> {
  constructor(type: string, opts: { detail: GraphChangedDetail; bubbles: boolean; composed: boolean }) {
    super(type, opts);

let RdfdbSyncedGraph

(window as any).topSyncedGraph = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  // Contains a SyncedGraph,
  // displays a little status box,
  // and emits 'changed' events with the graph and latest patch when it changes
  RdfdbSyncedGraph=customElement("rdfdb-synced-graph")(class RdfdbSyncedGraph extends LitElement {
    /*@property()*/ graph: SyncedGraph;
    /*@property()*/ status: string;
    /*@property()*/ testGraph = false;
    static styles = [
        :host {
          display: inline-block;
          border: 1px solid gray;
          min-width: 22em;
          background: #05335a;
          color: #4fc1d4;
    render() {
      return html`graph: ${this.status}`;

<dom-module id="rdfdb-synced-graph">
     :host {
         display: inline-block;
         border: 1px solid gray;
         min-width: 22em;
         background: #05335a;
         color: #4fc1d4;
    graph: [[status]]
  <script src="rdfdbclient.js"></script>
  <script src="graph.js"></script>
   class RdfdbSyncedGraph extends Polymer.Element {
       static get is() { return "rdfdb-synced-graph"; }
       static get properties() {
           return {
               graph: {type: Object, notify: true},
               status: {type: String, notify: true},
               testGraph: {type: Boolean},
    onClear() {

       onClear() {
       connectedCallback() {
           this.graph = new SyncedGraph(
               this.testGraph ? null : '/rdfdb/syncedGraph',
                   '': '',
                   'dev': '',
                   'rdf': '',
                   'rdfs': '',
                   'xsd': '',
             function(s) { this.status = s; }.bind(this),
           window.graph = this.graph;
   customElements.define(, RdfdbSyncedGraph);
    constructor() {
      this.status = "startup";
      this.graph = new SyncedGraph(
        this.testGraph ? null : "/rdfdb/api/syncedGraph",
          "": "",
          dev: "",
          rdf: "",
          rdfs: "",
          xsd: "",
        (s: string) => {
          this.status = s;
      // (window as any).topSyncedGraph = this.graph;

    private onGraphChanged(graph: SyncedGraph, patch: Patch) {
        new GraphChangedEvent("changed", {
          detail: { graph, patch },
          bubbles: true,
          composed: true,


async function getTopGraph(): Promise<SyncedGraph> {
  const s = (window as any).topSyncedGraph;
  return await s;

export { RdfdbSyncedGraph, getTopGraph };
\ No newline at end of file
Show inline comments
file renamed from light9/web/resource-display.html to light9/web/ResourceDisplay.ts
<link rel="import" href="/lib/polymer/polymer-element.html">
<link rel="import" href="/lib/paper-dialog/paper-dialog.html">
<link rel="import" href="/lib/paper-button/paper-button.html">
import debug from "debug";
import { css, html, LitElement, PropertyValues } from "lit";
import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { NamedNode } from "n3";
// import { GraphChangedEvent } from "../../web/RdfdbSyncedGraph";
// import { runHandler } from "./GraphAwarePage";
import { Patch, patchContainsPreds, patchSizeSummary } from "./patch";
import { getTopGraph } from "./RdfdbSyncedGraph";
import { SyncedGraph } from "./SyncedGraph";
const log = debug("device-el");
const RDFS_LABEL = new NamedNode("");

<dom-module id="resource-display">
     :host {
         display: inline-block;
     a.resource {
         color: inherit;
         text-decoration: none;
export class ResourceDisplay extends LitElement {
  graph!: SyncedGraph;
  static styles = [
      :host {
        display: inline-block;

      a.resource {
        color: inherit;
        text-decoration: none;

