Changeset - 1bb30b0eaa38
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0 1 0 - 20 months ago 2023-06-03 22:46:04
1 file changed with 9 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -23,22 +23,23 @@ MAX_SEND_RATE = 30

_lastSet = {}  #midictlchannel:value7bit

currentFaders = {}  # midi control channel num : FaderUri
ctx = URIRef(showUri() + '/fade')


def compileCurrents(graph):
        new = getChansToFaders(graph)
    except ValueError:
        return  # e.g. empty-graph startup


def getGraphMappingNode(g: ReadOnlyConjunctiveGraph|SyncedGraph) -> URIRef:
def getGraphMappingNode(g: ReadOnlyConjunctiveGraph | SyncedGraph) -> URIRef:
    mapping = g.value(L9['midiControl'], L9['map'])
    if mapping is None:
        raise ValueError('no :midiControl :map ?mapping')
    midiDev = g.value(mapping, L9['midiDev'])
    ourDev = 'bcf2000'
    if midiDev != Literal(ourDev):
@@ -47,15 +48,17 @@ def getGraphMappingNode(g: ReadOnlyConju


def getCurMappedPage(g: SyncedGraph):
    mapping = getGraphMappingNode(g)
    return g.value(mapping, L9['outputs'])

def setCurMappedPage(g: SyncedGraph, mapping: URIRef, newPage:URIRef):

def setCurMappedPage(g: SyncedGraph, mapping: URIRef, newPage: URIRef):
    g.patchObject(ctx, mapping, L9.outputs, newPage)


def getChansToFaders(g: SyncedGraph) -> Dict[int, URIRef]:
    fadePage = getCurMappedPage(g)
    ret = []
    for f in g.objects(fadePage, L9.fader):
        columnLit = cast(Literal, g.value(f, L9['column']))
        col = int(columnLit.toPython())
@@ -76,17 +79,18 @@ def changePage(g: SyncedGraph, dp: int):
        allPages = sorted(current.subjects(RDF.type, L9.FadePage), key=lambda fp: str(fp))
        mapping = getGraphMappingNode(current)
        curPage = current.value(mapping, L9.outputs)
    if curPage is None:
        curPage = allPages[0]
    idx = allPages.index(curPage)
    newIdx = clamp(idx + dp, 0, len(allPages)-1)
    newIdx = clamp(idx + dp, 0, len(allPages) - 1)
    print('change from ', idx, newIdx)
    newPage =allPages[newIdx]
    newPage = allPages[newIdx]
    setCurMappedPage(g, mapping, newPage)


def writeHwValueToGraph(graph: SyncedGraph, ctx, fader: URIRef, strength: float):'setFader(fader={fader}, strength={strength:.03f}')
    valueLit = decimalLiteral(round(strength, 3))
    with graph.currentState() as g:
        fadeSet = g.value(fader, L9['setting'])
    if fadeSet is None:
@@ -152,13 +156,13 @@ class WriteBackFaders:
        nupdated = 0
        m = getChansToFaders(g)
        for midi_ctl_addr, f in m.items():
            fset = g.value(f, L9.setting)
            # could split this to a separate handler per fader
            value = g.value(fset, L9.value).toPython()
            hwcurrent = self.getCurrentValue(midi_ctl_addr) 
            hwcurrent = self.getCurrentValue(midi_ctl_addr)
            hwgoal = int(value * 127)
            print(f'{f} {hwcurrent=} {hwgoal=}')
            if abs(hwcurrent - hwgoal) > 2:
                self.sendToBcf(midi_ctl_addr, hwgoal)
                nupdated += 1
'wrote to {nupdated} of {len(m)} mapped faders')
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