Changeset - 1c590824dd14
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David McClosky - 20 years ago 2005-06-18 16:59:04
chase logic is (mostly) fixed, integrate with curvecalc
Also add some quick names for chases
2 files changed with 18 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -6,30 +6,37 @@ todo: curveview should preserve more obj
from __future__ import division
import xmlrpclib,time,socket,sys,textwrap,math,glob,random,os,optparse
from bisect import bisect_left,bisect,bisect_right
import Tkinter as tk
from dispatch import dispatcher
from twisted.internet import reactor,tksupport
import twisted
from twisted.web.xmlrpc import Proxy

import run_local
from light9 import Submaster, dmxclient, networking, showconfig
from light9.TLUtility import make_attributes_from_args
from light9.TLUtility import make_attributes_from_args, dict_subset
from light9.zoomcontrol import Zoomcontrol
from light9.curve import Curve, Curveview, Curveset, Curvesetview
from light9.wavelength import wavelength
from light9.uihelpers import toplevelat

import light9.Effects
fx_dict = light9.Effects.__dict__
all_fx = fx_dict['__all__']
expr_helpers = dict_subset(fx_dict, all_fx)
del fx_dict
del all_fx

class Music:
    def __init__(self):
        self.player=None # xmlrpc Proxy to player

        dispatcher.connect(self.seekplay_or_pause,"music seek")

    def seekplay_or_pause(self,t):

    def current_time(self):
        """return deferred which gets called with the current time"""
@@ -56,24 +63,27 @@ class Subexpr:
    def __init__(self,curveset,expr=""):
        self.curveset = curveset
        self.lasteval = None
        self._smooth_random_items = [random.random() for x in range(100)]
    def eval(self,t):
        if self.expr=="":
            dispatcher.send("expr_error",sender=self,exc="no expr, using 0")
            return 0
        glo = self.curveset.globalsdict()
        glo['t'] = t

        # add in functions from Effects

        glo['nsin'] = lambda x: (math.sin(x * (2 * math.pi)) + 1) / 2
        glo['ncos'] = lambda x: (math.cos(x * (2 * math.pi)) + 1) / 2
        glo['within'] = lambda a, b: a < t < b
        glo['bef'] = lambda x: t < x
        glo['aft'] = lambda x: x < t
        glo['smoove'] = lambda x: -2 * (x ** 3) + 3 * (x ** 2)

        def smooth_random(speed=1):
            """1 = new stuff each second, <1 is slower, fade-ier"""
            x = (t * speed) % len(self._smooth_random_items)
            x1 = int(x)
            x2 = (int(x) + 1) % len(self._smooth_random_items)
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from __future__ import division

def chase(t, ontime=0.5, offtime=0.5, offset=0.2, onval=1.0, 
def chase(t, ontime=0.5, offset=0.2, onval=1.0, 
          offval=0.0, names=None, combiner=max):
    names = names or []
    period = ontime + offtime
    # maybe this is better:
    # period = ontime + ((offset + ontime) * (len(names) - 1))
    period = (offset + ontime) * len(names)
    outputs = {}
    for index, name in enumerate(names):
        # normalize our time
        local_offset = offset * index
        local_offset = (offset + ontime) * index
        local_t = t - local_offset
        local_t %= period

        # see if we're still in the on part
        if local_t <= ontime:
            value = onval
            value = offval

        # it could be in there twice (in a bounce like (1, 2, 3, 2)
        if name in outputs:
            outputs[name] = max(value, outputs[name])
            outputs[name] = combiner(value, outputs[name])
            outputs[name] = value
    return outputs

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # a little testing
    for x in range(80):
        x /= 20.0
        output = chase(x, onval='x', offval=' ', ontime=0.3, offtime=0.6,
        output = chase(x, onval='x', offval=' ', ontime=0.1, offset=0.2,
                       names=('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
        output = output.items()
        print "%.2f\t%s" % (x, ' '.join([str(x) for x in output]))
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