Changeset - 1f3e105a893c
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Drew Perttula - 9 years ago 2016-05-30 21:41:01
predicate_objects support on SyncedGraph
Ignore-this: 9c2f3642e0601a9712c5c0ede8e9cc16
1 file changed with 16 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -99,12 +99,17 @@ class AutoDepGraphApi(object):

    def subjects(self, predicate=None, object=None):
        func = self._getCurrentFunc()
        self._watchers.addPredObjWatcher(func, predicate, object)
        return self._graph.subjects(predicate, object)

    def predicate_objects(self, subject):
        func = self._getCurrentFunc()
        self._watchers.addSubjectWatcher(func, subject)
        return self._graph.predicate_objects(subject)
    def items(self, listUri):
        """generator. Having a chain of watchers on the results is not
        well-tested yet"""
        chain = set([listUri])
        while listUri:
            item = self.value(listUri, RDF.first)
@@ -139,12 +144,13 @@ class _GraphWatchers(object):
    store the current handlers that care about graph changes
    def __init__(self):
        self._handlersSp = {} # (s,p): set(handlers)
        self._handlersPo = {} # (p,o): set(handlers)
        self._handlersSpo = {} # (s,p,o): set(handlers)
        self._handlersS = {} # s: set(handlers)

    def addSubjPredWatcher(self, func, s, p):
        if func is None:
        key = s, p
@@ -156,12 +162,15 @@ class _GraphWatchers(object):
    def addPredObjWatcher(self, func, p, o):
        self._handlersPo.setdefault((p, o), set()).add(func)

    def addTripleWatcher(self, func, triple):
        self._handlersSpo.setdefault(triple, set()).add(func)

    def addSubjectWatcher(self, func, s):
        self._handlersS.setdefault(s, set()).add(func)
    def whoCares(self, patch):
        """what handler functions would care about the changes in this patch?

        this removes the handlers that it gives you
@@ -184,12 +193,19 @@ class _GraphWatchers(object):
                              [(s, p, o) for s, p, o, c in patch.delQuads])
        for triple, funcs in self._handlersSpo.iteritems():
            if triple in affectedTriples:
        affectedSubjs = set([s for s, p, o, c in patch.addQuads]+
                            [s for s, p, o, c in patch.delQuads])
        for subj, funcs in self._handlersS.iteritems():
            if subj in affectedSubjs:
        return ret

    def dependencies(self):
        for debugging, make a list of all the active handlers and what
        data they depend on. This is meant for showing on the web ui
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