     .resource {
         border: 1px solid #545454;
         border-radius: 5px;
         padding: 1px;
         margin: 2px;
         background: rgb(49, 49, 49);
         display: inline-block;
         text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black;
     .resource.minor {
         background: none;
         border: none;
     .resource a {
         color: rgb(150, 150, 255);
         padding: 1px;
         display: inline-block;
     .resource.minor a {
         text-decoration: none;
         color: rgb(155, 155, 193);
         padding: 0;
      .resource {
        border: 1px solid #545454;
        border-radius: 5px;
        padding: 1px;
        margin: 2px;
        background: rgb(49, 49, 49);
        display: inline-block;
        text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black;
      .resource.minor {
        background: none;
        border: none;
      .resource a {
        color: rgb(150, 150, 255);
        padding: 1px;
        display: inline-block;
      .resource.minor a {
        text-decoration: none;
        color: rgb(155, 155, 193);
        padding: 0;

    <span class$="[[resClasses]]">
      <a href="{{href}}" id="uri">
        <!-- type icon goes here -->{{label}}</a>
    <template is="dom-if" if="{{rename}}">
      <button on-click="onRename">Rename</button>
  render() {
    return html` <span class="${this.resClasses()}">
      <a href="${this.href()}" id="uri"> <!-- type icon goes here -->${this.label}</a>
    // <template is="dom-if" if="{{rename}}">
    //   <button on-click="onRename">Rename</button>

    //   <paper-dialog id="renameDialog" modal on-iron-overlay-closed="onRenameClosed">
    //     <p>
    //       New label:
    //       <input id="renameTo" autofocus type="text" value="{{renameTo::input}}" on-keydown="onRenameKey" />
    //     </p>
    //     <div class="buttons">
    //       <paper-button dialog-dismiss>Cancel</paper-button>
    //       <paper-button dialog-confirm>OK</paper-button>
    //     </div>
    //   </paper-dialog>
    // </template>
    //    `;
  // callers might set this as string or pass a NamedNode.
  @property() uri?: NamedNode | string;

  @state() label: string = "";
  @property() rename: boolean = false;
  @property() minor: boolean = false;
  // @state() renameTo: String; notify: true };

      <paper-dialog id="renameDialog" modal
          New label:
          <input id="renameTo" autofocus type="text"
        <div class="buttons">
          <paper-button dialog-dismiss>Cancel</paper-button>
          <paper-button dialog-confirm>OK</paper-button>
   class ResourceDisplay extends Polymer.Element {
     static get is() { return "resource-display"; }
     static get properties() {
       return {
         graph: { type: Object },
         // callers might set this as string or NamedNode.
         uri: { type: Object }, // Use .value for the string
         href: { type: String },
         label: { type: String },
         rename: { type: Boolean },
         minor: { type: Boolean },
         resClasses: { type: String, computed: '_resClasses(minor)', value: 'resource' },
         renameTo: { type: String, notify: true },
     static get observers() { return ['onUri(graph, uri)']; }
     _resClasses(minor) {
       return minor ? 'resource minor' : 'resource';
     onUri(graph, uri) {
       if (!this.graph) {
         this.label = "...";
         this.href = "javascript:;'";
       if (!this.uri) {
       if (typeof uri === 'string') {
         uri = this.graph.Uri(uri);
                             `label ${uri.value}`);
     setLabel(patch) {
       if (!this.uri) {
         this.label = "<no uri>";
         this.href = "javascript:;";
       if (patch !== null &&
                                           [this.graph.Uri('rdfs:label')])) {
       let uri = this.uri;
       if (typeof uri === 'string') {
         uri = this.graph.Uri(uri);
       this.label = this.graph.labelOrTail(uri);
       this.href = uri.value;
     onRename() {
       this.renameTo = this.label;
       this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#renameTo").setSelectionRange(0, -1);
     onRenameKey(ev) {
       if (ev.key == 'Enter') {
       if (ev.key == 'Escape') {
     onRenameClosed() {
       var dialog = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#renameDialog");
       if (dialog.closingReason.confirmed) {
         var label = this.graph.Uri('rdfs:label');
         var ctxs = this.graph.contextsWithPattern(this.uri, label, null);
         if (ctxs.length != 1) {
           throw new Error(
             `${ctxs.length} label stmts for ${this.uri.label}`);
           ((typeof this.uri) === 'string' ?
            this.graph.Uri(this.uri) : this.uri),
   customElements.define(, ResourceDisplay);
  constructor() {
    getTopGraph().then((g) => {
      this.graph = g;

