Changeset - 21505e66de02
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 16 years ago 2009-06-13 18:11:57
update song paths
Ignore-this: 12493c581712e88f55580171b0ed0978
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ show:dance2009 :playList (
sh:song1 rdfs:label "1 opening";		:showPath "dance2009/01-out.ogg" .
sh:song2 rdfs:label "2 newyork tap";		:showPath "dance2009/02-newyorkmix.ogg" .
sh:song3 rdfs:label "3 hawaii";			:showPath "dance2009/03-hawaii0.ogg" .
sh:song4 rdfs:label "4 cheek";			:showPath "dance2009/04-cheekout.ogg" .
sh:song5 rdfs:label "5 paris";			:showPath "dance2009/05-parisout.ogg" .
sh:song4 rdfs:label "4 cheek";			:showPath "dance2009/04-cheekout-denoise1.ogg" .
sh:song5 rdfs:label "5 paris";			:showPath "dance2009/05-parisout-vol1.ogg" .
sh:song6 rdfs:label "6 africa";			:showPath "dance2009/06-africaout.ogg" .
sh:song7 rdfs:label "7 latin tango";		:showPath "dance2009/07-latinout.ogg" .
sh:song8 rdfs:label "8 bandstand";		:showPath "dance2009/08-bandstandout.ogg" .
sh:song9 rdfs:label "9 asian";			:showPath "dance2009/09-asianout.ogg" .
sh:song10 rdfs:label "10 jitterbug";		:showPath "dance2009/10-jitterbugout.ogg" .
sh:song10 rdfs:label "10 jitterbug";		:showPath "dance2009/10-jitterbugout-denoise1.ogg" .
sh:song11 rdfs:label "11 tequila";		:showPath "dance2009/11-tequila.ogg" .
sh:song12 rdfs:label "12 walkin tap";		:showPath "dance2009/12-walkin.ogg" .
sh:song12 rdfs:label "12 walkin tap";		:showPath "dance2009/12-walkin-denoise1.ogg" .
sh:song13 rdfs:label "13 istanbul";		:showPath "dance2009/13-istanbul.ogg" .
sh:song14 rdfs:label "14 folk";			:showPath "dance2009/14-folkout.ogg" .
sh:song15 rdfs:label "15 western";		:showPath "dance2009/15-westernout.ogg" .
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