Changeset - 1bda494a8c3a
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 12 years ago 2013-06-05 23:44:33
attempted fix for FilePath making paths absolute (when they need to stay relative since they're used in uris)
Ignore-this: 3bf04175136af9f1f7e823f875209303
1 file changed with 11 insertions and 9 deletions:
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@@ -190,68 +190,70 @@ class WatchedFiles(object):
                    for base in filenames:
                        self.watchFile(os.path.join(dirpath, base))
          , autoAdd=True,
            self.initialLoad = False

    def dirChange(self, watch, path, mask):
        if mask & IN_CREATE:
    def watchFile(self, inFile):
        """consider adding a GraphFile to self.graphFiles"""
        if not isinstance(inFile, FilePath):
            inFile = FilePath(inFile)
        if not inFile.isfile():
        consider adding a GraphFile to self.graphFiles

        inFile needs to be a relative path, not an absolute (e.g. in a
        FilePath) because we use its exact relative form in the
        context URI
        if not os.path.isfile(inFile):
        if inFile.splitext()[1] not in ['.n3']:
        if os.path.splitext(inFile)[1] not in ['.n3']:

        # an n3 file with rules makes it all the way past this reading
        # and the serialization. Then, on the receiving side, a
        # SyncedGraph calls graphFromNQuad on the incoming data and
        # has a parse error. I'm not sure where this should be fixed
        # yet.
        if '-rules' in inFile.path:
        if '-rules' in inFile:
        ctx = self.uriFromFile(inFile)
        gf = GraphFile(self.notifier, inFile.path, ctx,
        gf = GraphFile(self.notifier, inFile, ctx,
                       self.patch, self.getSubgraph)
        self.graphFiles[ctx] = gf

    def dirtyFiles(self, ctxs):
        """mark dirty the files that we watch in these contexts.

        the ctx might not be a file that we already read; it might be
        for a new file we have to create, or it might be for a
        transient context that we're not going to save

        if it's a ctx with no file, error
        for ctx in ctxs:
            g = self.getSubgraph(ctx)

            if ctx not in self.graphFiles:
                outFile = self.fileForUri(ctx)
                self.graphFiles[ctx] = GraphFile(self.notifier, outFile, ctx,
                                                 self.patch, self.getSubgraph)

    def uriFromFile(self, filename):
        if isinstance(filename, FilePath):
            filename = filename.path
        assert filename.endswith('.n3'), filename
        return URIRef(self.topUri + filename[:-len('.n3')])

    def fileForUri(self, ctx):
        assert isinstance(ctx, URIRef), ctx
        if not ctx.startswith(self.topUri):
            raise ValueError("don't know what filename to use for %s" % ctx)
        return ctx[len(self.topUri):] + ".n3"

class Db(object):
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