  realUri(): NamedNode {
    if (!this.uri) {
      return new NamedNode("");
    return typeof this.uri === "string" ? new NamedNode(this.uri) : this.uri;

  href() {
    if (!this.uri) {
      return "javascript:;";
    return typeof this.uri === "string" ? this.uri : this.uri.value;

  updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues) {
    if (changedProperties.has("uri")) {
      if (!this.graph) {
        return; /*too soon*/

  resClasses() {
    return this.minor ? "resource minor" : "resource";

  runUriHandler() {
    this.graph.runHandler(this.onUri.bind(this), `rdisplay ${this.href()}` /*needs uniqueness?*/);

  onUri(patch?: Patch) {
    if (!this.uri) {
      this.label = "<no uri>";

    const uri = this.realUri();
    this.graph.runHandler(this.setLabel.bind(this), `label ${uri.value}`);

  setLabel(patch?: Patch) {
    if (patch && !patchContainsPreds(patch, [RDFS_LABEL])) {
    const uri = this.realUri();
    this.label = this.graph.labelOrTail(uri);

  onRename() {
    this.renameTo = this.label;
    this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#renameTo").setSelectionRange(0, -1);

  onRenameKey(ev) {
    if (ev.key == "Enter") {
    if (ev.key == "Escape") {

  onRenameClosed() {
    var dialog = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#renameDialog");
    if (dialog.closingReason.confirmed) {
      var label = this.graph.Uri("rdfs:label");
      var ctxs = this.graph.contextsWithPattern(this.uri, label, null);
      if (ctxs.length != 1) {
        throw new Error(`${ctxs.length} label stmts for ${this.uri.label}`);
      this.graph.patchObject(typeof this.uri === "string" ? this.graph.Uri(this.uri) : this.uri, label, this.graph.Literal(this.renameTo), ctxs[0]);
Show inline comments
file renamed from light9/web/graph.ts to light9/web/SyncedGraph.ts
import * as d3 from "d3";
import debug from "debug";
import * as N3 from "n3";
import { Quad, Quad_Subject, Quad_Predicate, Quad_Object, Quad_Graph } from "n3";
import { filter, sortBy, unique } from "underscore";
import { allPatchSubjs, Patch } from "./patch";
import { Quad, Quad_Object, Quad_Predicate, Quad_Subject } from "n3";
import { sortBy, unique } from "underscore";
import { AutoDependencies, HandlerFunc } from "./AutoDependencies";
import { Patch, patchSizeSummary } from "./patch";
import { RdfDbClient } from "./rdfdbclient";
const log = debug("graph");

const RDF = "";

interface QuadPattern {
  subject: Quad_Subject | null;
  predicate: Quad_Predicate | null;
  object: Quad_Object | null;
  graph: Quad_Graph | null;

class Handler {
  patterns: QuadPattern[];
  innerHandlers: Handler[];
  // a function and the quad patterns it cared about
  constructor(public func: ((p: Patch) => void) | null, public label: string) {
    this.patterns = []; // s,p,o,g quads that should trigger the next run
    this.innerHandlers = []; // Handlers requested while this one was running

class AutoDependencies {
  handlers: Handler;
  handlerStack: Handler[];
  constructor() {
    // tree of all known Handlers (at least those with non-empty
    // patterns). Top node is not a handler.
    this.handlers = new Handler(null, "root");
    this.handlerStack = [this.handlers]; // currently running

  runHandler(func: any, label: any) {
    // what if we have this func already? duplicate is safe?

    if (label == null) {
      throw new Error("missing label");

    const h = new Handler(func, label);
    const tailChildren = this.handlerStack[this.handlerStack.length - 1].innerHandlers;
    const matchingLabel = filter(tailChildren, (c: { label: any }) => c.label === label).length;
    // ohno, something depends on some handlers getting run twice :(
    if (matchingLabel < 2) {
    //console.time("handler #{label}")
    return this._rerunHandler(h, null);
  //console.timeEnd("handler #{label}")

  _rerunHandler(handler: Handler, patch: any) {
    handler.patterns = [];
    try {
      if (handler.func === null) {
        throw new Error("tried to rerun root");
      return handler.func(patch);
    } catch (e) {
      return log("error running handler: ", e);
    } finally {
      // assuming here it didn't get to do all its queries, we could
      // add a *,*,*,* handler to call for sure the next time?
      //log('done. got: ', handler.patterns)
  // handler might have no watches, in which case we could forget about it

  _logHandlerTree() {
    log("handler tree:");
    var prn = function (h: Handler, depth: number) {
      let indent = "";
      for (let i = 0, end = depth, asc = 0 <= end; asc ? i < end : i > end; asc ? i++ : i--) {
        indent += "  ";
      log(`${indent} \"${h.label}\" ${h.patterns.length} pats`);
      return Array.from(h.innerHandlers).map((c: any) => prn(c, depth + 1));
    return prn(this.handlers, 0);

  _handlerIsAffected(child: Handler, patchSubjs: Set<string>) {
    if (patchSubjs === null) {
      return true;
    if (!child.patterns.length) {
      return false;

    for (let stmt of Array.from(child.patterns)) {
      if (stmt.subject === null) {
        // wildcard on subject
        return true;
      if (patchSubjs.has(stmt.subject.value)) {
        return true;

    return false;

  graphChanged(patch: Patch) {
    // SyncedGraph is telling us this patch just got applied to the graph.

    const subjs = allPatchSubjs(patch);

    var rerunInners = (cur: Handler) => {
      const toRun = cur.innerHandlers.slice();
      for (let child of Array.from(toRun)) {
        //match = @_handlerIsAffected(child, subjs)
        //continue if not match
        //log('match', child.label, match)
        //child.innerHandlers = [] # let all children get called again

        this._rerunHandler(child, patch);
    return rerunInners(this.handlers);

  askedFor(s: Quad_Subject | null, p: Quad_Predicate | null, o: Quad_Object | null, g: Quad_Graph | null) {
    // SyncedGraph is telling us someone did a query that depended on
    // quads in the given pattern.
    const current = this.handlerStack[this.handlerStack.length - 1];
    if (current != null && current !== this.handlers) {
      return current.patterns.push({ subject: s, predicate: p, object: o, graph: g } as QuadPattern);

export class SyncedGraph {
  _autoDeps: AutoDependencies;
  _client: any;
  graph: N3.Store;
  private _autoDeps: AutoDependencies;
  private _client: RdfDbClient;
  private graph: N3.Store;
  cachedFloatValues: any;
  cachedUriValues: any;
  prefixFuncs: (x: string) => string = (x) => x;
  serial: any;
  _nextNumber: any;
  // Main graph object for a browser to use. Syncs both ways with
  // rdfdb. Meant to hide the choice of RDF lib, so we can change it
  // Main graph object for a browser to use. Consider using RdfdbSyncedGraph element to create & own
  // one of these. Syncs both ways with rdfdb. Meant to hide the choice of RDF lib, so we can change it
  // later.
  // Note that _applyPatch is the only method to write to the graph, so
  // it can fire subscriptions.

    // patchSenderUrl is the /syncedGraph path of an rdfdb server.
    public patchSenderUrl: any,
    // url is the /syncedGraph path of an rdfdb server.
    public url: any,
    // prefixes can be used in Uri(curie) calls.
    public prefixes: { [short: string]: string },
    private setStatus: any,
    // called if we clear the graph
    private clearCb: any
    private clearCb: any,
    private onGraphChanged: (graph: SyncedGraph, newPatch: Patch)=>void
  ) {
    this.graph = new N3.Store();
    this._autoDeps = new AutoDependencies(); // replaces GraphWatchers
    this._autoDeps = new AutoDependencies();

    if (this.patchSenderUrl) {
      this._client = new RdfDbClient(this.patchSenderUrl, this._clearGraphOnNewConnection.bind(this), this._applyPatch.bind(this), this.setStatus);
    this._client = new RdfDbClient(this.url, this._clearGraphOnNewConnection.bind(this), this._applyPatch.bind(this), this.setStatus);

  clearGraph() {
    // just deletes the statements; watchers are unaffected.
    if (this.graph != null) {
      this._applyPatch({ adds: [], dels: this.graph.getQuads(null, null, null, null) });
    this.cachedFloatValues = new Map(); // s + '|' + p -> number
    this.cachedUriValues = new Map(); // s + '|' + p -> Uri

    this._applyPatch({ adds: [], dels: this.graph.getQuads(null, null, null, null) });
    // if we had a Store already, this lets N3.Store free all its indices/etc
    this.graph = new N3.Store();
    this.cachedFloatValues = new Map(); // s + '|' + p -> number
    return (this.cachedUriValues = new Map()); // s + '|' + p -> Uri

  _clearGraphOnNewConnection() {
    // must not send a patch to the server!
    log("graph: clearGraphOnNewConnection");
    log("graph: clearGraphOnNewConnection done");
    log("clearGraphOnNewConnection done");
    if (this.clearCb != null) {
      return this.clearCb();

  _addPrefixes(prefixes: { [x: string]: string }) {
    for (let k of Array.from(prefixes || {})) {
      this.prefixes[k] = prefixes[k];
    this.prefixFuncs = N3.Util.prefixes(this.prefixes);

  U() { // just a shorthand
    return this.Uri.bind(this);

  Uri(curie: string) {
    if (curie == null) {
      throw new Error("no uri");
    if (curie.match(/^http/)) {
      return N3.DataFactory.namedNode(curie);
@@ -296,26 +168,27 @@ export class SyncedGraph {

  _applyPatch(patch: Patch) {
    // In most cases you want applyAndSendPatch.
    // This is the only method that writes to @graph!
    let quad: any;
    // This is the only method that writes to this.graph!
    log("patch from server [1]")
    for (quad of Array.from(patch.dels)) {
    for (let quad of Array.from(patch.dels)) {
      //log("remove #{JSON.stringify(quad)}")
      const did = this.graph.removeQuad(quad);
    //log("removed: #{did}")
    for (quad of Array.from(patch.adds)) {
    for (let quad of Array.from(patch.adds)) {
    //log('applied patch locally', patchSizeSummary(patch))
    return this._autoDeps.graphChanged(patch);
    log("applied patch locally", patchSizeSummary(patch));
    this.onGraphChanged(this, patch);

  getObjectPatch(s: N3.NamedNode, p: N3.NamedNode, newObject: N3.Quad_Object, g: N3.NamedNode): Patch {
    // make a patch which removes existing values for (s,p,*,c) and
    // adds (s,p,newObject,c). Values in other graphs are not affected.
    const existing = this.graph.getQuads(s, p, null, g);
@@ -323,23 +196,23 @@ export class SyncedGraph {
      dels: existing,
      adds: [this.Quad(s, p, newObject, g)],

  patchObject(s: N3.NamedNode, p: N3.NamedNode, newObject: N3.Quad_Object, g: N3.NamedNode) {
    return this.applyAndSendPatch(this.getObjectPatch(s, p, newObject, g));
    this.applyAndSendPatch(this.getObjectPatch(s, p, newObject, g));

  clearObjects(s: N3.NamedNode, p: N3.NamedNode, g: N3.NamedNode) {
    return this.applyAndSendPatch({
      dels: this.graph.getQuads(s, p, null, g),
      adds: [],

  runHandler(func: any, label: any) {
  runHandler(func: HandlerFunc, label: string) {
    // runs your func once, tracking graph calls. if a future patch
    // matches what you queried, we runHandler your func again (and
    // forget your queries from the first time).

    // helps with memleak? not sure yet. The point was if two matching
    // labels get puushed on, we should run only one. So maybe
@@ -347,13 +220,13 @@ export class SyncedGraph {
    if (!this.serial) {
      this.serial = 1;
    this.serial += 1;
    //label = label + @serial

    return this._autoDeps.runHandler(func, label);
    this._autoDeps.runHandler(func, label);

  _singleValue(s: Quad_Subject, p: Quad_Predicate) {
    this._autoDeps.askedFor(s, p, null, null);
    const quads = this.graph.getQuads(s, p, null, null);
    const objs = new Set(Array.from(quads).map((q: Quad) => q.object));
@@ -413,19 +286,19 @@ export class SyncedGraph {
    if (!ret) {
      ret = uri.value;
    return ret;

  objects(s: any, p: any) {
  objects(s: any, p: any): Quad_Object[] {
    this._autoDeps.askedFor(s, p, null, null);
    const quads = this.graph.getQuads(s, p, null, null);
    return Array.from(quads).map((q: { object: any }) => q.object);

  subjects(p: any, o: any) {
  subjects(p: any, o: any): Quad_Subject[] {
    this._autoDeps.askedFor(null, p, o, null);
    const quads = this.graph.getQuads(null, p, o, null);
    return Array.from(quads).map((q: { subject: any }) => q.subject);

  items(list: any) {
@@ -451,13 +324,13 @@ export class SyncedGraph {
      current = rests[0].object;

    return out;

  contains(s: any, p: any, o: any) {
  contains(s: any, p: any, o: any): boolean {
    this._autoDeps.askedFor(s, p, o, null);
    log("contains calling getQuads when graph has ", this.graph.size);
    return this.graph.getQuads(s, p, o, null).length > 0;

  nextNumberedResources(base: { id: any }, howMany: number) {
Show inline comments
file renamed from light9/collector/web/Light9CollectorDevice.ts to light9/web/collector/Light9CollectorDevice.ts
import * as debug from "debug";
import debug from "debug";
import { css, html, LitElement } from "lit";
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { NamedNode } from "n3";
import { GraphChangedEvent } from "../RdfdbSyncedGraph";
export {ResourceDisplay} from "../ResourceDisplay"
const log = debug("device-el");

export class Light9CollectorDevice extends LitElement {
  static styles = [
      :host {
@@ -31,41 +35,53 @@ export class Light9CollectorDevice exten

  render() {
    return html`
      <h3><resource-display graph="{{graph}}" uri="{{uri}}"></resource-display></h3>
      <h3><resource-display .uri=${this.uri}></resource-display></h3>
      <table class="borders">
          <th>out attr</th>
        <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{attrs}}">
            <td class$="{{item.valClass}}">{{item.val}} →</td>
          (item) => html`
              <td class=${item.valClass}>${item.val} →</td>
  @property() graph: Object = {};
  @property() uri: Object = {};
  @property() attrs: Array = [];
    // todo don't rebuild uri; pass it right
    converter: (s: string | null) => new NamedNode(s || ""),
  uri: NamedNode = new NamedNode("");
  @property() attrs: Array<{ attr: string; valClass: string; val: string; chan: string }> = [];

  constructor() {
    // addGraphChangeListener(this.onGraphChanged.bind(this));
  onChanged(ev: GraphChangedEvent) {
    log("patch from server [5]");
  //  observers: [
  //    "initUpdates(updates)",
  //  ],
  initUpdates(updates) {
    updates.addListener(function (msg) {
      if (msg.outputAttrsSet && == this.uri.value) {
        this.set("attrs", msg.outputAttrsSet.attrs);
        this.attrs.forEach(function (row) {
          row.valClass = row.val == 255 ? "full" : row.val ? "nonzero" : "";
  // initUpdates(updates) {
  //   updates.addListener(function (msg) {
  //     if (msg.outputAttrsSet && == this.uri.value) {
  //       this.set("attrs", msg.outputAttrsSet.attrs);
  //       this.attrs.forEach(function (row) {
  //         row.valClass = row.val == 255 ? "full" : row.val ? "nonzero" : "";
  //       });
  //     }
  //   });
  // }
Show inline comments
new file 100644
this is meant to be at light9/collector/web but I couldn't figure out the vite paths
\ No newline at end of file
Show inline comments
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@ const log = debug("rdfdbclient");
export class RdfDbClient {
  _patchesToSend: Patch[];
  _lastPingMs: number;
  _patchesReceived: number;
  _patchesSent: number;
  _connectionId: string;
  _reconnectionTimeout: number | null;
  ws: WebSocket | undefined;
  _pingLoopTimeout: any;
  // Send and receive patches from rdfdb
  _reconnectionTimeout?: number;
  ws?: WebSocket;
  _pingLoopTimeout?: number;
  // Send and receive patches from rdfdb. Primarily used in SyncedGraph.
  // What this should do, and does not yet, is keep the graph
  // 'coasting' over a reconnect, applying only the diffs from the old
  // contents to the new ones once they're in. Then, remove all the
  // clearGraph stuff in that doesn't even work right.
@@ -27,13 +27,12 @@ export class RdfDbClient {
  ) {
    this._patchesToSend = [];
    this._lastPingMs = -1;
    this._patchesReceived = 0;
    this._patchesSent = 0;
    this._connectionId = "??";
    this._reconnectionTimeout = null; = undefined;


  _updateStatus() {
@@ -60,65 +59,67 @@ export class RdfDbClient {
${this._patchesSent} sent; \
${this._patchesToSend.length} pending; \

  sendPatch(patch: Patch) {
    log("rdfdbclient: queue patch to server ", patchSizeSummary(patch));
    log("queue patch to server ", patchSizeSummary(patch));

  _newConnection() {
    const wsOrWss = window.location.protocol.replace("http", "ws");
    const fullUrl = wsOrWss + "//" + + this.patchSenderUrl;
    if ( !== undefined) {;
    } = new WebSocket(fullUrl); = this.onWsOpen.bind(this); = this.onWsError.bind(this); = this.onWsClose.bind(this); = this._onMessage.bind(this);
  = () => {
      log("rdfdbclient: new connection to", fullUrl);
      return this._pingLoop();
  private onWsOpen() {
    log("new connection to", this.patchSenderUrl);
    return this._pingLoop();
  = (e: Event) => {
      log("rdfdbclient: ws error " + e);
      if ( !== undefined) {
        const closeHandler =;
        if (!closeHandler) {
          throw new Error();
        closeHandler(new CloseEvent("forced"));
  private onWsError(e: Event) {
    log("ws error", e);
    if ( !== undefined) {
      const closeHandler =;
      if (!closeHandler) {
        throw new Error();
      closeHandler(new CloseEvent("forced"));
  = (ev: CloseEvent) => {
      log("rdfdbclient: ws close");
      if (this._reconnectionTimeout != null) {
      this._reconnectionTimeout = (setTimeout(this._newConnection.bind(this), 1000) as unknown) as number;
  = this._onMessage.bind(this);
  private onWsClose(ev: CloseEvent) {
    log("ws close");
    if (this._reconnectionTimeout !== undefined) {
    this._reconnectionTimeout = (setTimeout(this._newConnection.bind(this), 1000) as unknown) as number;

  _pingLoop() {
    if ( && === {"PING");
      this._lastPingMs =;

      if (this._pingLoopTimeout != null) {
      this._pingLoopTimeout = setTimeout(this._pingLoop.bind(this), 10000);
      this._pingLoopTimeout = (setTimeout(this._pingLoop.bind(this), 10000) as unknown) as number;

  _onMessage(evt: { data: string }) {
    const msg =;
    if (msg === "PONG") {
@@ -128,12 +129,13 @@ export class RdfDbClient {

    const input = JSON.parse(msg);
    if (input.connectedAs) {
      this._connectionId = input.connectedAs;
    } else {
      log("patch from server [0]")
      parseJsonPatch(input, this.applyPatch.bind(this));
    return this._updateStatus();

@@ -145,13 +147,13 @@ export class RdfDbClient {

    // we could call this less often and coalesce patches together to optimize
    // the dragging cases.

    const sendOne = (patch: any, cb: (arg0: any) => any) => {
      return toJsonPatch(patch, (json: string) => {
        log("rdfdbclient: send patch to server, " + json.length + " bytes");
        log("send patch to server, " + json.length + " bytes");
        if (! {
          throw new Error("can't send");
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